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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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I finally got my last ride on Colossus Saturday after having not been on it for a few years. Just as I remembered, a shadow of what I'm sure it once was. I'll be very happy when RMC comes through and makes it into a ride that's worth riding again.


Any ideas on names though? I'm sure they won't end up calling it Colossus 2, that would be stupid and redundant (X2). Wait... That makes it the perfect name!!!


Iron Colossus

Son of Colossus


The New Colossus


Nothing really rings true.

Edit: Word filter got me

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I finally got my last ride on Colossus Saturday after having not been on it for a few years. Just as I remembered, a shadow of what I'm sure it once was. I'll be very happy when RMC comes through and makes it into a ride that's worth riding again.


Any ideas on names though? I'm sure they won't end up calling it Colossus 2, that would be stupid and redundant (X2). Wait... That makes it the perfect name!!!


Iron Colossus

Son of Colossus


The New Colossus


Nothing really ringy dingy ding-a-ling dings true.

Edit: Word filter got me



I could actually seeing them keeping the name, Colossus is pretty iconic, much more so than Rattler or Texas Giant were.

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Has anybody went to Honda ERT? I was curious on how it worked. Do they give you a "ticket" confirming that you are driving a Honda when you arrive at the parking booth? The website states you just show your Honda key and admission ticket for early entry to the park.

The reason I am asking this is because our family has two cars. The wife typically drives the Honda, and will be unavailable to me this Friday. Can I still get in with only my key, even though I did not arrive in my Honda?

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I know. It just seems like it's taking forever. Like the day after Halloween and you want it to be Halloween again already. Then you kinda forget about it and the year moves by pretty quickly, then BAM! this time of year starts rolling around and everyone starts teasing Halloween and the last 2 months till October drag on endlessly. Ahhhhhhhh! Madness! Why is I-Colo not open yet!?

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First time attending Magic Mountain last week and had an awesome time. Went on Tuesday August 5th. Every coaster was operating with full capacity and ride ops were very efficient. Made for an even better day because of people always talking bad about Magic Mountain.I also did have a gold flash pass, so that helped out. Snooks and I kicked it!!

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Yeah, we were kickin' it in California. We cheered on the Colossus marathoners while we were there too. And got two solid flips on GL (ugh). The only things we didn't get on was the left side of S:EFK (it was only open for a few hours in the afternoon), LL:DOD (closed for high winds by the time we made it over there), and Jet Stream (didn't get around to it). Also, I was too fat for the new kiddie coaster (I'll try again sometime).


Even with Flashpass we stayed pretty busy getting Joe all his credits. Without it I doubt we could've gotten on everything (maybe just barely, if we hadn't left the park for lunch and if we'd abused single rider lines)


Question: can you use the Flashpass to ride the left side of S:EFK, or do they only use it on the right side? We'd planned on trying to use for the left but it'd closed again by then so we just did a second ride on the right.

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