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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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"Over time, with the money you've spent repairing your 20 year old car, you could have put a healthy down payment on a 2010 Charger." (Skycoastin Steve)


I agree with your statement (except the part about buying a Chrysler product. ).


But remember, too, that there are a lot of older cars on the road for one reason or another---their owners feel that the fun of driving them is worth any cost. (I bought a brand new 1983 Toyota Supra and drove it till 2002. I'd have kept it going, but just couldn't afford to have everything done to save it.)


Some parks have rides that are 30, 40 years old and they're kept up because they're popular with guests. I don't know where Ninja stands with guests, but I've seen some pretty long lines for it over the years. For sure I'd miss it.



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The SFMM team has already proven themselves fully capable of removing coasters because of upkeep cost concerns. Freefall, Flashback, Psyclone...


If there was another ride that actually did fall into that category, I doubt you'll be sitting around wondering for any length of time whether it costs too much in maintenance to continue operation.


Also, a couple of those rides made the park famous (when six flags bought the park). Such as Colossus and Viper.


Viper was constructed long after Six Flags bought Magic Mountain.

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The problem with removing any ride is each ride may not be liked by you but who knows the GP might think DejaVu is awesome. Personally DejaVu is the first ride I'd get rid of then Superman. That's just my opinion.

Andrew "Or Bulldoze Terminator" Iorio

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Some parks have rides that are 30, 40 years old and they're kept up because they're popular with guests. I don't know where Ninja stands with guests, but I've seen some pretty long lines for it over the years. For sure I'd miss it.


Generally the only times I have seen Ninja have any kind of line in about the last 5 years is when they run one train on a day when the park is crowded and even then I have not seen it reach passed 15-20 minutes. I think this is probably due to low capacity caused by one trains ops and the lift hill at the end making the line move really slow. In my experience, when they have one train on a day with light crowds or two trains on a crowded day Ninja has been a walk on regularly. When I was there last July and August the park was near capacity judging by the full parking lot and Ninja was still a walk on or a one train wait on both visits. I would miss any SFMM coaster if they removed it, but Ninja is the one I would miss the least.


^ Deja Vu is my 4th favorite coaster at the park after X2, Tatsu and Goliath.

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^It was a joke. ^^ I realized that Deja Vu is popular with other people its just that 1. I don't like the ride 2. it has low capacity and 3. It sorta needs a lot of maintenance to keep it going.

Andrew "None of this will happen so why argue?" Iorio

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^Screw the theorheticals, by sending an empty train every other cycle thanks to T:STR's "not permitted to skip" pre-show, Deja Vu probably does have a better capacity.


Ninja may not be the scariest or most popular ride in the park but it signifies one awesome aspect of the mountain, it uses the terrain to it's advantage throughout the circuit (which has always set this park apart from a lot of others). Also, it was one of the first "big coasters" for my brother and I when our parents started taking us to Magic Mountain way back when, and we LOVED the hell out of it! No doubt the young'n's these days probably feel the same, and IMO if there's any kind of "family coaster" list of the park, Ninja should be on it.


I also think Deja Vu is one of the sickest, scariest rides at the park, in the top 3 with X and Tatsu. When you look at that top 3, that's a serious list of intense rides that are VERY unique in coaster type, are not for the faint of heart, and they're all at one park. Even if you don't like the ride, you gotta admit, its pretty unique to have a single park which offers such a variety of coasters.

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Quick question for the older people. Was Ninja ever floorless? The reason I ask was because I remember riding and my dad said that he didn't remember the floor on this ride, and I argued Ninja has always been like that.

Andrew "Even when I was 7 I was observant" Iorio

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^^^ That's a great point and probably the strongest reason that Ninja should stay. The parks current souvenir guide even lists Ninja under "thrill seekers in training" rather than "moderate" or "maximum" thrills. For my personal preference it is just not as enjoyable as their other coasters since I mostly only enjoy the most extreme thrill rides.

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I think it's kinda pointless saying what you like/don't like about the parks' coasters because the park will remove whatever they want. Rides like The Chiller at SFGAdv, Deja Vu at SFGAm and SFOG, Shockwave at SFGAm etc. are all examples of this. They were favorites to some people but the park decided to remove them anyway for other more important reasons.


That said, I don't think we need to worry about SFMM removing another coaster for at least a few more years.

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"Quick question for the older people. Was Ninja ever floorless?" (cooksta77)


Older people...that would be me. Ninja's trains are exactly the way they were in 1988 except for the Asiany train and seat numbers they added. But having floorless trains on it would make it a lot of fun. Vampire, the suspended coaster at Chessington World of Adventures in England, was retrofitted with floorless swinging trains built by Vekoma as shown in this picture from The Roller Coaster Database:




Edited by ebl
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^I think I've heard too that they aren't as intense in the swinging either. Without the pods, and with (what appears to be) only one row of seats per section, the mass of each car is substantially less than when it had the floored cars. And with less mass comes less momentum, and subsequently less swinging out. But I'm sure people who have actually ridden it could provide better insight than I can.

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For Vampire, I wouldn't say it ruined the ride, it was a very tame Arrow Suspended to begin with. Think XLR8 or Iron Dragon, not BBW or Eagle Fortress.


The Vekoma Trains do a lot LESS swinging, and make the coaster track and train much easier to maintain. At one point Everland was in talks with Vekoma to see if putting the floorless trains on Eagle's Fortress would help.

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