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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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There are a lot of people that claim to know ALL the songs in X's queue line, but I don't think I've ever seen a correct complete list of every song.


And for some reason New Order's Confusion is always left out, or is mixed up with some Crystal Method song. The problem is that many of the songs are edited, mixed and weaved into each other.


I will confirm that New Order's Confusion is definitely one of the songs (although the vocals are edited).

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Riddler's Revenge is a lot smoother than other stand ups (at least that's what I thought). If you just follow the rules provided I don't think that you would have a problem.


Thanks! oh btw, your avatar pretty much sums up how it felt to ride Vortex at CGA!

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Any tips for a 6' 3" person looking to ride Riddler's Revenge? I think the last stand up coaster I rode robbed me of the options to create offspring....


I'm 6'2'' and it's doable. I went to WCB with a friend who's 6'5'' and we did Riddler's twice. The only ride he complained about as having tight restraints was Viper.

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Any tips for a 6' 3" person looking to ride Riddler's Revenge? I think the last stand up coaster I rode robbed me of the options to create offspring....


I'm 6'2'' and it's doable. I went to WCB with a friend who's 6'5'' and we did Riddler's twice. The only ride he complained about as having tight restraints was Viper.


Do you usually ride with your knees locked? I didn't get a chance to ride Viper when I visited. Hopefully I can squeeze it in next time.

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Any tips for a 6' 3" person looking to ride Riddler's Revenge? I think the last stand up coaster I rode robbed me of the options to create offspring....


I'm 6'2" -- I don't have a problem in the offspring-equipment department, but I get my shoulders mashed on that ride. I swear they only make the upper part of harnesses in one height. I always have to have a ride-op mash it down for me to lock the belt in. The jewels never seem to be that big of a deal, though.


Good luck riding!

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Riddler's Revenge is a lot smoother than other stand ups (at least that's what I thought). If you just follow the rules provided I don't think that you would have a problem.


Thanks! oh btw, your avatar pretty much sums up how it felt to ride Vortex at CGA!



Oh man Vortex has always been brutal from the day it opened. For such a small coaster, it packs a punch. That little whip turn right before the corkscrew at the end always bashes my skull.

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Riddler's Revenge is a lot smoother than other stand ups (at least that's what I thought). If you just follow the rules provided I don't think that you would have a problem.


Thanks! oh btw, your avatar pretty much sums up how it felt to ride Vortex at CGA!



Oh man Vortex has always been brutal from the day it opened. For such a small coaster, it packs a punch. That little whip turn right before the corkscrew at the end always bashes my skull.


Any tips for a 6' 3" person looking to ride Riddler's Revenge? I think the last stand up coaster I rode robbed me of the options to create offspring....


I'm 6'2" -- I don't have a problem in the offspring-equipment department, but I get my shoulders mashed on that ride. I swear they only make the upper part of harnesses in one height. I always have to have a ride-op mash it down for me to lock the belt in. The jewels never seem to be that big of a deal, though.


Good luck riding!


Thanks for the tips!

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I'm 6" 2" and had no issues with Riddler's last summer when I was about 240 lbs. I've since swollen slightly to a little over 250 lbs and I wasn't able to get the belt buckled on the OTSR during WCB. I was a little bummed that I wasn't able to ride, but it gave me the incentive to lose some poundage that I really should get rid of anyway. In any event, the family jewels were still quite intact and unscatched after my rides last summer so I doubt that anyone an inch or 2 taller would experience any significant discomfort. Of course, you kinda have to have the procedure down for being in a comfortable position before the restraints are locked in height-wise, but I'll assume that most people here know that drill. I learned the hard way, a long time ago on CGA's Vortex, that being locked in an incorrect postion on a stand up can be a considerably unpleasant experience, particularly for males.

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Moving back to SFMM related topics, the Six Flags Magic Mountain Spring Break Out Extreme Guitar Hero Competition at Golden Bear Theater in High Sierra Territory will wrap up on Thursday from 12 to 3, with the Finals from 4-6. If you like Guitar Hero, YOU HAVE GOT TO COME to the finals to see the top 160 rockers from the week's competition. There will four winners for each levels: 1st place: $500, 2nd place: $350, 3rd place: $200. Come check it out.


Apparently someone will be posting a youtube video of me playing "Through the Fire and Flames" on easy level, against one of the other players playing on expert. I'll give a link if I see it and am not too embarrassed.


My name is William,

and I am SIX FLAGS!

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I was at Six Flags today it ran very smooth to me. The people working their were very attentive. I still didn't understand why they are running one side only on tatsu, but hey i never understand most of the stuff they do. Another huge surprise was the fact that Deja Vu was open and running smoothly.


Sorry i don't have any pictures, be sure to post some next week when i go.

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I'm 6" 2" and had no issues with Riddler's last summer when I was about 240 lbs. I've since swollen slightly to a little over 250 lbs and I wasn't able to get the belt buckled on the OTSR during WCB. I was a little bummed that I wasn't able to ride, but it gave me the incentive to lose some poundage that I really should get rid of anyway. In any event, the family jewels were still quite intact and unscatched after my rides last summer so I doubt that anyone an inch or 2 taller would experience any significant discomfort. Of course, you kinda have to have the procedure down for being in a comfortable position before the restraints are locked in height-wise, but I'll assume that most people here know that drill. I learned the hard way, a long time ago on CGA's Vortex, that being locked in an incorrect postion on a stand up can be a considerably unpleasant experience, particularly for males.


Oooo, please instruct me on the procedure, or at least what you do. The first two rides I experienced on a stand up were both very uncomfortable in the baby maker zone.

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I'm very happy to hear that Dejavu is running again. I'm going to California for the first time in a couple of days and the main purpose for the trip originally was to ride Dejavu. I wanted to make sure that I could get my ride on it, just in case it were ever removed like the other two.


Does anybody know if there is a possibility of soft opening on X2 in the near future? I know that they said Memorial Day opening, but I'm still keeping my fingers crossed.


Thanks for all the updates everyone.

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