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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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^ You are correct sir. Seriously no one came into the station for a good 10 mins! I'm really looking forward for next year now, too sweeeeeeet!

I thought I saw you in the station. Anyway this was an awesome event can't wait unil next year. SFMM should make this a yearly thing.

Andrew "Season Passholder Appreciation day 2010" Iorio

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I had 13 rides on X2 last night awesome! I thought I saw Eric on Terminator but I wasn't sure. That was by far the best day at Magic Mountain I've ever had. Hopefully SFMM does this again because it was awesome.

My final ride tally

X2-13x (Going for 15)



Everything else-1x.

Andrew "Thanks SFMM for a GREAT EVENT!" Iorio







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Not to pop anyone's bubble, but do we know SFMM will have this event next year? It was great that they did this time, but I'd rather assume this was a one-time thing and not expect it next year, only to be disappointed.


But if they do it again, great. I hope they do.



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Johan Willoughby’s Brutal Planet – Six Flags Magic Mountain’s largest maze is currently going through “Fright-struction”. More information will be released soon.


Yeah, but Brutal planet was around last year, and the year before that and then some more years before that. We will just see if its a total revamp or if they are just putting the same maze back into that warehouse

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A few pictures from last nights event…

Kudos on the decorations!


We rode Rev first. Rough ride, but bareable…


Tatsu was closed when we first got there, but was running after we came back…(around 9)


Not being able to ride Tatsu, we headed to Déjà Vu.


Misters were added to the station fly through for those who hadn’t noticed…


Eduardo’s Grill employees were happy to give us FREE water in designated cups…


Just to be a jerk, I stuck a “Thriller” pose…


All in all, The Mountain gets a HUGE thumbs up from me. For management to open the park for us for 6 hours, and to open virtually every ride, was outstanding to say the least. The park really has come a long way…and it really did make me feel appreciated as a pass holder, and has made a smart return investment as I plan to continue business with the park…

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I'm happy to hear the event was a success. Regardless of whether or not they do this again next year, I'm still getting an SFMM season pass next year instead of a KBF pass. I've been a Knott's pass holder for two years now and we don't get a coupon book or special events or anything. SFMM really knows how to treat their loyal guests.

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Sometimes you have to spend a little to make a little...



Very well put. The event was great and I'm still getting my Xtreme Play Pass next year even if they don't do an event. I really think this was a smart event to put on by SFMM and I hope they continue to do this as annual thing. The one thing I'd like to see them do is something Cedar Point does, If you buy the Xtreme Play pass you get in an hour early to the park. To me that would be a little bonus and they could raise play pass prices because I do think they are kind of cheap.

Andrew "I hope they do an event next year" Iorio

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Not to pop anyone's bubble, but do we know SFMM will have this event next year? It was great that they did this time, but I'd rather assume this was a one-time thing and not expect it next year, only to be disappointed.


But if they do it again, great. I hope they do.




Well you know that SFMM reads this forum, and usually responds well to the kind of feedback that has been given thus far from the SP Day.


Glad to read everyone who went enjoyed themselves very much!

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Scream of Scream! – Music and Screams make this the wildest, twisted steel experience in the West!


Did I read that correctly or am I just imagining that they are adding Halloween stuff to Scream?


The park places concert style speakers throughout the footprint of the ride, so at key moments you hear music blasting.

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Not to pop anyone's bubble, but do we know SFMM will have this event next year? It was great that they did this time, but I'd rather assume this was a one-time thing and not expect it next year, only to be disappointed.


But if they do it again, great. I hope they do.




Weird, SFDK has been doing these for years now (ours is Sept. 18th), I assumed the rest of the chain held these events too. Better late than never, I'd guess this will most likely become a new annual SP perk at SFMM.

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The second raven turn is pretty rough no matter where you sit. For me, it's the hardest part of the ride to get through. As I always say, I feel that you should never have to "learn" how to ride anything, but on X2, it's necessary.



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