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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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I found an error on the park's website. Cobra is listed as one of the rides at the park when it is at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom and is still listed on Discovery Kingdom's website. To add on, many of the rides on the website have no pictures on them so people will think that Lex Luthor: Drop of Doom is the park's carousel.

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Against my better judgements, and because I must subconsciouly hate myself, I'm probably going to Magic Mountain tomorrow. From what I can gather, spring break doesn't hit the town until next week, so we should theoretically be fine for crowds.


X2 will be first, followed by Full Throttle. After that it'll be a fight to find any ride running two or more trains.


Any tips for this hopeless adventure? I'll be sure to return with my ever so kind words about this dreadful place and pictures.

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Against my better judgements, and because I must subconsciouly hate myself, I'm probably going to Magic Mountain tomorrow. From what I can gather, spring break doesn't hit the town until next week, so we should theoretically be fine for crowds.


X2 will be first, followed by YOLOcoaster. After that it'll be a fight to find any ride running two or more trains.


Any tips for this hopeless adventure? I'll be sure to return with my ever so kind words about this dreadful place and pictures.

I was there Monday and some L.A. schools were out, so it was a nice size crowd. Yolocoaster is only running one train so do that first. Scream has one train as does Gold rusher. Skytower is closed because they are working on the elevators. Revolution is closed. Colossus was closed. You can wait until 2:30 to ride X2. For some reason thats the time of the day when the lines get very short.

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I went to the park last April during the week and there was barely no one there. The only ride that had a long line was Tatsu. Apocalypse had a little bit of a wait but that's only because it was running one train. Scream, X2, and Lex Luther were all down.

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Against my better judgements, and because I must subconsciouly hate myself, I'm probably going to Magic Mountain tomorrow. From what I can gather, spring break doesn't hit the town until next week, so we should theoretically be fine for crowds.


X2 will be first, followed by YOLOcoaster. After that it'll be a fight to find any ride running two or more trains.


Any tips for this hopeless adventure? I'll be sure to return with my ever so kind words about this dreadful place and pictures.

Single Rider lines will save you so much time: Lex Luthor, Green Lantern, Riddler, Viper, Revolution.

Whichever of X2 or Yolo that you don't do in the morning, come back around 4/4:30pm and the line is almost always dwindled down to almost nothing. (Edit: I hear Yolo is running one train, so with that in mind I'd do that one first and come back to X2 in the afternoon)

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Thanks for the help guys, but we're not going tomorrow. Dodge a bullet there, haha. The girlfriend has a pinched nerve in her neck and can barely turn her head left to right without it hurting a lot. Rollercoasters won't do her any favors, haha. Thanks for the info, though! I'm sure it was useful to someone!

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Hey everybody! It's been several years since I've posted on this site, my former name was tatsuflyspeedfear. Hope all has been well.


I took kind of a two year break from theme parks and finally went to SFMM again last week. Got to ride Batman backwards. Was a lot of fun and a cool experience, though I still prefer the traditional version of the ride. I felt very disoriented afterwards...which was kind of cool though haha. Also finally got on Drop of Doom, but still need to get my Full Throttle cred.


Got the day off work tomorrow, thinking about heading out. Possible update. Cheers!

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Just watched my morning weather news with Mark Kriski on KTLA and he says LA is on winter storm watch... say what? Its clear as a bell in SCV rt now (7:25am pac time) ...He is so wrong more times then not, so expect a great day today for coasters.

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Well strike me dead. Was pretty good looking day until about 1pm when it got cloudy real fast with storm coming in from Piru area. It hit SFMM around 1:30 and only thing missing was thunder and lighting. Nice amount of quick rain and some hail added it made for some peeps to bail and head to the exits. Light rain lingered for about 20 minutes then it dried up and most had run of the park the rest of the day. All n All wish for this again and again. ... Mark Kriski you were right.

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Time for Disney to buy the park and retheme it for marvel. Put in disney style resort hotels, golf courses. Monorail from resorts to park, etc. Have a giant passenger blimp fly back and forth from Disneyland resort.

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