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Valleyfair (VF) Discussion Thread

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As much as people say "Valleyfair sucks", I don't disagree, at least in certain regards (waterpark, coasters, etc), but bottom line is I'm renewing my pass for next year. It's better than sitting on my deck or driving to Six Flags all the time.

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^ Already? I didn't even get a chance to respond yet (I received my email on Monday). Would have liked to go just to see what it was about since they have never offered anything like this.

Yup, that's what I said! Tried to sign up when I got the email but I didn't have my card on me and they wanted my season pass holder number. So, today I finally remembered to grab it before work and I log on to sign up and it says it's sold out. I feel like it should be for all season pass holders, not just the ones who happen to sign up before it's sold out.

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^You need to calm down--and fast. In order to get respect, you have to give it.


When I respect everyone in this damn thread I would at least expect not people attacking me with every post! You respect me I'll be MORE than happy to respect you! I don't need to clam down look at all the attacks I get with every POST!

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If you don't like what the park has to offer, then take your business elsewhere. Don't whine that you have been a "loyal customer" and the park doesn't meet your personal needs.


Then once you boycott, don't complain that you didn't get a coaster again, because you refused to visit and support the park. The parks that get coasters are the ones that have a very large attendance base and can pay off the investment quickly.

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^ That is true, but I am still not renewing my families passes for next year or anytime if something decent doesn't get added to the park. I was really getting excited about the prospect of getting a Delirium type ride (one of my favorites at KI and Cedar), but of course we don't get that. Instead VF gets Flyers.......wow, super awesome and wonderful and all that.


Once you have ridden WT and Renegade a few hundred times it just becomes mundane and boring to ride them, when there is literally zero thrill left on the two big coasters it is time to walk away.


Oh right I forgot there is also that exciting really amazing bike show........yeah that will be pulling the people in from nowhere.


My eight year old and 10 year old are done with VF, just because they are younger doesn't mean they don't like big rides and thrills. VF really needs to stop building (as my kids put it), little kid baby rides and put something in that is fun.

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They need to get some decent slides as opposed to the little kid baby slides that were put in last year.


Two 90-100 foot vertical drop slides are kid baby slides? I don't think you're going to see a taller slide complex than what they put in last year. Does any Cedar Fair park besides Valleyfair have close to 100 foot tall vertical drop slides? Not that I can recall. The only other ones I've been to and seen in person are Oceans of Fun and Soak City at Cedar Point, and they didn't have anything close to that. There is something you negative Nancys can be happy about. Cedar Fair just put in the Millennium Force of water slides at Valleyfair and nobody appreciates it. Only Valleyfair fans...

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I guess your sarcasm detector is turned off. I appreciate them. The poster above me obviously does not.


Haha, my bad Mdcastle. It's been a long week. My week has going the same way this thread is going..


For those that have gone the past couple Saturdays, how have crowds been the past couple weekends? Are most the long lines for the Haunts? Are ride lines ever long during the day and night?

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^ You probably should put that photo in the Nickelodeon Universe thread.


For those that have gone the past couple Saturdays, how have crowds been the past couple weekends? Are most the long lines for the Haunts? Are ride lines ever long during the day and night?


The lines are short during the day but expect to see one train operations on HR and CS for sure all day with Renegade in the morning if not all day. But with the lighter crowds the lines are no longer than 15-20 minutes if not shorter. You will see crowds start to pick up around 5-5:30 pm as they start to show up for Haunt and the ride lines usually start to get busier during that time until 7:00 pm and then they thin out again since most want to hit the Haunts. Last week was perfect weather, looks decent again this weekend. I will be there Saturday during the day to get some laps in.

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Then once you boycott, don't complain that you didn't get a coaster again, because you refused to visit and support the park. The parks that get coasters are the ones that have a very large attendance base and can pay off the investment quickly.


For the parks to have large attendance numbers they build new attractions and coasters to attract customers, VF might want to try that for thrill riders once a decade. Amusement parks are like all businesses, they adapt, upgrade or die. Supporting the park like you say doesn't guarantee a new thrill ride at all either. If anything, it reinforces to management that the decisions they are making are OK and to keep on that course.

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Then once you boycott, don't complain that you didn't get a coaster again, because you refused to visit and support the park. The parks that get coasters are the ones that have a very large attendance base and can pay off the investment quickly.


For the parks to have large attendance numbers they build new attractions and coasters to attract customers, VF might want to try that for thrill riders once a decade. Amusement parks are like all businesses, they adapt, upgrade or die. Supporting the park like you say doesn't guarantee a new thrill ride at all either. If anything, it reinforces to management that the decisions they are making are OK and to keep on that course.


But if attendance were to decline, where would the justification of building a new coaster be? I'm sure that in a few years, VF will at least get something bigger, but if people were to stop renewing passes and visiting, that will be a big problem.

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But if attendance were to decline, where would the justification of building a new coaster be? I'm sure that in a few years, VF will at least get something bigger, but if people were to stop renewing passes and visiting, that will be a big problem.


On their current trend of family rides, pass sales would logically only be affected once the "family" is no longer the focus. A.k.a. a series of high-thrill rides.

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But if attendance were to decline, where would the justification of building a new coaster be? I'm sure that in a few years, VF will at least get something bigger, but if people were to stop renewing passes and visiting, that will be a big problem.


If attendance and season passes decline then the park has to ask themselves 'Why did that happen?'. After evaluating that question maybe they come to the conclusion it was a lack of big new thrill ride and that would be their justification for building a new one to try and get the attendance back. That could be a justification to build a new thrill ride or coaster. Just like Carowinds did with Fury 325 to attract more visitors. Like any business, you have to spend money to make money. On the other hand maybe they come to another conclusion of why attendance dropped off and go another direction to get that attendance back in a way that has nothing to do with a thrill ride or coaster.


You say that if people stop renewing passes that will be a big problem. It will only be a big problem to the park, not the customers. Doubtful, but maybe an attendance problem could get so bad that they would sell VF to another owner. Possibly an owner that would be willing to invest in the park more than CF does to try and grow attendance. Maybe a new ownership group who sees more potential in the park and would be a little more risky and drop more money into the park than CF to see how far they could take it. That would be a nice problem.


VF is not a charity, it is a business and responds to the revenue made (or not made) at the park and acts accordingly to their strategy. I agree with you that VF probably will get a new coaster in 3-5 years. If/when it does add a new coaster I will be the first in line to buy a season pass again and gladly come back to the park and reward the park for that decision. Until then though I will just visit once a year during the twilight fee time since there is nothing new for me at the park over the last 9 years and I have become bored with it and just cannot support VF as a business anymore the way I did.

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Cedar Fair has just been so obsessed with B&M latley, but those are expensive so the smaller parks don't really get them. I think they should try some new, CHEAP brand on Valleyfair like exactly what they did with GCI. That was a good move because Cedar Fair seems to like these GCI coasters now and they are cheap. You can get some good coasters for cheap prices. Wasn't Full Throttle like 6 million? I just think CF needs to venture out a little more. Yeah yeah I know reliability blah blah blah... There is risk at stake, but not having a coaster this long with no signs of one soon is an issue and they really just need to take a chance.

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Just got back from the haunt. You guys are crazy, I thought pretty much every maze was good this year. Maybe I was expecting less because of the reviews on here so I had low expectations. Whatever it was I had a really fun time. I could tell they were low on staff for the mazes but the attention to details with the props makes up for it. I was not expecting much with the human(e) experiment, but I really liked it. I did not make it to mangler asylum, but maybe next Friday. The lines were weirdly short for everything. also, was sad the food truck is no longer available on the dining plan??? Not sure why that is, the soup and sandwich sounded good! Plus got to ride the renegade tonight with renegade Mike and Matt the PR guy (bonus). It was a good night.

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Cedar Fair has just been so obsessed with B&M latley, but those are expensive so the smaller parks don't really get them. I think they should try some new, CHEAP brand on Valleyfair like exactly what they did with GCI. That was a good move because Cedar Fair seems to like these GCI coasters now and they are cheap. You can get some good coasters for cheap prices. Wasn't YOLOcoaster like 6 million? I just think CF needs to venture out a little more. Yeah yeah I know reliability blah blah blah... There is risk at stake, but not having a coaster this long with no signs of one soon is an issue and they really just need to take a chance.

I wouldn't mind seeing a new coaster with a cheap price tag as long as it's a fun ride. I'd personally like to see VF get a Chance Hyper GT-X like Lightning Run at Kentucky Kingdom ($7 million) since I've heard that ride has some extreme airtime. However, I am a little worried that if they bought a cheap coaster, it might be a low-quality ride like a Boomerang or an SLC.

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