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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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I wonder if Scream will get a new name as well, I hope so cause the name 'Scream' is just so boring and unimaginative



I think I saw over on California Coasters that SFMM President mentioned to him that Scream WAS going to get a name change as well.


Strange...I haven't seen a single report mentioning a new name for Scream (I think I remember one stating it will NOT change), only that it will be repainted and some retheming will occur. There's no reason for it to change, but if for some reason it does I'm guessing it would be in the form of (adjective) Scream or Screamin' (noun).

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So, I moved to California about three months ago, and I just had a stunning realization: I'm an hour from SFMM.


If I make the trip Saturday by myself, what should I expect? Crazy crowds? Are the holiday decorations up yet? Is X^2 operational? (I've been trying to ride that darn thing for 11 years now.)

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So, I moved to California about three months ago, and I just had a stunning realization: I'm an hour from SFMM.


If I make the trip Saturday by myself, what should I expect? Crazy crowds? Are the holiday decorations up yet? Is X^2 operational? (I've been trying to ride that darn thing for 11 years now.)


Never never NEVER go on a Saturday unless you get the platnum pass.. even then...Saturdays are normally taboo for going to amusement parks

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So, I moved to California about three months ago, and I just had a stunning realization: I'm an hour from SFMM.


If I make the trip Saturday by myself, what should I expect? Crazy crowds? Are the holiday decorations up yet? Is X^2 operational? (I've been trying to ride that darn thing for 11 years now.)


Never never NEVER go on a Saturday unless you get the platnum pass.. even then...Saturdays are normally taboo for going to amusement parks

I used to say this too but someone earlier brought up a really good point. If there is a bring-a-friend-free day on a Sunday, going on the Saturday before is actually a good idea as so many people wait for the baff day that the saturday ends up being less crowded. Other than that, normally Friday is least crowded, then Sunday, then Saturday is the most crowded.


Holiday In The Park is underway and X2 is generally operational though I've heard lots of reports that it has been very finnicky lately and going up and down throughout the day. It is actually a great time to visit the park - I've seen reports of very unusual things happening throughout the park on a regular basis recently, such as letting gold pass holders in the park 30 mins early for a rope drop so that the fingerprint scanners dont make them get in after the general guests, using more than one train on everything except Superman (which has the other car in rehab), Tatsu using both sides of the station simultaneously (usually practically unheard of)..they seem to actually be trying to run decent operations for a change.

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So, I moved to California about three months ago, and I just had a stunning realization: I'm an hour from SFMM.


If I make the trip Saturday by myself, what should I expect? Crazy crowds? Are the holiday decorations up yet? Is X^2 operational? (I've been trying to ride that darn thing for 11 years now.)

I went the Saturday before last (Saturday before Thanksgiving) and I've never seen the park so dead. Most rides were a walk-on or a short 10-15 min wait. We rode 14 rides in about 6 hours (which included lunchtime in the parking lot) and ended up leaving early. X2 was open that day. I also went on the following Tuesday (2 days before Thanksgiving) without knowing it was BAFF day and just rode X2 (an hour wait). I didn't stay but the park seemed more busy like a typical Saturday would be. Again, I've never seen the park so unbusy on a Saturday as it was on the day I went, so I guess it's possible but maybe it was because the park was open all week for Thanksgiving and at least one of those days was a bring a friend day?

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If I make the trip Saturday by myself, what should I expect? Crazy crowds? Are the holiday decorations up yet? )


I don't think Saturday the 6th should be to bad. There is a Jamz Cheer and Dance going on all day and gates open at 8:30 am. Even though gates open early i don't think rides will start to function until regular opening time of 10:15. Not sure if you need a special ticket to enter that early so its on you to find that out. As far as Flash or Gold pass I would play it by ear as your just a single and take advantage of single rider lines you just might knock out the park in under 3 hours. Just enter early and beast on FulThro or X2 or Tatsu, or Goliath, really should be good day and seems only discount that day is pass holders can bring a guest for $35 so not a deal by any means.

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For those who were around when SFMM opened a major new attraction... do they usually do any perks for gold pass members? As in, do they have special preview days before it opens to the public? If so, how is it handled? Curious if there will be any chance in h*ll I'll get to ride it without waiting for half the day

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For those who were around when SFMM opened a major new attraction... do they usually do any perks for gold pass members? As in, do they have special preview days before it opens to the public? If so, how is it handled? Curious if there will be any chance in h*ll I'll get to ride it without waiting for half the day

When tatsu opened, they invited premium members out to be apart of their b-roll filming. That was a fun day. Got 14 rides in. One of my fondest memories as a 16 year old.

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I believe they did a soft opening of Yolo and Lex for SP holders too. I don't remember the opening of GL.


Gnome, I got to do one of those promo shoots when Gold Striker opened at CGA and agree that is so awesome to get to marathon a brand new coaster like that. I rode 8 times in a row before they shut it down for the night. They ended up doing 3 more sessions on consecutive days but since it was a 2 hr drive on a work week for me I just did the first night. I did end up being the 5th ever public rider loaded onto the first train though


SFMM is about a 6 hour drive for me in ideal conditions, so the timing would have to be just right for the TC opening.

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQPuA6YPXmE Look how clean and tidy the park looks! Bright and shiny paint, no OTSR, no MCBR...sigh...


Wow, this looks like a waaaay better ride than the current state of Revolution. Was this video taken in the late 80s or early 90s? Hopefully Revolution will be restored to its original glory for its 40th anniversary with new trains with lab bars and eliminating all those unnecessary trim brakes.

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Amazing how after all these years, the ride STILL makes all the familiar noises throughout the course, including the chain dog click speeding up as it starts up the lift, and that patented 5 tempo rumble right after it goes through the loop. Funny you hear that rumble on Montezuma's loop too.


Also, the ride rode A LOT faster through the course which would make it more enjoyable, however even in the video, you can still see those jerks at the top of some of the hills that you may have overlooked with only lapbar restraints. But they definitely are now more noticeable because you feel the OTSR's smack you on your head if you don't brace yourself as you hit those points. Understandable why they'd slow down the chain lift and heavily brake the course to minimize that type of impact after they were added.

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Wow, this looks like a waaaay better ride than the current state of Revolution. Was this video taken in the late 80s or early 90s? Hopefully Revolution will be restored to its original glory for its 40th anniversary with new trains with lab bars and eliminating all those unnecessary trim brakes.


I believe the video said 1987. I always find it strange watching coaster videos from before I was born (1991).

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What's even more frustrating is that SFMM now has one (and soon to be two) coasters with inversions that run with lapbars. Now Full Throttle and Twisted Colossus both have shin bars along with the lapbars, and it wouldn't surprise me that in the case of a train conversion on Revolution, shin bars and seat belts were added to the trains, but I wouldn't mind those additions if it meant getting rid of the OTSRs.

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