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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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We just had this chat a few pages ago and I didn't get it at first, but whoever explained this to me, thank you, because I'm repurposing and explaining it again for the rest of the world!


A normal Intamin drop tower has one winch system that pulls all of the cars up. Look at any of the existing Intamins, all of the cars are loaded at the same time and lifted together. Once they're at the top, they can drop freely - the cars aren't connected, simply the system that pulls them to the top of the tower.


As far as one side being down affecting the other, look at this video of Tower of Doom at SFA:



One side being closed doesn't affect the other side. It just makes your wait in line longer.

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How Is magic mountain when it's raining? Weather.com Says showers, 40% precipitation, 63 high 43 low. Thanks!!


The park operates in the rain. Certain rides may not operate though due to the weather or temp. Ninja typically does not operate when its too cold, but that's the only one that's affected from what I remember.

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We just had this chat a few pages ago and I didn't get it at first, but whoever explained this to me, thank you, because I'm repurposing and explaining it again for the rest of the world!


A normal Intamin drop tower has one winch system that pulls all of the cars up. Look at any of the existing Intamins, all of the cars are loaded at the same time and lifted together. Once they're at the top, they can drop freely - the cars aren't connected, simply the system that pulls them to the top of the tower.


As far as one side being down affecting the other, look at this video of Tower of Doom at SFA:



One side being closed doesn't affect the other side. It just makes your wait in line longer.


If it is one winch system for all of the cabins then how do you explain the fact that they all ascend at different speeds? If one system lifted them all at the same time they would all be lifted at the same rate. I think what makes more sense is each cabin has its own lift system and when the ride starts they all start lifting at the same time. Drop Tower at CGA is a perfect example of this, if you watch the cabins go up they are always going up at different speeds, they never all reach the top at the same time. In fact in the video you posted, the cabin on the left is slightly ahead of the other one, so they are each being lifted by their own winch but they start lifting at the same time. And also, when one cabin is out of service, like at CGA all the time, that winch does not constantly go up and down with all the others when it runs, it just sits at the top or bottom, which means they are all independant of each other but start lifting at the same time and once all of the cabins reach the top, after the delay, they are all released at the same time.

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Also, it seems that they do not open X2 with heavier rain.

X2 will always operate in the rain, as long as it is not windy. I've ridden it in pouring down rain, but when the slightest wind comes in, they shut it down. They did that one day last summer and that gave us a 2 hour wait for Tatsu. Luckily, it opened at 5:30 PM and it was my last ride of the day (and I was on the front row of the first train of the day!)

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Also, it seems that they do not open X2 with heavier rain.

X2 will always operate in the rain, as long as it is not windy. I've ridden it in pouring down rain, but when the slightest wind comes in, they shut it down. They did that one day last summer and that gave us a 2 hour wait for Tatsu. Luckily, it opened at 5:30 PM and it was my last ride of the day (and I was on the front row of the first train of the day!)

How can you say always? Are you there every single day when it rains? I've been there with heavy rain with no wind at all, and they did not open it for the day. They ended up closing early that day, so I'm guessing they just didn't want to handle the costs of having it open for only a few hours.

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Yesterday, I finally got the chance to go to SFMM after only being there once 6 years ago. Last time I was only 9 years old so I had only rode Ninja, Revolution, Scream, Goliath, and Colossus. So naturally, I was just trying to get on all the major rides.


My group (4 people) got there around 10:00 AM and parked in the first lot somewhat in front of the HH and Colossus. Thanks to the online tickets, we went to the gate and waited, there was a massive crowd of people. Gates opened at 10:31 AM, It took us a good 15 minutes to get in. I took TPR Member's advice and took the Revolution exit shortcut to Tatsu and it worked like a charm. we waited 10 minutes and when we came off the queue was full. We went to the back of the park after, hitting Apocalypse, GL:FF, and Batman. We then had lunch then hit Colossus and Goliath (Major wait). After Goliath we took a short car break, then we decided to brave the X2 line around 4:00 PM, After X2 we hit Viper (ouch) and Revolution (Major ouch). I had a fun day and can't wait to go back to try Riddler's, S:EFK, and LL:DOD!


Observations: I thought the park was clean, and the employees were average, some were actually courteous and funny and seemed excited to be there. Batman had only one train for maintenance, and Riddler's did not operate until at least 2:00 PM if it ever did. I did not see it running once when we were back there all morning and early afternoon. LL:DOD construction was going on and it seems like they are getting ready to starting putting the pieces on the tower.


Mini reviews (Order of riding):

Tatsu (10 minute wait) 9/10 - WOW! this was the ride I was looking forward to the most and it did not dissapoint! I thought it used the terrain very well and the pretzel loop had crushing G's. I also like the fact that when you are going up the lift there is nothing there below you. With a 2 train operation, they were stacking for about 30 seconds to a minute. I could see how this line could go very slow.

Apocalypse (1 train wait) 8.5/10 - My second GCI, the other once being Roar west. I thought this ride was fun and fast and what made it better was no wait and preshows!

Green Lantern: First Flight (5 minute wait, single rider line) 3/10 - I wanted to love this ride, but what's fun about your shoulders getting thrown into those stupid restraints and everything else just hurting in general? I will probably never go on this again unless it had no wait. Just a terrible ride really. I got one flip at the end if anyone was wondering. It gets some points for being unique.

Batman (35 minute wait) 8/10 - After waiting longer than I wanted to on this due to one train, I still loved the ride. Those trains are SO comfortable! It wasn't as forceful as some people make it out to be, but it was still very fun!

Colossus (20 minute wait) 5/10 - I sat in the last row, it hurt like hell. Enough said.

Goliath (1 hour, 30 minute wait) 7/10 - I have no clue why this line was so long but the line was starting at the Giant "I' , The wait was long, boring, but at least it was shaded. I still think the ride had a great drop and some memorable moments. 2 train operation and they were constantly getting the train unloaded and loaded in under the 1 minute countdown clock in the station.

X2 (1 hour, 40 minute wait) 9.5/10 - The wait actually didn't seem that long, It started right after the actual entrance to the ride. The guy was handing out "boarding passes". They were telling you which side to go on and only letting a certain amount of people go at one time. Up at the station, they only allowed about 4 people in each stall, then they would let more in. We got sent to the left side of the station, I sat in the last row of the train, no audio. I actually really liked this ride and thought the first drop was brilliant and shows the use of the 4D technology, I was smiling the whole way through! The only thing I didn't like was that I was sitting on the outside seat and it was rough at times. 2 train operation, no stacking. No flames and it was windy. Still the most memorable of all the rides.

Viper ( 5 minute wait) 6.5/10 - I sat in the "magic seat" and still there was some headbanging. I liked the ride, it had a great first drop and some cool inversions. A decent ride for no wait.

Revolution (5 minute wait) 6/10- First off, I HATE THOSE OTSR's!!!! They ruin such a perfectly good ride by adding those stupid things and braking it unnecessarily. Anton, I'm so sorry. It gets points for having a great layout and being a Schwarzkopf.

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^Sounds good! Going Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thrusday of next week and hoping for it to be a little bit lighter. Drove by the park today and the parking lot was full..FULL. Like close to no spots open. But they weren't using the dirt. Hopefully next week the lot won't fill any further than Colossus. That is a bearable day. What you just told me about sounds VERY crowded. I've been lucky the last couple Spring Breaks. 10 minute wait for X2 by 1 PM on a sunny day.

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I saw some smoke near Colossus about an hour ago while at Chipotle. Anyone know where it came from?


Grass fire nearby.


County firefighters responded to a report of smoke near Rye Canyon Road and The Old Road just after 5 p.m. tonight and discovered a fire, an official said.


“We’ve got three fire trucks and a ground crew out there now,” a Fire Department official said. “There haven’t been any reports of injuries. The fire appeared to originate in the Santa Clara Riverbed.”


The fire had blackened about one eighth of an acre by 5:45 p.m., the official said

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I saw some smoke near Colossus about an hour ago while at Chipotle. Anyone know where it came from?


Grass fire nearby.


County firefighters responded to a report of smoke near Rye Canyon Road and The Old Road just after 5 p.m. tonight and discovered a fire, an official said.


“We’ve got three fire trucks and a ground crew out there now,” a Fire Department official said. “There haven’t been any reports of injuries. The fire appeared to originate in the Santa Clara Riverbed.”


The fire had blackened about one eighth of an acre by 5:45 p.m., the official said

Question answered. Thank you.

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I'm gonna head down to the park tomorrow with a friend and I will try to snap a few pictures for you guys. Hopefully it won't be as crowded as last week.

Probably gonna go tomorrow as well . Hoping the crowds won't be too bad.

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