ebl Posted March 24, 2008 Share Posted March 24, 2008 "...I would think it would be inexpensive to put in a variable-speed chainlift." (Revolucion) The ride already has one. We had an event out there sometime back where "racing Colossus" was advertised, and on one ride, I was about halfway up when the other train was at the bottom, and they slowed us way down to let the other one catch up. Once we were at the same point, they sped it up again. Ideally, if they want to go the racing coaster route, then they should incorporate a layout that doesn't favor one side over another. Of course, that would mean rebuilding Colossus (which would be nice). Eric Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted March 24, 2008 Author Share Posted March 24, 2008 You are calmer then me i would have went off on that person. Well, what I have found is that "going off" on people, especially when you want them to do something for you, is usually the Flash Pass ticket to them NOT doing something for you! If you have a problem with someone, something, etc. Be calm. Be cool. And you probably have a better chance of it working out. Anyway.... I just got back from the park. I wish I could be reporting something a bit better, but I did see some things tonight that really disappointed me. Overall, the park *looks* great. And there were employees everywhere. For a holiday weekend day, it wasn't that crowded, or at least the lines weren't that long. But there were three things in particular that in the span of one hour bummed me out, especially in this time of improvements for the park. Here the are.... 1. Being denied entrance at 7:01pm. I ranted about that already above. But this new policy of closing the front gate turnstiles an hour before the park closes is ridiculous. They have to staff someone at re-entry. Why can't that person also accept a season pass holder? It makes no sense that someone can re-enter the park, but if you haven't been in yet that day, you are denied entry. 2. Lackluster staff. I only had two experiences with the staff tonight, and unfortunately both of them weren't good. The first one was in Cyber Cafe. After I posted my rant above I went to go get coffee and donuts. It would appear that the donut machine had been turned off, and there was a plate of donuts sitting next to it. Not even the heat lamp was turned on. I asked the guy "Are the donuts fresh?" He responded "I don't know I didn't make them." And then he just kind of stared blankly at me. I just said thank you, and walked away. The next experience was in Attitudes (the clothing/candy store near Gold Rusher) where I walked in to buy something and went to the counter. "June" was behind the counter and she was taking to some dude who I am assuming was an off-the-clock employee because they were talking about schedules or something. I stood there for a good 45 seconds or so, my items in hand, no attention was being made towards me at all. I finally said "excuse me, are you open?" and she just reached out her hand to take my items, but still making eye contact and talking to this other dude. It felt weird so finally I asked her "How has your night been?" She stopped talking to the other guy "It's been fine." I mentioned to her that I liked the new employee shirts and how it helps make the employees stand out. "Yeah, well we all hate them" she says. And that was pretty much the end of our conversation! 3. Sky Tower was closed. It wasn't listed on the ticket booth sign so I figured I may have a chance to see the museum since I haven't seen it since West Coast Bash. I trek up the hill only to find two guys standing out front. "We are closed due to wind" they say. I look up at the trees completely still. Looked up at the flag on the top of the tower not flying at all. There is no wind at all from what I can tell. "Ok, thank you." I said, frustrated, but polite. On the way down the hill I ran into Jahan. "Dude, why is the tower closed? It's not windy at all?" He said it had opened with the park and had been down all day due to wind. Once again, I looked at the trees, looked at the flag not flying. There was no wind. I'm not buying it. First off, as soon as the ride goes down, and if they think there is any chance of it being down for the whole day, why isn't the front gate notified so it could be posted? And secondly, I just don't believe that it could have been closed due to wind. At least not right then. I believe it may have been closed EARLIER due to wind and that they just didn't want to open it up again because the park was closing in 30 minutes. And if that is the case, that's an "Old Magic Mountain" thing to do. On one hand I feel really bad posting the 'bad stuff' because the park really has improved leaps and bounds. But I'm told by Jay and Neal that if we see something, we should post it. I know they aren't where they need to be yet, but if we don't point out things like this they may never get there. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to help them bring the park to greatness. --Robb OH! I nearly forgot! I had one of those "dumbest things you've heard the GP say" on the way out of the park tonight! I'm walking to the parking lot with the stroller and this group of people, I'm assumiung are all early 20-somethings, are walking behind me. Here is how the conversation went: "Yeah, this was a good day..." "Have you been here during Halloween?" "No why?" "You need go! They turn all the rides around...BACKWARDS!" (at this point I nearly burst out laughing!) "All the rides?" "Yeah!" "Even Tatsu?" "Yeah, Tastu backwards was TIGHT!" (Nearly lost it here!) "What about X?" "Dude...X is already backwards...but for Halloween...they turn it FORWARDS!" *HYSTERICAL LAUGHTER!!!!* I just couldn't contain it! I don't think they knew I was laughing at them though. I just played it off like Kristen did something funny. Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CaliCoastin Posted March 24, 2008 Share Posted March 24, 2008 If the winds are going to be sustained above what is allowed for that ride I would assume the park wouldnt bother because it wouldnt be worth the trouble closing it down on and off throughout the day. And really, if you go to the park an hour before closing you shouldnt be expecting to have fresh doughnuts and my guess would be they close the gates early to keep out the riff-raff who just come to ride for the last hour and cause trouble. ....granted, all guesses, but they would seem like legit reasons. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
upfrontjwash Posted March 24, 2008 Share Posted March 24, 2008 Yeah your right anger in that situation wouldn't be best. Any situation for that matter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jackskellington101 Posted March 24, 2008 Share Posted March 24, 2008 OH! I nearly forgot! I had one of those "dumbest things you've heard the GP say" on the way out of the park tonight! I'm walking to the parking lot with the stroller and this group of people, I'm assumiung are all early 20-somethings, are walking behind me. Here is how the conversation went: "Yeah, this was a good day..." "Have you been here during Halloween?" "No why?" "You need go! They turn all the rides around...BACKWARDS!" (at this point I nearly burst out laughing!) "All the rides?" "Yeah!" "Even Tatsu?" "Yeah, Tastu backwards was TIGHT!" (Nearly lost it here!) "What about X?" "Dude...X is already backwards...but for Halloween...they turn it FORWARDS!" *HYSTERICAL LAUGHTER!!!!* I just couldn't contain it! I don't think they knew I was laughing at them though. I just played it off like Kristen did something funny. Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! I'm sensing a new selling point for Fright Fest. As with all the "bad stuff" it's baby steps. From what I've seen and heard, there's been some grand strides improving the park, so there's bound to be a few hiccups. It also seems to be these hiccups are in policy and staffing, which always seems to be one of the last things hammered out. I know I'm preaching to the choir, but I think the path is good and the rough spots will smooth. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CaliCoastin Posted March 24, 2008 Share Posted March 24, 2008 I just don't believe that it could have been closed due to wind. At least not right then. I believe it may have been closed EARLIER due to wind and that they just didn't want to open it up again because the park was closing in 30 minutes. And if that is the case, that's an "Old Magic Mountain" thing to do. Sorry for posting again but if you listened to the conference calls Shapiro talked about "Real Time Operation," which means if the attendance levels dont warrant a ride opening back up after that kind of downtime, the ride will stay down to cut costs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SharkTums Posted March 24, 2008 Share Posted March 24, 2008 If the winds are going to be sustained above what is allowed for that ride I would assume the park wouldnt bother because it wouldnt be worth the trouble closing it down on and off throughout the day. And really, if you go to the park an hour before closing you shouldnt be expecting to have fresh doughnuts and my guess would be they close the gates early to keep out the riff-raff who just come to ride for the last hour and cause trouble. ....granted, all guesses, but they would seem like legit reasons. Ok wait...how does Robb getting there late relate to Sky Tower being closed and not having Fresh Donuts? Should the Funnel Cake place at the front of the park not have fresh funnel cakes for the last hour!? Why should the Coffee and Donut place be any different?!! Lots of people stop on their way out to get a snack and coffee for the drive home. The least Cyber Cafe could have done would be to leave the Heat Lamp on. As for Sky Tower being closed, or not wanting to open and close it. You have employees standing outside so it's obviously got staffing, why not make them earn their paycheck! As much crap as we give Cedar Point, at least Cedar Point understands this and opens rides that have been closed all day due to problems 30 minutes before the park closes. They don't just give up and say "oh well, park closes soon anyway, why bother?" If SFMM wants to continue on their upward trend they need to do better in these areas that they've missed the ball on for quite some time. Reopen rides if you can, have food available for purchase an hour before park closing! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ebl Posted March 24, 2008 Share Posted March 24, 2008 This is where some sort of display/electronic sign would come in handy. They could push a button or enter info at the closed attraction and it would instantly update out in front or wherever. But I know that's quite an expense, so I don't expect it, like in a few months or something. Funny stuff what the GP say. Now, they may have been messing around, but still, some people hear that stuff and believe it! But, Robb, do provide some feedback. This will be a good way to "test the waters," as it were. EDIT: I've often wondered if employees "close" because it's almost the end of their shift and they want to spend the last half hour or so "kicking back," which would explain turning off the donut machine. Eric Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CaliCoastin Posted March 24, 2008 Share Posted March 24, 2008 Ok wait...how does Robb getting there late relate to Sky Tower being closed and not having Fresh Donuts? if you listened to the conference calls Shapiro talked about "Real Time Operation," which means if the attendance levels dont warrant a ride opening back up after that kind of downtime, the ride will stay down to cut costs. Im not trying to start an argument, just pointing out the facts. I realize now that two employees standing there means this probably was not the case. If the ride ops were still there, it probably was down due to winds being sustained, it didnt have to be windy at that time. The parks office staff monitors the weather and wind speed and if it goes above however many mph the ride allows it will go down until it is sustained well below that. Their not stupid, they wouldnt keep the staff there if they intended on having it closed all night. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ajinaz Posted March 24, 2008 Share Posted March 24, 2008 Ok wait...how does Robb getting there late relate to Sky Tower being closed and not having Fresh Donuts? The proper response would be, "I have no idea how long those donuts have been sitting there. Can I make you up a fresh batch?" I know that it sounds insignificant but these are the little things that people remember. You can be indifferent or you can make the guest actually feel that the park is there to make your day (or last hour) memorable. I'll never forget the cast member at Epcot that roasted me fresh pecans AFTER the closing announcement. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted March 24, 2008 Author Share Posted March 24, 2008 And really, if you go to the park an hour before closing you shouldnt be expecting to have fresh doughnuts You're right. I shouldn't expect the park to live up to my expectations in the last hour just because everyone wants to go home. they close the gates early to keep out the riff-raff Oh, you are right! All that riff-raff that used to come in the park to sneak in a ride on Goliath or Batman sure did cause a lot of trouble! Good thing they solved that problem. <- Double Rolls Eyes! Using your definition... Robb with baby in stroller = "Riff Raff!" If the ride ops were still there, it probably was down due to winds being sustained, it didnt have to be windy at that time. The parks office staff monitors the weather and wind speed and if it goes above however many mph the ride allows it will go down until it is sustained well below that. Yes, I am well aware of that. We saw this in practice at West Coast Bash. I live 1.2 miles away from the park. It was windy today up until about 5 or 6pm, but the winds died down after that. The entire time I was at the park I saw the flag on the top of Sky Tower completely "limp" (for lack of a better term) which is usually a sign that it's not windy. And the added fact that it wasn't on the closed rides list led me to believe that it would be open. I *know* that when it's windy it can't open. And I have a pretty good sense of how strong that wind needs to be. It may very well have been too windy as I am not a weatherman, but based on my experience it just seemed "odd" to me that it would be closed when it didn't appear to be windy that's all. Otherwise I could totally appreciate and expect the tower to be closed. Im not trying to start an argument, just pointing out the facts. While I apprecaite your comments and opinions, the only people I really trust the "facts" from are nametag wearing Six Flags officials. --Robb "Forget anything I said, this guy obviously knows everything!" Alvey Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jackskellington101 Posted March 24, 2008 Share Posted March 24, 2008 Ok wait...how does Robb getting there late relate to Sky Tower being closed and not having Fresh Donuts? The proper response would be, "I have no idea how long those donuts have been sitting there. Can I make you up a fresh batch?" I know that it sounds insignificant but these are the little things that people remember. You can be indifferent or you can make the guest actually feel that the park is there to make your day (or last hour) memorable. I'll never forget the cast member at Epcot that roasted me fresh pecans AFTER the closing announcement. I agree with your point wholeheartedly, however I've also seen the exact opposite happen at Disney as well. One experence that comes to mind is where Cosmic Rays closed 45 min before park close without any sort of announcement or locking of the doors, just one soul cast member sitting at register saying they're closed with no explanation. During that last hour, and this is no slight to the hard working men and women at quick food, there is definitely a lag because they're ready to get home. As a worker, I totally understand that but as a guest it's difficult to swallow, no pun intended. Because their off times tend to be exactly park close, they really start closing, mentally and sometimes literally, around a half an hour to and hour beforehand. It really depends where you are and the person there. It's all a personnel issue. Now, I'll have to find that cast member at Epcot because they're right on the money and I love me my roasted pecans. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
astroworldfan1 Posted March 24, 2008 Share Posted March 24, 2008 Robb already taught KidTums to punch employees in the face for free doughnuts! Robb is the farthest thing away from "bad" riff raff! Watch Out! Kristen will attack you like a Ninja and come at you like a Spider Monkey! I think the gates should close about 10 minutes before the park closes. MM should be happy to take your money for doughnuts!! -Tatum Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted March 24, 2008 Author Share Posted March 24, 2008 I think the other thing I didn't point out, but probably should have, is that there were at least 10 people inside Cyber Cafe when I was there. So it wasn't like some empty restaurant with employees standing around. There were people at the computers, sitting on the patio, and ordering drinks. I used to work in restaurants at Disneyland and our place would close before the park closed because it wasn't someplace guests visited in the last 2 or 3 hours. But this was a bit different. I waited in a line to ask the guy the question about the donuts. Look, astroworldfan is right... I WAS TRYING TO GIVE THE PARK MY MONEY! Seriously, I really wanted to! After having those donuts hot and fresh last night (OMG, they were so good) I wanted more. Had those donuts at least had the heat lamp on, it would have been cash out of my pocket and into Six Flags' registers. --Robb Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jackskellington101 Posted March 24, 2008 Share Posted March 24, 2008 ^ That does change everything. Then it's bad show, sorry for the Disney term, and that needs to be changed. It needed to be changed beforehand, but that series of events pushes it even further. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
upfrontjwash Posted March 24, 2008 Share Posted March 24, 2008 I agree with you, anyway the part could make an extra buck they should do it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OldJJman Posted March 24, 2008 Share Posted March 24, 2008 Ya know, I really want to believe that the SF management will turn the park around. But such a simple incident such as what Robb experienced really makes me think "Why Bother?" Apathetic employees (such as the girl Robb encountered in the store) have always been a sore point with me, and has been a problem at SFMM for years. For quite a few years, rides were held up due to cell phone conversations being held by ride-ops. Drove me frickin' insane. They wouldn't even take complaints at guest relations as the employees were allowed to have their cell phones on them "for personal emergencies" BS! I do not know if that policy has changed, but if I was on ANY ride that was delayed by ride-op on a cellphone, I'd demand my money back! Cleaning up the midways may be a nice touch, but there are people in the queue lines too. Keep it all as clean as you can. As far as the coffee and donuts thing, it sounds as if the park is not really progressing as thought. While rides are closing at the end of the night, ALL stores near the front of the park should remain open and fully staffed. If it's a real business, you can't sell if it's not open, and I refuse to believe that the operating costs of these stores outweighs the money that can be made by keeping them open 30-45 minutes AFTER the park closes, while guests are filing out. So far, IMO, it's just been a whitewash paint job, and we're told to expect something different. The more things "change", the more they seem the same. JJ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted March 24, 2008 Author Share Posted March 24, 2008 The more things "change", the more they seem the same. I disagree. While the park still has a ways to go, they have made incredible strides over this past year. A one-train operation seems to be an exception rather than the norm lately. Yes, you do see it, but lately it's been due to maintenance reasons or something else. Not do to what appeared to be laziness like it was in the past. And the staff is still not perfect, but you know what? I saw three different supervisors pick up trash last night. I couldn't even tell you a from a year ago if I *ever* saw anyone but PSA picking up trash, and even those guys used to just walk over stuff. We were greeted in the Nintendo Wii shop (I forget the name of it) by a very pleasant employee and even a random security guard offered me a park map. Yes, I ran into two bad examples tonight, but I saw more than 10 *good* examples last night. Overall the park is a much more pleasant place to be than it was even this time last year. I know the heat lamp and fresh donuts is a minor, nitpicky thing, and I'm actually HAPPY that it's these little problems that I'm running into at Magic and not major showstopper issues like "Most major coasters ran 1 train on a busy summer Saturday" like it was in 2004, but still, if you are striving for perfection and to improve guest satisfaction, which I know they are, then you need to be aware of even the little things. These little things do contribute to the overall guest experience. --Robb Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
upfrontjwash Posted March 24, 2008 Share Posted March 24, 2008 That makes no sense to run one train on a major ride, in a major season like summer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jew Posted March 24, 2008 Share Posted March 24, 2008 ^^^Look at it this way: a year ago Robb could have filled a whole page of rants. I don't even think Jay and Neal believe "little things" like this aren't going to happen, but there is no doubt in my mind progress is being made. I'm sure now that these issues have been posted, they will be properly addressed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
astroworldfan1 Posted March 24, 2008 Share Posted March 24, 2008 If it's only one person in a group, let them in for God's sake. The customers are what employ the workers. I think the employees want to end their shift early and leave. Seriously, if it's a horde of 100 people, I'd have to think about it. But, 1 person and a baby?!? Still, without paying customers like Robb and the rest of TPR what would parks be like without the customers?? This is a problem that needs to get fixed, and will get fixed. And all this for a doughnut! I like it! -Tatum Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wrs28330 Posted March 24, 2008 Share Posted March 24, 2008 I'm sure now that these issues have been posted, they will be properly addressed. You better believe it! Having a name and location to go back to helps us correct the situation. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
upfrontjwash Posted March 24, 2008 Share Posted March 24, 2008 I really hope these issues are fixed ASAP!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RIP Psyclone Posted March 24, 2008 Share Posted March 24, 2008 If any employee at Magic Mountain doesn't know who Robb is, they've obviously just fallen off a turnip truck. It is possible the girl at Attitudes just doesn't like Robb, or was taking the name of the store a little too literally. However, getting every employee to be like Jahan, Brandon, Mike, or William is damn near impossible. It doesn't take much to do your job adequately, though, and there's never an excuse for rudeness. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted March 24, 2008 Author Share Posted March 24, 2008 I don't even think Jay and Neal believe "little things" like this aren't going to happen You're absolutely right. It would be unrealistic to think that every moment in the park is going to be "perfect" but at the same time I get the feeling that these guys want to know if anything negative stands out during someone's visit. I think they do want to strive for that perfection but at the same time there is a reality check that says you can't possibly have everything run perfect. It doesn't at Disney, it doesn't anywhere. --Robb "Even TPR has it's bad days!" Alvey Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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