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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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I was there this Saturday too and it was packed. It was a little tough with rides being shut down. There was a great and wonderful thing over at Goldrusher. A complete and refurbished #3 train. It looked and rode like it did in 1971. (Yes I was riding it in 1971) Also the covered car at Revolution is a refurbished ( or maybe new?) car.You can see the wheels and the frame and it looks nice. Thanks SFMM for putting money into your older attractions.

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I want to know why in the heck are they charging so little to get in the park if you go to the website before Memorial Day. You might say, well it's less crowded. Thus, I think it's the advertising, and maybe it's because the new ride is usually never open on time. They blame the weather. It's always the weather. Than, start earlier constructing the ride. They don't advertise enough at my park when the park is about to open.

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The other problem we had was increased loading time due to constantly moving people around on the train. Apparently scream has a few seats modified for larger riders... which is good and all... Universal does the same for the Hulk. The problem is SFMM doesn't mark which rows these are. There should be some sort of banner indicating which rows you should get into if you're heavy. Twice while I was waiting in line they had to pull a group from the front row and send them to the fourth (I believe). You have to feel for the guy who waited extra to get the front, and have to be pulled out in front of everybody when he could have (and should have) tried his luck in the larger seats, and it effectively doubled the load time on two back to back trains. When it was all said and done a solid 12 minutes went by for both of those trains to be loaded.



I think a great solution for this would be to bring out that test seat they have floating around "backstage" and have a sign next to it suggesting larger riders wait for rows 4 and 5.

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^I could not agree more about bringing the test seats out from backstage and making them available at the front of the rides for guests to sit in where they could inform them of many things before they even get in line, especially the seat to accommodate larger riders.


I mean, they act like they're so concerned about dispatch times that they're requiring guests to put items in locker, I don't understand why they don't bring those seats out to the front of the rides so people can understand the restraints before they get on the ride. I remember someone mentioning them at WCB and the higher ups kinda pushed the question aside.

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SFMM is now offering new low ticket prices when you buy them online. Adult tickets are now just $26.99 on the website and starting April 23rd a new deal will go into effect to offer a free child’s ticket (age 3-11) with every $26.99 adult ticket purchase.

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^^I asked Elissa about it a couple of months ago after I saw them in the Job Fair update. At that time she said that they were just used for training, but they were thinking about bringing them out. That's too bad to hear that they didn't discuss it further at WCB.


It makes so much sense to me from both an operational and guest service standpoint...especially if people might be avoiding rides they don't think they can fit on when there might be an accomodation for them. By providing a sign they can take some of the pressure (if there is any) off the operators to move people around the trains.


I for one was suprised to hear about these special seats on Scream as I haven't ridden it yet and there's nothing indicating they'd have them.

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She was going to have to stand on the loading platform as the train went by. She asked if she should stand in the taped off 'safety square' that the staff stand in, and they said no. Luckily, due to the problem I'll outline below, the train was delayed and enough people in line (folks we didn't even know) started complaining that it wouldn't be safe for her that they opened the gate and let her back in line.


Thats Impossible. Screams station on both sides have something called the "Light Curtain." As far as I know, all B&M floorless have them. But its basically a big sensor across the whole floor (much like your garage door). If something is on the floor, then the train won't dispatch. There is no way to bypass it, and the employees know that. Thats why theres tape on the other side, for guests to put there shoes on the other side so it's not in the way of the light curtain. And if something is on the floor when they dispatch, the horn will sound, but the train wont be sent. Thats why you'll hear the panel operator say "Unload Light Curtain." So probably the case was is they open and closed gates quickly (which is how they're trained) thinking that the people in the front row already entered and are putting their shoes on the other side. Once they notice someone standing there, they will check the train, and then once the dispatch operator goes back to his/her position, he/she will re-open the gates the let them back in.

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So probably the case was is they open and closed gates quickly (which is how they're trained) thinking that the people in the front row already entered and are putting their shoes on the other side. Once they notice someone standing there, they will check the train, and then once the dispatch operator goes back to his/her position, he/she will re-open the gates the let them back in.


I'll guarantee you that the person who checks the restraints on the gate side of the train knew someone was standing there. We practically shouted at her "Can I get back in line" She shook her head 'no'. "Can I stand with you?" "Stay where you are" I'll tell you this, we weren't seriously scared or anything, but she was practically hugging that gate back to the line. I have to imagine the light gate is much closer to the train. Can you picture a situation where waving your arm over the gate to the line causes the train not to dispatch?


The train didn't leave because they were shuffling folks around to get them to fit in the bigger seats. Perhaps it couldn't have left anyway, but no horn sounded. The Dispatch operator never tried to send it because they were busy moving folks around. Eventually we had half the people in line yelling at them to get her back in line and they opened the gate.


I am glad to hear that they have mechanical safety measures to protect people from serious ride op mistakes like this.

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I've never seen Deja Vu valley in that spot, I wonder what caused it. I remember that twice before Deja Vu opened I personally was on hand to catch it valley in the Cobra Roll. I know that has been a problem (despite it being a very shallow cobra roll!) for them, hence the evacuation platform they'd eventually end up installing. Never seen it get stuck between the loop and the lift however.

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Yes, that is called a tower 2 miscatch. It didn't latch on properly to the catch car of the lift, and dropped prematurately. The emergency brakes in the loop stopped it, because it may have had enough momentum to clear the loop, then get stuck in the boomerang part, and it would be harder to evacuate riders from there. The rocking motion of the train after the e-stop probably indicates they were trying to get it to reconnect with the tower 2 lift, rather than hastily evacuate. The video has been posted here before, but it's nice to see it again, so it can find a wider "audience."

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Perhaps this has already been asked before (i can't be bothered to search through all 400+ pages) but will X2 feature a new ride soundtrack? I remember when I rode X a few years ago, there was this awful techno music playing in the queue. Hopefully, they'll update that and play some GOOD techno and not some generic crap that only goes uns uns uns...

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^I'd say I don't care much for 3 of the 4 songs that were played in X's queue. However, I thought one of them was okay, and that's the "main" one-- "Confusion (Pump Panel Reconstruction)" by New Order...the one that was in Blade. I think that song is so associated with X that it'll be strange not to hear it anymore.

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I don't know why someone would think this never happens, they installed the evac platform right there for that very reason. It happened when I was about to get on it back on Sunday 4/13. There was no rocking back and forth for any length of time though, those brakes were very efficient at stopping the train.

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^^^I liked X's queue music. I hope similar music is on X2.


Were the people evacuated off the train, or did tower 2's catch car come down to latch onto the train and pull it back up to continue the circuit like in the video?


Because that would pretty much be a routine breakdown for Vu, it really doesn't work out any better than that.

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When deja vu stops there, they have to evacuate the riders. The second catch car doesn't go down far enough to grab the train again. So what they do is evac all of the riders off. Once thats done, they have a winch that pulls the train up to a position where the catch car can grab it, and then reset the ride from there.

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^^^I liked X's queue music. I hope similar music is on X2.


I know, how can you not like Sandstorm!


They played Sandstorm in X's queue?


Unless I'm crazy, it only played in Scream's queue...along with Feel The Beat. God, Darude makes the best coaster music ;D. AND crystal method.

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Confusion Pump Panel Reconstruction Mix is an excellent song. I do agree that it was the only good song played in X's station. And I have to disagree about Sandstorm, that song gets annoying after a while. However, Crystal Method does make some amazing music.


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^^^I liked X's queue music. I hope similar music is on X2.


I know, how can you not like Sandstorm!


Nope, Darude - Sandstorm was not a song played in X's queue. Would have been a good choice, though, I think! Actually, my friend once confused Confusion with Sandstorm.

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