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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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There is no additional fee for Green Lantern and it is available on all Flash Pass levels. It is backing up the regular line really badly though because of all the Flash Passers are taking up the spots in line. X2 is $15 PER PERSON PER RIDE. Not worth it. At all. I will be there on September 15th as well.

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I actually like the gold better than the platinum on a shorter day because when I have the platinum I feel forced to ride twice in a row, which takes up more time.

I've always wondered about this. Do the employees explicitly expect you to ride twice, so it would create confusion if you didn't? Or do you simply feel you have to ride twice in order to get your money's worth? If I thought the time savings (or an additional coaster offering) would make it worthwhile, I've actually pondered the idea of getting Platinum but still only riding once in a row. But like others have said, wait times generally are comparable in practice between the Gold and Platinum, even though it's supposed to be something like a 50% versus a 90% reduction.

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Why is it going to be insanely busy? I might see if I can make it there that weekend also but if I manage to go it will be Sunday (Saturday plans cannot change.). I've been to this place many many times and although it hasn't been for a year or two, I've gotten there late, ridden everything I've wanted to (at least every major coaster at least once) and left early without one of these Flash Pass Things.

Edited by SLUSHIE
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I emailed them a very long time ago that they should get a floorless inverted ship thing that they have at SFDK called "the hammerhead" hopefully they get something like that in Full Throttle's new themed area and one of those frisbee rides like maXair.

Edited by MylesG4L
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I emailed them a very long time ago that they should get a floorless inverted ship thing that they have at SFDK called "the hammerhead" hopefully they get something like that and one of those frisbee rides like maXair.

maXair and Black Widow = Best Flat Rides. no question.


(Skyhawk included )

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$10 line skips?

Oops I forgot it went up to $15. As others said above for X2 the gold flash pass doesn't work as per normal. You have to reserve a spot ahead of time seperately and it's $15 per person per ride. Only way it's worth it is if you're travelling in from out of town on one specific day and cant get there in the morning and it's one of those 3-hour-line-days and you havent ridden a 4D before..then I say go for it.

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I was a little surprised by the announcement, as with the space opened up by the departure of Log Jammer I had envisioned a larger new attraction, and thought they might be doing some type of hyper/giga coaster in its place, but I have to say that it does look very unique and different, and that it should be an interesting ride. I will agree with some comments that the brake run immediately after the top hat seems to be an abrupt ending and that it would have been great to have more track afterwards. Nice use of the tunnel, and the interaction with the area near Superman looks as if it will be well done! Look forward to riding this someday.


I feel that the reason LJ was taken out was not specifically to add this coaster, but rather due to the fact that the park already has one flume ride and two other water rides and the cost of operation of LJ and its age were the primary reason it left. The massive loop/top hat element here to fill that wide open space, and break a record, does make sense. It would be awesome if the park at some point in the future considered adding another new flume to replace LJ.


It's good to see them working with some different companies for major rides, haven't heard as much from Premier in recent years but it looks as if Six Flags might be working with Premier, B&M and Rocky Mountain Coasters here over the next few years.

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Even though I'm 6' 1", I didn't have a problem with the Sky Rocket trains at all. Granted, I looked up beforehand which seats to avoid if you're tall. But then shouldn't that advice be the same for all new Premier trains in this style?


I'm also about 6'1" and I was notified in advance to sit in the correct seats on Skyrocket at Kennywood. By the time I got there, the park already had signs making sure to tell folks to NOT sit in those 2 seats if you were tall. Perhaps the newer trains have been modified to alleviate that problem?


I really like Skyrocket and it's trains. The older Premier coasters (although I was *crazy* about Chiller when it had the lap bars AND the spiral-flip things) really <> you down in the that seat. Maybe those older trains/lap bars are more comfortable for shorter riders? Either way, those are still fun rides, but I much preferred the newer generation trains on Skyrocket. But I haven't been on the Superman in Vallejo - were the trains further modified for that?


For the record, the only rows that taller people generally have issues with the Sky Rocket trains are row 3 of each car. There was an issue in the ride's first season where the park did not allow taller riders in the forth row, but that was removed after the first season. Also, if I'm not mistaken, changes were made to the trains for SUF so taller riders would have a more comfortable ride in row 3 of each vehicle. Let's not forget that these trains are still young and have only been used on three coasters thus far.

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^Sunday will be fine, probably empty.


Saturday the 15th is the Hallelujah Jubilee and the place is gonna be filled with buses and teenagers from youth groups. It's bad. Very bad. I mean 30-45 minutes for Scream and Colossus bad.


we were there on the weekend with the jubilee in sept 2009. the contrast between saturday and sunday was amazing. sat was packed with teenagers all the way until close - i remember waiting over an hour for superman at 8 pm. sun was a ghost town with mostly walk ons all day.

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Do season pass holders get discounts on the flash pass? Where does one pay for the x2 front of the line pass. ( never been to this park before)

You would make your X2 reservations at the FlashPass booth, so just do that when you're picking up your flash pass. I don't think there's a discount on FlashPass for SPH's, someone correct me if I'm wrong.

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I like it, I just think it would work better if you rolled through the first time, braked slightly, only to roll back and then launch forward after making it back up the flying snake dive. Likely no more than five seconds added to the launch time, less energy expended for launching twice in the tunnel (only one needed), and a much better flow.

Edited by coasterfreak101
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Depending on the effects in the tunnel, it could be pretty dramatic to have that stop there. An extra launch, especially backwards is a good thing though, I think that this sounds much more entertaining than a simple second launch.


I don't really understand the type of complaint about the mid course break and backwards launch as a "waste of momentum", as a roller coaster only aims to entertain, and not to conserve energy. This setup sounds much more entertaining to me, LIM launches rarely fail to thrill.

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Do season pass holders get discounts on the flash pass? Where does one pay for the x2 front of the line pass. ( never been to this park before)

You would make your X2 reservations at the FlashPass booth, so just do that when you're picking up your flash pass. I don't think there's a discount on FlashPass for SPH's, someone correct me if I'm wrong.

If you have an Xtreme pass, there are discounts for Flash Passes.


But if you're interested in getting one for 2013, the Flash Pass discount is a perk they peeled off the rebranded Gold Pass.

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Hey all, first time poster long time lurker


Am I the only one who thinks FT is just awesome? Looks very re-rideable and, imo, looks way better than Excelerator. Not sure what all the hate is about.


Edit** Actually, isn't the ride exactly everything the screamscape rumors said it would be? Multiple launches, use of the monorail tunnel, 160ft loop, going over the superman plaza, and going on the loops spine twice. Maybe that's what let people down so much? Accurate rumors?

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In some FrightFest news, the former Log Jammer station will be converted into a new maze for 2012. Hopefully better than the Warehouse 13 maze of past years

I'm very anxious to see what's in store the Biggest Fright Fest Ever 2. Ever since the exclusive tour of Willoughby's during WCB, I've been dying to know what will be coming.

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If I hadn't have read all the speculation here on TPR, or known anything about the ride, I would've been much happier and more impressed with this addition. It looks awesome and I will be there on opening day!


Thats why we prepare for the worst but hope for the best

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