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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Apologies, Robb. Reposting here:


If I'm thinking this right... with a regular Flash Pass, say there's a 90-minute standby wait for X2. The system reserves your boarding time for 90 minutes later (i.e. whatever time you would have been waiting anyway), and you go do other things for an hour-and-a-half and come back?

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Wow. That really sucks about DejaVu's single rider line being removed. It is going to feel very weird waiting in the regular line. Aside from that, I'm very pleased with the rest of the park changes and am looking foreword to the Terminator Backstage Tour @ WCB.

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For X2's flashpass: Is it "Disney-style", where you getting a reservation 1hr after opening gets you a ride a 6pm, or will they stagger the flashpass reservations throughout the day?

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For X2's flashpass: Is it "Disney-style", where you getting a reservation 1hr after opening gets you a ride a 6pm, or will they stagger the flashpass reservations throughout the day?


The X2 reservations are staggered throughout the day and at hourly intervals, I believe.


The $10 is just for one ride, however, and if you wanted to go more than once, you'd have to pay another $10. In addition, you set your times in advance with the Flash Pass Center employees.


I tried out the regular flash pass yesterday (albeit with the Xtreme passholder discount) with the X2 add on. I still ended up waiting 30 min. to get on X2 because traffic was backed up at the loading stations.

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I still ended up waiting 30 min. to get on X2 because traffic was backed up at the loading stations.

Is that good for a Saturday, though? I spoke to someone today who said they waited 90 minutes for X2. 30 minutes doesn't sound THAT bad off for the ride!



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$10 for 1 ride on X2, that's a bit rich.


I guess everyone will have to stay fit for the running of the bulls to X2 and then the a run over the mountain to get a few on Deja Vu before the crowds get there - given the single rider line is not there anymore and no flash pass for DV.


The limitations of the X2 add on, no Deja Vu and no Batman on Flash Pass really detracts the value of the system to me.

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30 min. for X2 is very good for a Saturday but I'll definitely think twice in the future about ponying up $10 just for one ride. I need to start convincing myself that I need not go on X2 every time I'm out at the park.




downunder, don't forget - it's going to be a run to Deja Vu + Terminator!

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I hope the removal of the Deja Vu single rider line is only temporary. Deja Vu is already low capacity to begin with, and is now a few months away from being right next to the brand new coaster. That can't be good for the line!

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For X2's flashpass: Is it "Disney-style", where you getting a reservation 1hr after opening gets you a ride a 6pm, or will they stagger the flashpass reservations throughout the day?


The X2 reservations are staggered throughout the day and at hourly intervals, I believe.


The $10 is just for one ride, however, and if you wanted to go more than once, you'd have to pay another $10. In addition, you set your times in advance with the Flash Pass Center employees.


I tried out the regular flash pass yesterday (albeit with the Xtreme passholder discount) with the X2 add on. I still ended up waiting 30 min. to get on X2 because traffic was backed up at the loading stations.


So originally I thought the regular flash passes were going to be included in the Xtreme passes, at least that's what my renewal flyer said a couple months ago. So with the discount how much are they now for Xtreme passholders? and wasn't the upgrade for X2 originally going to be $5?. Just curious what brought about the change.

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Yes, and if you go with the Gold option, that 90-minute wait instantly becomes slightly less than 25 mins. That basically means if you reserve X2 while around the Riddler's/Batman/Scream! area, your time will be up by the time you walk to X2's entrance.


Well, you can reserve X2 multiple times throughout your day. Reserve & ride early, then reserve & ride after lunch, then reserve & ride a few hours later. Use the Q-Bot to ride X2 as many times as possible, and suddenly that $10 becomes 100% worth every penny.


^ You are completely confusing me here. From my understanding you pay $10 at the FP center and reserve a time to ride X2 at that time. You do not have the option of reserving a time on the QBot while strolling the park and you don't get to ride X2 over and over.

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^ You are completely confusing me here. From my understanding you pay $10 at the FP center and reserve a time to ride X2 at that time. You do not have the option of reserving a time on the QBot while strolling the park and you don't get to ride X2 over and over.


Well that's what I get for only reading the picture of the sign for the X2 upgrade. Must have missed those posts a page or so ago about the limitations. Guess those are the 'details' you find out about from the team member when you ask about it. You can basically disregard that whole quote...


$10 per reservation seems harsh, but, I guess when it's X2 with its capacity, those are the established parameters. It's still better than no X2 Flash Pass option at all.

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