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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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One thing I find interesting: if there is supposedly a new coaster addition for 2009, and it won't be going in Psyclone's old spot (and I feel pretty certain that it would not go in Flashback's old spot, either), where would it go?


Having looked at the pictures of where Spin Out was, if they demolished the old Dragon station too, they could fit a medium sized family coaster in that spot. It seems pretty reasonable considering that area of the park gets a lot of traffic.

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^Good point. I wonder if some of these departing rides are also intended to facilitate making room for some new additions. When I was looking at the old Sierra Twist space, I thought that would be a pretty good location for a drop tower.


I know a few people are speculating about the upcoming addition being one of the El Loco rides, but I don't think so; all of the stuff I have heard said whatever was going in for 2009 would not have inversions, so it will be very interesting to see what the park has up their sleeve. If it were an S&S coaster, something like PowderKeg through the trees around the mountain would be great.


Right now, I'm more excited about X2 than anything else, but I am still pretty anxious to see what the five year plan for the park entails.....

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Maybe they will put a Gondola from the Swiss Twist to the Spin Out and back. The Old one ran from I think from about the Ninja Station to where Superman Escape Also another one was from Ninja area down to where the go carts are now.

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^ Parks are actually on an aerial tramway removal trend. Here in California, only CGA, Sea World, and the San Diego Zoo still have theirs.


And, for the record, the old Eagles Flight at SFMM ran from the station in Samurai Summit (which is still there) along where Superman--The Escape now runs, and down to a station about where the S:TE tower is. The second line ran from the top of the mountain down to about where the queue for now-gone Freefall was.



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I heard on KNX traffic report today about 11 A.M. that traffic on I-5 around Magic Mountain was at a standstill. They said a lot of people were going to the park while others were headed out of town.

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^Good point. I wonder if some of these departing rides are also intended to facilitate making room for some new additions. When I was looking at the old Sierra Twist space, I thought that would be a pretty good location for a drop tower.


I know a few people are speculating about the upcoming addition being one of the El Loco rides, but I don't think so; all of the stuff I have heard said whatever was going in for 2009 would not have inversions, so it will be very interesting to see what the park has up their sleeve. If it were an S&S coaster, something like PowderKeg through the trees around the mountain would be great.


Right now, I'm more excited about X2 than anything else, but I am still pretty anxious to see what the five year plan for the park entails.....


Yeah they were VERY clear that this new ride would have no inversions, so the El LOCO is out, unless there is an inversion-less version, and what would be the point?


Who knows what this could be. The "family coaster" label is throwing me.

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Joey, Robb and I did a park walk on Saturday evening. Expect an update/PTR up by tomorrow afternoon. With the exception trash in a few areas it was a great evening at the park.

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Since they've obviously already chosen and don't care what I think, I WISH IT WAS AN EL LOCO, that's such a neat idea, it would be a perfect replacement for Flashback, although maybe where spinout was not near HH, since that should be a deluge in that space, a lift hill water slide?


That's my vote. A pony express clone would be idiotic. My 10 year old sister wants to ride X and goliath, not gold rusher. I mean, who are they selling to, the market that's driving KNOTTS down the tubes? Seriously.


Anyway, just being bitter, they know i'll come and ride anything so bring it on! They shouldn't have mentioned it now X2 will get swept under the rug, without any more theming what's going to draw people to it? How many people were there today, lots, but the parking lot didn't cross into overflow. Wonder how the summer will go?


Goldrusher^2 in 2009!! It's gold rushyier!

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That's my vote. A pony express clone would be idiotic. My 10 year old sister wants to ride X and goliath, not gold rusher. I mean, who are they selling to, the market that's driving KNOTTS down the tubes? Seriously.



The market that is driving KBF down the tube is the same market that SFMM was trying to cater to during the "dark days."

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Thats the same thing i was thinking, but then also the could do like X and have two sides to load.


My guess would be yes it would be similar to the EL LOCO design. Not in the way that their made, but the fact that their is more then one train.


But, don't quote me on that one because i'm not an S&S expert, But i'm sure their would be it wouldn't make sense not to have more then 1 train.

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^Yeah, I think Ninja pretty much already serves that purpose, with its 42" height requirement. It really should be something unlike anything else at SFMM, with a low height requirement and no upper height restriction. I think an El Loco would be perfect, but Mark Shapiro is biased against inversions, so we'll see.

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