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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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^ I agree. Especially after receiving the title for most coasters in a themepark, I doubt they want to lose that honor again.


I think this has already been noted, and it would crack me up if they did, what if Cedar Point gets in a dinky little portable coaster for their kid's area this year, just to spite SFMM. That would be so Dick.


Kinzel, that is...


On Ninja, does it run significantly better at night like Vortex at Canada's Wonderland does? I've been to SFMM many times but haven't ridden it at night.

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I think this has already been noted, and it would crack me up if they did, what if Cedar Point gets in a dinky little portable coaster for their kid's area this year, just to spite SFMM.


That would be an awesome work of spite. It would be even more hilarious if they started a kiddie "coaster war". That's all either chain has money for now anyway.

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^ I agree. Especially after receiving the title for most coasters in a themepark, I doubt they want to lose that honor again.


I think this has already been noted, and it would crack me up if they did, what if Cedar Point gets in a dinky little portable coaster for their kid's area this year, just to spite SFMM. That would be so Dick.



That might work if the law wasn't put in place in Ohio where parks/fairs are not allowed to operate portable coasters

Edited by kidcoaster 2
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I think this has already been noted, and it would crack me up if they did, what if Cedar Point gets in a dinky little portable coaster for their kid's area this year, just to spite SFMM.


That would be an awesome work of spite. It would be even more hilarious if they started a kiddie "coaster war". That's all either chain has money for now anyway.


The Intimidators and a $10M flume disagree with you.

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^ I agree. Especially after receiving the title for most coasters in a themepark, I doubt they want to lose that honor again.


I think this has already been noted, and it would crack me up if they did, what if Cedar Point gets in a dinky little portable coaster for their kid's area this year, just to spite SFMM. That would be so Dick.



That might work if the law wasn't put in place in Ohio where parks/fairs are not allowed to operate portable coasters


To make it even more ironic Cedar Point could buy the roller skater from Kentucky Kingdom, they could call it Snoopy's World Record Coaster.


Out of curiosity (I'm not trying to be smart) but how does Ohio classify a coaster as portable? I mean Wildcat at CP might fit the bill as a portable but obviously it has met some legal criteria.

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To make it even more ironic Cedar Point could buy the roller skater from Kentucky Kingdom, they could call it Snoopy's World Record Coaster.


Out of curiosity (I'm not trying to be smart) but how does Ohio classify a coaster as portable? I mean Wildcat at CP might fit the bill as a portable but obviously it has met some legal criteria.


I'll just take a stab at this. I believe a portable would no longer be considered portable once it had concrete footers and was anchored to the ground (although I honestly have no idea if Wildcat is anchored despite working at CP for 2 years). I would think that being anchored into the ground instead of just being one big unfolded mass of metal sitting on the ground would make it not portable anymore.


Laser at Dorney was the textbook definition of portable, the entire ride sat on stacks of wood!

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^ I agree. Especially after receiving the title for most coasters in a themepark, I doubt they want to lose that honor again.


I think this has already been noted, and it would crack me up if they did, what if Cedar Point gets in a dinky little portable coaster for their kid's area this year, just to spite SFMM. That would be so Dick.



That might work if the law wasn't put in place in Ohio where parks/fairs are not allowed to operate portable coasters


To make it even more ironic Cedar Point could buy the roller skater from Kentucky Kingdom, they could call it Snoopy's World Record Coaster.


Out of curiosity (I'm not trying to be smart) but how does Ohio classify a coaster as portable? I mean Wildcat at CP might fit the bill as a portable but obviously it has met some legal criteria.


I think Wildcat was safe because of how long it has been sitting there. But I know the carnival operators got screwed out of the deal and it is causing IX Indoor Amusment Park attendance to drop because it is not allowed to operate its main attraction.

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^^I'm pretty sure Wildcat is on wood blocks (someone please confirm), didn't there used to be a joke at CP, that if they wanted to move it they would just get all the staff - lift and walk.


Anyway, token SFMM reference, wow X2 is so cool and rad.

Edited by downunder
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Regarding those Vekoma trains, for the ride experience, I don't see what the point of adding them would be. With less swinging momentum the ride would be even more tame than it already is for an enthusiast. With the open seating it could scare off young riders which may be trying to work their way up from Gold Rusher to the bigger coasters. Although not technically the same, I think those open trains would make Ninja look like "Batman light" to many people. Possibly too extreme for the youngest riders and a lesser version of another coaster the park already has to many other people.

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^ I wasn't aware of that. Seems like not long ago all four trains were there---two running and two stored at the bottom of the hill. Are parts still available? Obviously, Arrow is out of business---would S&S supply them?



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Didn't Ninja get XLR-8's old trains when SFAW closed?


I have a hard time believing that SFMM can't get parts for those trains, since the only real parts that are unique to that ride are the absorbers between the cars and other miniscule stuff. Other than that, the actual passenger compartment and car itself are pretty much identical to an Arrow looper like Viper, from the OTSR's to the harness release pedal. If they can fix Viper, they can fix Ninja; for the absorbers, technically they could use shocks from Pep Boys (although there could be technical specifications they have to meet; I was a ride operator, not a mechanic, so I wouldn't know details on that).


I'm going to speculate that the other trains have been dismantled and may be undergoing an overhaul in their maintenance shop... a freshening if you will. Those trains definitely need some love.


-- R.C.

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Just a quick question would X2 have problems with getting parts or is it just the suspended coasters from Arrow? I have thought over 30 years would X2 become like the suspended coasters? Also who made the new trains for X2?

Andrew "I don't have to worry for a while" Iorio

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With it's huge popularity, uniqueness and the additional $10M they invested in it only two years ago, I would say it's safe. I have had visits when X2 had a 1.5-2 hour line and every single other coaster was a walk on. I would go into a severe depression if anything ever happened to it. It's my #1 coaster of everything I have rode.

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