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Everything posted by tiger01

  1. Side Note: If you're looking for the Grand Canyon in California, you may be a bit disappointed. Yeah I know but The family are going there somehow.
  2. Strawberries! I can't eat apples due to my chipped teeth. Six flags Magic Mountain or Knotts berry farm?
  3. Why arn't the park letting anyone see the supports? THey're just supports! I like where this is going! Keep it up!
  4. I know, but seriousely you need to go on the Games, models and other randomness thread to see Imagineer John's new ride!
  5. This is lovely! Very creative! But maybe a Darkride would be good for the park!
  6. That was brilliant! But at 2:19 does the Track move or the walls? But that was amazing! This should be front paged!
  7. Does anyone else get a free medalion when they come of the ride?
  8. Okay, so I'll put Universal on the list. I'm not really fond of Thorpe park as its just a load of concrete on Islands with a load of coasters on it. I prefer Parks like Alton Towers, But when I go to Magic Mountain I'll say hi to Gertrude!
  9. But its only Revenge of the mummy which will be quite boring for me after that. What's seaworld like?
  10. South California area. (LA up to the grand canyon wherever that is and Beverly Hills to meet my relatives. Yep, they live there!
  11. but I have to. I tried to convince them to go back to Orlando since we havn't been in eight years. But that failed. Whats wrong with california?
  12. http://www.visitcalifornia.com/ Yes, But I would like some TPR advice.
  13. Hi guys, My family will be taking a holiday to California next year and there was an idea that we each pick three things we want to go see. Obviously I choose a themepark! But I don't know what else there is to visit. Heres my list at the moment... 1. Six Flags Magic Mountain 2.Knotts Berry Farm 3. ?????????? Does anyone have any ideas on where else we could go. Disney is out of the question as that is compulsory as well as the Grand Canyon. Thanks for your help!
  14. I love how the drop gets steeper and steeper! Like the Steel eel at Seaworld.
  15. Just Got paid-Joe bonamassa 17 minutes of pure gold guitar playing!
  16. Nice trip you had there! What sort of songs did the band play?
  17. No Have you ever eaten a cheesy Blaster?
  18. I love it when your on a plane and you see the curvature of the earth. It's a beautiful thing to see, and it makes the world look smaller than it actually is, but there is so much to explore.
  19. Right...I've downloaded Dounuts tipping bucket but theres no water. Where do I get the water from?
  20. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you! Yep, I'll take that into account. Thank you very much!
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