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Everything posted by tiger01

  1. I suggest that in paint you take out the icons aswell. I do that in my park. Hope this will turn out nice though!
  2. 1. Aquatrax 2. Intamin megalite 3. B&M invert 4. B&M flyer (Manta) 5.Intamin launched coaster (ispeed)
  3. Why don't you get Rct3? It's much better. (No offense guys )
  4. What about Alton Towers? That is a beautiful park and has some great rides aswell.
  5. Well it does have millenium flyers...(not really wanting to get into an argument here but I'm just saying)
  6. Theres a nice straight raod where theres a nice bridge over a ralilway comming home from my school. You get some nice airtime of off that most times. Have you ever eaten grass or eaten blackberries of off a wild bush? (I have )
  7. Shot0772.bmp _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks! And theres a lot comming up too!
  8. I've missed alot! I may take a trip up there this summer.
  9. Theres a fallen down tree so thats good enough for me!
  10. In the summer i'm going to see two of my guitar gods! Slash and Joe bonamassa! I've seen Joe twice before but thsi will be the first time I see Slash!
  11. Its not that tall but I want a nice fast paced layout close to the ground (GCI style). The set is Old spices Trees.Shot0714.bmp Heres a picture of them. They are really good and very detailed! I suggest you download it. As for the ride I really need some ideas! Maybe sketch a little layout on paint. Would be greatful!
  12. Nice TR! There has been some lovely weather in the UK this past weekend! Why have they re-named Hydra?
  13. How should I do this?Shot0754.bmp Note: I know some of the track dosn't show at the bottom of the lift, It's just a rct3 thing when you get further away from it.
  14. I love that dive under the transfer track PsiRockin! Congratulations!
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