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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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  VTown661 said:
Heading to SFMM in about a hour to see the hypnotist show at Golden Bear. Word is place is PACKED PACKED PACKED .... but is what it is... might go on Sky Tower for a sunset ride ... How about a zip line from Sky Tower ... lower level is open isn't it and would be easy for platform to be placed and zip to lets say towards old Deja Vue area then back to base of sky tower.


Now THAT would be a cool upcharge attraction.... I would do it for sure!


You could do so many things with it, have the zip line go all over the place, maybe even through the pretzel loop on Tatsu.... awesome!

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  Guy T. Koepp said:
  Nicholas Loya said:
I really hope its for a sky screamer I really don't think it's for Full Throttle though because it would look so silly with rainbow supports lol especially going around the mountain, it just wouldn't look right


People said the same thing about Tatsu when they saw the color scheme. And it looks fine. Don't knock something colorful just because it's colorful.

Good point but Tatsu's color scheme isn't as loud and crazy as those colors in the picture and can you really imagine all of those bright colors around the mountain, it would just look so out of place


  Tmcdllr said:
  Nicholas Loya said:
I really hope its for a sky screamer I really don't think it's for Full Throttle though because it would look so silly with rainbow supports lol especially going around the mountain, it just wouldn't look right


So by seeing just a few random pieces of nothing you think FT could have 'rainbow' supports?


^Guy, you have a good point there Sir.

No someone said that the mystery sticks looked like the supports for I305 and Skyrush

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Everyone knows that these colorful beams are going to be for the rainbow bench plaza sponsored by Skittles. The Rainbow Bench Plaza will feature several colorful Bench: The Ride attractions for higher capacity reasons.


In all seriousness, regardless of Knotts having their WindSeeker and SFDK having their Sky Screamer, having a flat ride/non coaster ride come into Magic Mountain seems to be a good move. I tend to like seeing well-rounded parks that have a bit of everything, gives it a more complete feeling.

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After watching the above mentioned video, I am 99.9% sure those are Intamin supports. There are a couple rainbow colored supports and a bunch of black ones. There are also some Y-Shaped supports that are black.


FrightFest1408, Maybe you could post some screen shots of the close up you did? Or embed the video...

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Face it, the park just bought random beams from a random manufacturer and layed them out in plain sight so that someone would find them and start speculating as to what it could be. Well played, well played.

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