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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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I don't care too much for Viper, never really had a good experience on the ride


I would highly suggest you go ride it. Ever since the ride got its repaint, its been running incredibly smoother.

Im here in the cyber cafe, took your advice and went on Viper. I sat in the third car. It was really rough still and barely enjoyable. I'm headed for Goliath again.

It's pretty crowded today

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I don't care too much for Viper, never really had a good experience on the ride


I would highly suggest you go ride it. Ever since the ride got its repaint, its been running incredibly smoother.

Im here in the cyber cafe, took your advice and went on Viper. It was really rough still and barely enjoyable. I'm headed for Goliath again.

It's pretty crowded today

Try the front seat of Viper, its alot better then the Back. I should be at Viper around 3:30.

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During Viper's downtime, the track was repainted and all of the cars were refurbished.


Precisely. It has to do with the refurbishment of the trains, not the paint. You could feel when you rode the wheel gap was much tighter and the bogie's weren't tugging. It really helps when the wheels aren't slamming between the rails like an older, worn-in train would be.


^The metro as far as I know has been around from day 1, it's old and doesn't meet the required codes to be operational. The park doesn't want to invest in it because they say there's no way to market it, and the profit to debit margin really isn't profitable.


But like they said at WCB, they have a 5 year plan, hopefully down the road a transport ride will come into the picture. It would really make the park a nicer place to visit for everyone.

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Take it for what it is worth, but Tim Burkhart said that Metro is no longer up to code and that it was far too cost prohibitive to rehab it. However, they didn't rule out some sort of park transportation for the future.

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I'll be very happy if that land is used for Hurricane Harbor. I hope the extended queue area also gets allocated to HH as well. In fact, you could take the whole strip all the way down to Sierra Falls, turn Sierra Falls around so that it's pat of the water park and that's quite a large HH expansion!



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That area would be ideal to expand HH.


In re Metro not returning, I think the comment they made at WCB was something along the lines that for what it would cost them to get Metro running they could get a B&M coaster, so apparently they would be looking at a substantial investment ($15 million+)to get it up and running again.


One thing I find interesting: if there is supposedly a new coaster addition for 2009, and it won't be going in Psyclone's old spot (and I feel pretty certain that it would not go in Flashback's old spot, either), where would it go?

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In re Metro not returning, I think the comment they made at WCB was something along the lines that for what it would cost them to get Metro running they could get a B&M coaster, so apparently they would be looking at a substantial investment ($15 million+)to get it up and running again.


It would really cost that much for the Metro to be up and running again? I guess that is really a pity. They should do something with that I think... tear it out and build a more reliable transport system. I've been to parks with and without trains (and maybe it's just me and I'm lazy) but I always stay longer if I know I don't have to walk a mile and back from one area of the park to another when I can just take a train to the front of the park. Also, having a train or a metro type of attraction is kind of relaxing and fun as well! Take Disney for example!

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I had that same question, where would the next coaster be?

I always answer the same way whenever someone asks this question -


"Where ever they want to put it!"


No matter where you think a coaster may or may not fit. If the park has an idea in mind, they will MAKE it fit!


Think about when X was built. Did anyone here expect a new coaster out in the old bus parking lot with a new bridge to extend that area?


Before Tatsu was built, did anyone expect a new coaster that spread across the top of the mountain?


Did anyone think that Knott's would be able to build *TWO* new coasters in the area where Bullet and Sidewinder are now?


The moral of the story always is: If they want to build it, they will find the room!



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^Very true.....parks will always find room. Knott's continues to amaze me with their creative uses of space (which in some places make me think of a real life RCT park). I know they will make room at SFMM for whatever 2009 brings, I'm just curious as to where they will be making room!

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I know it won't happen, but I'll like SFMM to have a indoor rollercoaster like Space Mountain or Rock N Roll Rollercoaster at Disney/MGM studios. Maybe they can dig into the mountain and put it inside it.


Also, maybe they can tunnel through the mountain so you can walk from one side to the other saving some time off the walk.

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^An indoor roller coaster or even a dark ride would be a bonus, I think. Unfortunately the budget for a decent dark ride has to be very high, or else it will seem cheap, or "crappy." Something like a Sally dark shooting ride works better for a smaller park, I think. There already is a tunnel thru the mountain, but it was for the Metro.

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There is a tunnel for the Metro, but it's to one side of the Mountain between Superman Escape and Ninja next to that Restaurant. I don't think it's usable for a shortcut to walk through.


I do remember getting off the Metro. They would announce, "Stay clear of the opening doors. And enjoy your stay at Magic Mountain" I always got a kick out of that for whatever reason.

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Thats sounds like its welcoming you to the park, like something that should be said when your at the front gate.


"enjoy your stay at Magic Mountain" was said just before you got off most of the rides at the park. I don't remember anything said this last time around. Maybe it was, "please exit to your left" and that was it.

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CBS is going to have a CSI interactive show.



What if CBS also sponsored the Orient Express and turn it into a Scandinavian theme ride based on the "Price is Right" As the re theme Orient Express ascends the Mountain yodeling is played and flags pop up as in the TV show. Of course you couldn't have the ride go over a cliff. Originally the Orient Express was I think called the Funicular. It would add some branding that Americans of all ages can identify with. Maybe the Price is Right could tape a week's worth of shows there. This would also be a cross promotion on CBS television to advertise the new CSI interactive show.


Far fetched, but I have ideas.

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