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Everything posted by tiger01

  1. cough: ROLLERCOASTERS! :cough
  2. There is some really disturbing stuff in that commercial. However the octopus mouth will look really cool once put into place!
  3. The main Aquarium has been built and looks stunning! It is themed to a normal house that has been taken over by beautiful sea life. Also, Me and sam were walking around the park to see that there is a clearing and some piles of wood. Also, there are some wood piles in the woods at the back of the park. I think its quite obviouse what it is but what company is it by?Shot0584.bmp The new aquarium looks fantastic! Shot0624.bmpThis is the backstage of the aquarium. Shot0634.bmpAnd this is the land clearing with the piles of wood... Shot0635.bmpAnd in the woods at the back of the park there is some more stacks of wood. I'm really excited to see what this will be! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you! Yes TPR is lacking Rct3 players but BuddyChrist is back!
  4. Here is a thread where you can share your favourite pictures in Rct, Rct2, Rct3 and No limits! Here is one of mine...Shot0584.bmp Please use in a considerate way. Etiquette: 2 pictures per post max. Don't add your entire park update here to try and get traffic. They're called best pictures, therefore there shouldn't be more than two 'best.' Try and give criticism on other pictures, not just post a picture, you are more likely to get criticism yourself by doing so. Stay on topic, don't talk about your park/track in this thread, this is merely for the picture(s).
  5. I would do this but I like to keep my Personal life and my roller coaster/rct3 life seperated. Although I may be visiting West Coast bash next year if I can convince my parents.
  6. Well that was a good guess wasn't it! Hope it will be a good inverted! Loving the park at the moment keep it up!
  7. I wish my mum could take good pictures of me on rides! Looks like you had a fantastic time!
  8. In line for Vampire at Chessington... Friend 1: OMG! Did you see that? The back car of Vampire has three seats! We can sit together now! Me: No It dosn't. Your an idiot. Friend 1: But it does! (Later on when the next train comes out) Friend 1: Look, I told you it has two seats at the back and not three! Me: Whatever... Vampire was a massive let down of a coaster though! Dragon's Fury is the best followed bythe new Kobra.
  9. ^ Let's try and beat that... Shot0584.bmp The larger Aquarium at Marine World Boasts 3000 Fish! Shot0586.bmpand the Intamin still remains un-named... ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Updates on the Marine World thread will come back when the park is ready to open. But for now enjoy these pictures. There may be more in this thread in the future...
  10. It's a hard one this week! If Queer Rudie had some theming around the ride it would make it more appealing and I would vote for him. But he dosn't so I guess PSiRockin has the vote for me.
  11. Is that last picture the outlaw or is it a different one? Like the look of the Outlaw in the first picture of it.
  12. This is a great park! I love the logo for Surge. How do you do it?
  13. Can't wait for the new ride! I hope its a Bolliger & Mabillard.
  14. Congratulations hyyper! Thats probably the first No limits Front PAge in a long time. I know that the awesome Manta project was spotlighted. I wonder how that has been going...
  15. ^ Did you go in feet first? Looked like it. I like Costco chocolate muffins!
  16. No but My dad has. It looks embarrasing. Have you ever had sausage rolls with parmasan cheese sprinkled on top?
  17. If I had a top ten Playlist It would be full of Guns n roses, Foo fighter's 'pretender' and Crazy train by ozzy ozbourne. And maybe some more stuff...
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