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Everything posted by tiger01

  1. Guys, I think this time we should do this without Wooden Coasters including the Texas Giant. Instead of doing the same thing all over again. Ready? Antelope.
  2. Yes, I love the new looks but I only see a glimps of the station which is of interest to me. Can you check it out on your next visit please.
  3. England (My home) France Spain USA Turkey Greece (Rhodes) Wales Scotland (It was shut )
  4. I lvoed this photo for some reason! Nice work Hanno!
  5. Popcorn...I downloaded that tipping bucket you got there but I don't have anywater comming out of it. Where do I get it from? Nice rapids ride though!
  6. Nice to see this thing progressing great! And I love that cheetah!
  7. Well, today Marine World officially opened to to public. Me and Sam was there to have a look around and I must say it was a beautiful park. It was extremely packed with people but we only wanted a few rides on the two big attractions at the park, Hercules and Trojan. These were brilliant airtime filled rides but I did think that Hercules was a little short. Anyway onto the pictures! Shot0865.bmp As we entered the park there was a sign that the park would be very crowded today. Shot0882.bmpWe headed straight to Trojan for our first ride of the season! It was an outstanding ride! The launch was definantly the best! Intamin pulled of really well with this one and beats the other rides I have been on in California like Xcelerator at knotts berry farm and Superman at Six Flags Magic Mountain! It's that good! Shot0875.bmpThen we headed over to Hercules which was a brilliant, airtime filled coaster! The only problem was that it was extremely short for a GCI. Shot0891.bmpAfter eating at the Cafe we headed over to Trojan again to see a 2 hour wait! No thanks! So we went to Hercules which had a more respectful Wait of 30 minutes so we rode it in the dark which was better than riding it in the day. But it was still short! Shot0896.bmpWe ended our day exausted and went home. We had a great day! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you! I know! Silly me! Yep! A good one too! But it's very short.
  8. I saw what happened over at Shyguy's World. Are you going to close the thread here aswell? I'll be devastated if you did.
  9. I like to listen to Velvet revolver's Contaband album every so often...IT ROCKS!
  10. Is there any POV of the 'new' Intimidator 305 yet?
  11. Oblivion proves that point! I almost didn't ride it but I'm glad I did!
  12. RIP Gary Moore. I know it was a while ago but He is a massive Legend!
  13. Nice video but I suggest you go on to youtube and upload it there so people can see it better.
  14. Thanks for the Pictures! But its a dissapointment that you don't go into the teeth. It's worse false advertising than th13rteen.
  15. I have redone my list... 1. Manta 2. Nemesis 3. Cheetah Hunt 4. iSpeed 5. Troy The park would be called. 'I'm a dolphin' Park! (Bad Britains got talent joke!)
  16. Top gear is hilarious! You should watch it guys! Brilliant stuff! By far my favourite moment of Top Gear!
  17. I don't get it Hatter. You have a topic over at Shyguys world but not here.
  18. I do a bit of browsing on my Nokia x6 and its fine except from when you want to comment on something it won't let you enter like this... . . . Really annoys me so I couldn't Post on many topics. But I can use smilies though!
  19. There is no such thing as a coaster t-shirt the looks cool! Unless you want to look like a maths geek...[90 Degrees!!!]
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