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What Airline do you fly?

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It's unbelievable that some airlines these days are charging for pillows, headphones, and even peanuts and a Coke. The sad thing is that people will continue to spend and buy no matter what.


As for my favorite airlines, they are KLM and Lufthansa.

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I don't think there's an airline in the US that I haven't been on at some point, and they're all pretty much the same to me. It's mostly Airtran out of Baltimore anymore, though I will occasionally take Southwest, even though I hate not having an assigned seat, which means you have to show up at the gate a lot sooner than normal.


The worst I've ever been on was American, which had my all time favorite excuse for a delayed flight: "We can't find a pilot for the plane". Yeah, you're an airline, probably not a good idea to make sure you have a guy to fly the plane or anything. Morons.


Out of the US, I've only used British Air, which is cool. I like flying with Mary, because she has silver status and we can use the longue, which rocks. Plus, I've gotten upgraded to business class three out of the four times I've taken a BA flight, and business class is godly...



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I am pretty excited to read (mostly) positive comments about AirTran. I have never flown them, but my travel agent through MouseFan got me a great price out of Dayton when my husband decided to bail on our driving trip to WDW next month.


I have probably flown Delta more than any other airline, but the cost to fly out of CVG (Greater Cincinnati) is insane, and many flights out of Dayton and Indy require layovers in Atlanta, which I hate.



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Actually, if you want to get technical about it (and even if you don't ), it's more like America West bought US Airways, they now control them, and have taken on their name since "US Airways" was more well-known.


That still doesn't change the fact that coasterbuzz36763 needs to get with the times!


I kid, I kid.

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When flying within Europe, I always take Ryanair or Virgin Express. They're the cheapest. Last there was a stunt from Ryanair and you could fly from Brussels to London for only 1,99 euro's (taxes NOT included ). I'm flying to Madrid this summer for only 79,98 euros (all included).


Pretty cheap IMO

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Being from Michigan, almost all of my flights have been on Northwest (even though Northwest doesn't fly to my home airport). In the past few years, I've flown United and Delta, which have better flight attendants than NorthWorst. By the way, I've never flown Midwest out of my home airport (19 seat plane, arrives at midnight and leaves early morning, no lavatory, very expensive).

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Ugh. United sucks mainly because of their operations at O'Hare. Their customer service people there are terrible, and a ton of their flights are delayed beacuse of silly reasons. This causes the "O'Hare backup" which, after bad weather, causes more than 100 planes to be in line for takeoff. Everything sucks in O'Hare, and the regionals that go there always get shafted the most.


If O'Hare would improve, or United would decrease flights out of O'Hare, United would actually be a good airline.

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If O'Hare would improve, or United would decrease flights out of O'Hare, United would actually be a good airline.


^I'd heard O'Hare sucked; that's why I'm glad that when I go to/from Cleveland, I've always managed to switch planes at Midway. I hate when larger airports have bad operations; that's why I tend to avoid LAX. It just takes too freaking long. And from my experience, when I've flown Southwest out of larger airports (LAS, PHX, LAX) I've always gotten stuck in the "C" boarding group, which is fudging annoying.


Hmm.. maybe I should shut up before this ends up in the rant thread.

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^ Some other big airports are fine. Like Minneapolis, San Francisco, Detroit, etc. While it does take some time to make connections (especially in Minneapolis), those airports run incredibly smoothly, especially in comparison to O'Hare. There aren't many delays (other than in weather), and they just are far more enjoyable than O'Hare.


We'll see how O'Hare's construction is going when I go there in a few weeks.

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Island Hopping:

1. Hawaiian Air

2. Aloha Airlines. Doesn't matter which, because the company pays for round trip(s) between all of the islands.


3. Mainland flights-depends on best rates, but usually American Airlines.

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Been flying KLM to Paris, Amsterdam and Berlin these past few years.


Now also using Air Transat, Candian charter company with (somewhat) cheaper fares to Europe. Used it to get to the TPR UK Tour start, in London.


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allright DElTA and UNITED EXPRESS ROCK the skies


usually when i fly in and out of lincoln for theme oarks and concerts and stuff i fly the local allegiant airline It goes to vegas and orlando.


Delta is good for normal flying, plus its good thats its texas based cuz i fly into houston every three weeks


UNited Express is what i fly when i go on trips and stuff its really expensive but its gets you there quick,


My MOST STUPID flight ever was for a a flight from Omaha NEbraska, that was going to milwaukee, but connected in minneapolis but we couldnt find a flight that left nebraska going to minneapolis so i took the milwaukee flight and just got off at the connection. It was really stupid but i had to see the P!ATD concert that was playing later that night. I have lots more stories but AMERICAN sucks and SOUTHWEST is ghetto

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Delta is good for normal flying, plus its good thats its texas based cuz i fly into houston every three weeks




Texas is home to Continental, American, and Southwest, but not Delta.


As for me, since I live in Houston, 95% of my flying is through Southwest or Continental because they offer the most flexibility. I've flown Air France, Delta, Northwest (booked through Continental....why they associate themselves with this airline is beyond me), American, and Quantas in the past. I've been flying Continental and Southwest ever since I can remember, though. Any time I wasn't on one of these two was because it wasn't possible to.

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My MOST STUPID flight ever was for a a flight from Omaha NEbraska, that was going to milwaukee, but connected in minneapolis but we couldnt find a flight that left nebraska going to minneapolis so i took the milwaukee flight and just got off at the connection. It was really stupid but i had to see the P!ATD concert that was playing later that night. I have lots more stories but AMERICAN sucks and SOUTHWEST is ghetto


What you did is called an "open jaw" flight. Where you either book a roundtrip and only use the first half of it or book a flight with a stop and get off at the stop. Airlines over the past few have been cracking down on this as it means an empty seat they would like to be able to sell (even though they got your money the first time.) In retaliation they MAY or MAY NOT cancel the rest of your intinerary if you have multiple open jaws.

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