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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Well, at least the water bill for SFMM should drop considerably / possibly. I am hoping that the replacment is a coaster of some size. After what they pulled off with Tatsu being built into the hillside, looking forward to what can be achieved.

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It would be nice if they auctioned off parts of the ride instead of just trashing the whole thing, though I am sure things like the boats will be sent to other parks....I have a log ride boat from MGM grand Adventures....wouldnt mind another one...or some signage


There's a property a few miles south of MM called "Calgrove Kennels" where you can see old signs and stuff from the park. They appear to collect all sorts of Magic Mountain junk.

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For the people that don't get why they removed this and not Jet Stream....


Jet Stream clearly isn't as good, but it also has Ninja over it so what would they be able to put in that space that's better than Jet Stream? Not much unless they removed Ninja too and there's no reason to do that.


Getting rid of Log Jammer opens up a lot of room for them to build a large attraction. Take a look at the google map and you'll see what I mean.




Ninja is just OK. Log Jammer is signifcantly better than Jet Stream. In fact, Log Jammer may have been the best of the original rides from Magic Mountain when it was built in 1971 (even better than Gold Rusher). I think alot of people would have preferred keeping Log Jammer and either (1) taking down both Ninja and Jet Stream to build a top notch coaster at the top of the hill or (2) take down Gold Rush and build a better coaster over the Log Jammer.

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I've never been a huge fan of log flumes but it does sound like a lot of people are disappointed with this decision.


I've heard a lot of talk about people wanting new coasters in that spot, and it would be a great place for a coaster, but shouldn't SFMM be looking into putting another family ride or water ride pretty soon? SFMM is lacking in both those areas especially after LJ goes.

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I've never been a huge fan of log flumes but it does sound like a lot of people are disappointed with this decision.


I've heard a lot of talk about people wanting new coasters in that spot, and it would be a great place for a coaster, but shouldn't SFMM be looking into putting another family ride or water ride pretty soon? SFMM is lacking in both those areas especially after LJ goes.


SF has invested in splash battles before and they seem to be fairly popular with parks (although their popularity seems to have dropped off in recent years). I can see a starflyer coming to the park in the future as well. Both would make great additions to the park and expand on the park's family ride offerings.


If they really wanted to go far, a new gen Intamin shoot the chutes would be perfect.


The park has been investing in a few family attractions in recent years (Terminator, Road Runner Express, whatever Thomas Town got turned into this year). A starflyer/splash battle would be a perfect round up to all their recent family additions and expand on their flat ride collection.

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I'm not much a fan or visitor of any of their water rides, so I don't really mind either way (between Disney's, Knott's, and Seaworld's excellent SoCal offerings, SFMM offers little of interest when it comes to water). I would've been far more upset if they'd touched Ninja or Goldrusher, which I consider some of the best remaining examples of their respective types.


Now as far as 2013, I'm still hoping that Colossus' 35th anniversary comes into play and that it gets made over into a racing out-and-back version of New Texas Giant (I'm imagining the same footprint with a layout more inspired by the original design, but with NTAG's/Balder's drops, and something more interesting during the turn arounds). That would probably also upset some people, but it would kill a few birds with one stone, giving them the west coast airtime crown, another revitalized attraction (which seems to be a trend), and a "new" coaster visually on par with X2 and Goliath. However, the amount of otherwise (somewhat) unnecessary rip-out this year makes this seem unlikely, unless if they were planning on that *and* a family attraction in 2013, or if they were just going for another big attraction year, with it *and* something major in Deja Vu's or Log Jammer's spots, either of which could be used for nearly anything. For now I'm going to assume it's wishful thinking, since they've already announced a forthcoming announcement for Log Jammer's spot (which could in itself be amazing, given the terrain, water, and lots of surrounding real estate on the mountain), but the very positive comments regarding NTAG at WCB this year still give me hope.

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Did Jet Stream EVER flow like a normal flume? It seems to me that the design flaw is the lack of a run-out from the first drop. The flume just continues at an accelerated speed from that point all the way down to the top of the final drop. If they can slow down the boat after the first drop and make the rest of the ride a leisure FLOATING flume, I think it would make the ride significantly better.

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I understand that many are sentimental about Log Jammer, but it wasn't exactly Splash Mountain, was it? Not only does SFMM have another flume, they still have a total of three water rides. Last time I checked, that's a lot. Not to mention that there's an adjacent waterpark. However, the article that jedimaster posted made it sound like guests will be completely water-deprived. And the idea of taking out another coaster is ridiculous to me. Especially when you consider that Deja Vu just closed, I think that the outcry over losing Ninja or Gold Rusher would be significantly greater than the anger over Log Jammer. Again, I can understand how people that rode Log Jammer as a child might be a bit upset, but come on. SFMM is creating a ton of space for whatever's coming, and I have a feeling that it's going to be top-10 worthy. I'm extremely excited about the park's future.

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I understand that many are sentimental about Log Jammer, but it wasn't exactly Splash Mountain, was it? Not only does SFMM have another flume, they still have a total of three water rides. Last time I checked, that's a lot. Not to mention that there's an adjacent waterpark. However, the article that jedimaster posted made it sound like guests will be completely water-deprived. And the idea of taking out another coaster is ridiculous to me. Especially when you consider that Deja Vu just closed, I think that the outcry over losing Ninja or Gold Rusher would be significantly greater than the anger over Log Jammer. Again, I can understand how people that rode Log Jammer as a child might be a bit upset, but come on. SFMM is creating a ton of space for whatever's coming, and I have a feeling that it's going to be top-10 worthy. I'm extremely excited about the park's future.


Agreed^ I think this may be another BBW case, just the water ride version. Once its replacement is announced, people will forget about what originally occupied that land.

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I understand that many are sentimental about Log Jammer, but it wasn't exactly Splash Mountain, was it? Not only does SFMM have another flume, they still have a total of three water rides. Last time I checked, that's a lot. Not to mention that there's an adjacent waterpark. However, the article that jedimaster posted made it sound like guests will be completely water-deprived. And the idea of taking out another coaster is ridiculous to me. Especially when you consider that Deja Vu just closed, I think that the outcry over losing Ninja or Gold Rusher would be significantly greater than the anger over Log Jammer. Again, I can understand how people that rode Log Jammer as a child might be a bit upset, but come on. SFMM is creating a ton of space for whatever's coming, and I have a feeling that it's going to be top-10 worthy. I'm extremely excited about the park's future.


Agreed^ I think this may be another BBW case, just the water ride version. Once its replacement is announced, people will forget about what originally occupied that land.


I would rather lose Ninja & Jet Stream than Log Jammer. Log Jammer is one of the greatest flume rides built and it was cleverly put onto the side of the hill and where have you found a log flume with 2 massive drops? I think this is a pathetic move and taking out Log Jammer from SFMM is like taking out Splash Mountain from Disneyland, it doesn't make sense. Plus, they could've removed the amphitheater next door since there is tons of space on the amphitheater location and behind the amphitheater.

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I understand that many are sentimental about Log Jammer, but it wasn't exactly Splash Mountain, was it? Not only does SFMM have another flume, they still have a total of three water rides. Last time I checked, that's a lot. Not to mention that there's an adjacent waterpark. However, the article that jedimaster posted made it sound like guests will be completely water-deprived. And the idea of taking out another coaster is ridiculous to me. Especially when you consider that Deja Vu just closed, I think that the outcry over losing Ninja or Gold Rusher would be significantly greater than the anger over Log Jammer. Again, I can understand how people that rode Log Jammer as a child might be a bit upset, but come on. SFMM is creating a ton of space for whatever's coming, and I have a feeling that it's going to be top-10 worthy. I'm extremely excited about the park's future.


Agreed^ I think this may be another BBW case, just the water ride version. Once its replacement is announced, people will forget about what originally occupied that land.

Or to quote Robb a few pages back, this could be a White Water Landing/Maverick case.

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Log Jammer was an 'experience'. Not just because it was an original 1971 ride, but the hillside 'grew' into it and it fit in naturally and brilliantly. Jet Stream is just a ride with about 2" of water in each boat, while Log Jammer was an adventure. They're ripping out Deja Vu, have a pile of dirt where Mr. Sixx never went; why not rip out Jet Stream and use that space? R.I.P., LJ

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I would rather lose Ninja & Jet Stream than Log Jammer. Log Jammer is one of the greatest flume rides built.

Oh, please... Give me an effing break. Just stop already with the idiocy. It's getting on my nerves.


I will put $500 on the table that says you'll be the same guy to be first in line at whatever they build and praise the crap out of it.


Seriously, Log Jammer was NOT "one of the greatest flume rides built", and you wouldn't even think that if the only flume ride you've ridden was Log Jammer. Enough with the OMFG Log Jammer is amazing, crap, ok? Log Jammer was mentioned in less than .5% of the posts in this thread prior to the rumor of it's removal in the past FIVE YEARS! Let me say that again - Log Jammer was mentioned in less than .5% of the posts in this thread in the past five years.


So give me a break. Obviously you guys didn't like it that much.


--Robb "None of you will even remember or care about Log Jammer six months after whatever the new ride that replaces it opens." Alvey

Edited by robbalvey
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Having never ridden either of them, but could this be a case similar to SFGadv? They used to have 2 log flumes (the existing one and the Moon Flume), but the moon flume was taken out for Wiggle's World (I think). Why would the park need two rides of the same exact type? I would just be happy that they're not taking out Jet Stream as well. That's how I would look at it.

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I understand that many are sentimental about Log Jammer, but it wasn't exactly Splash Mountain, was it? Not only does SFMM have another flume, they still have a total of three water rides. Last time I checked, that's a lot. Not to mention that there's an adjacent waterpark. However, the article that jedimaster posted made it sound like guests will be completely water-deprived. And the idea of taking out another coaster is ridiculous to me. Especially when you consider that Deja Vu just closed, I think that the outcry over losing Ninja or Gold Rusher would be significantly greater than the anger over Log Jammer. Again, I can understand how people that rode Log Jammer as a child might be a bit upset, but come on. SFMM is creating a ton of space for whatever's coming, and I have a feeling that it's going to be top-10 worthy. I'm extremely excited about the park's future.


Agreed^ I think this may be another BBW case, just the water ride version. Once its replacement is announced, people will forget about what originally occupied that land.

Or to quote Robb a few pages back, this could be a White Water Landing/Maverick case.


I agree with that too.


Magic Mountain really needs a good Intamin to make its coaster collection more impressive than it already is. From what I've read, the best coasters there are Tatsu, X2, Superman, and Apocalypse (correct me if I'm wrong), which isn't that many whereas Cedar Point has Millennium Force, TTD, Maverick, Raptor, and Twister.

If MM got an Intamin Blitz bigger and better than Maverick, it could possibly outrank Cedar Point IMO.

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If MM got an Intamin Blitz bigger and better than Maverick, it could possibly outrank Cedar Point IMO.

Don't EVEN tease me about that. Not something I want to think about unless it's actually going to happen.


At any rate, I'm looking forward to learning what will replace Log Jammer. But I guess I can wait, and even be fine if it's not a coaster, since I still need several credits at the park anyway and there are no guarantees that a single visit would net me all of them (especially since two of them are second sides of double-tracks).


Log flumes are fine by me, but I willingly skip even ones that look or sound good. Jet Stream is fun and slightly charming, but I recall it seeming a bit run-down.

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I am really tired of this OMG Log Jammer is going, wear are all going to miss it crap, wish they would have informed us about its closure...STFU, Nobody is going to miss Log Jammer, maybe the 15 percent of the public that visits the park, and that 15 percent ore probably the people on here crying a river.


Be happy, there getting rid of an old run down ride and hopefully replacing it with something EPIC. Besides who goes to MM to ride the water rides? NOT THIS GUY. Plus I am tired of walking under the flume and getting dripped on, it makes the park look like crap.

Edited by pdcon
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