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Coaster with best Speed

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What coaster have you ridden has the best sensation of speed?



Avalanche at Timber Falls has great speed, and it is rather small for a wooden coaster. However, you go over hills and turns with great speed, and the train feels like it will fall apart soon. The second section is even better as you go through more turns and are low to the ground and coaster itself.

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TTD. I haven't had the pleasure of going to SFGAdv, but I'm sure that extra 8mph or so won't effect me too much more than the origional 400 footer. That being said, my inital reaction to Dragster's launch on my first ride was about: OMG IM GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!3577^%&!Q.

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I don't understand the votes for TTD or KK. They have an incredible Thrill and Acceleration, but, at least for me, they have no "Speed Feel". You launch, go up, go down at high speed but directly in the brakes again. You never have time to even realize the speed. MF on the other hand maintains the speed throught many turns. For me, there is much more feeling for speed on MF than TTD.

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^^ Well, isn't the launch part of the "speed feel?" As far as pure speed burst, I'd say KK's or Hulk's launch....the short amount of track in front of you adds to the OMG factor. In terms of a ride maintaining it's speed throughout...MF or The Voyage.

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Kingda Ka- I didn't really like the ride too much until I rode in the front row...Now that was a feeling of speed, and it even gave me a free hair-dew (sp) I told my mom that, and she said, "Even if it gives peolp a free blow dry, I'm not going on!"

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The Incredible Hulk feels like you are going really fast during my second favorite part of the ride, the big turnaround after the first loop. You go down under the tunnel and shoot back up, go around an overbanked turn and back down. I kinda wish I brought goggles on that ride, I hate having wind blown into my eyes.

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for me, any indoor coaster gives you a speed feeling. also, at sfot, mr freeze gives the feeling of speed, because of the loops, and wingover. titan also gives alot of speed feeling, as in you feel like you are going 100 rather than 85. also, the end of texas giant where it weaves in the track is the best feeling of speed ive had on a wooden coaster!


ive rode kingda ka, and i wasnt too impressed. 5 seconds-launch station, 30 seconds, rides over. there are not very many gs and its 10 seconds long. BIG waste of money. they shouldve built another millenium force. much better.

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For one huge burst of speed, I would have to go with Kingda Ka (It's the fastest coaster in the world, it better have some sort of sensation of speed).


For sustained speed, my vote is for Millennium Force or El Toro. Those two don't seem to let up untill the ride's over.

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V2 at SFGAm is great. Especially when you're waiting at the gates to get on the ride. A train full of people flying past you at 70MPH is CRAZY! The ride is best at night because the front spike causes you to lose all orientation of where you are. Also, on the back spike, the view is great. (only at night, though)

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