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Everything posted by tiger01

  1. It's got airtime written all over it! Except for the fact that it is being promoted as a family coaster, and parents today tend to freak out that children will not be safe during moments of air time. So why does the ride have a little bunny hill straight after the first drop?
  2. ^ looks great Grrt! But mine dosn't actually go through trees. But there may be something special in Marine World...
  3. Well thats opening day for you! It will get better, the rides are just 'Stiff' if you know what I mean.
  4. Some random woman came up to me in Chessington... Woman: "Do you get wet on the log flume?" Me: "No not at all!" She actually went and rode it! I ran...
  5. If you put Katie Price in an oven she would melt...
  6. ^ No but there is a good set by Brandon that might be helpful. Brandon- Parks and Rec.zip
  7. This is my favourite picture when I had no custom scenery and the other one is when I had some custom scenery. All of these are from really old parks but I still have one saved which is the park in the first picture.Shot0788.bmpShot0906.bmp _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ I'm so glad this thread is going nicely! Great photos everyone!
  8. Your building style is brilliant! I can't wait until this park reaches the 21st century!
  9. Well done man! I love the name! This is the best rct2 competition that I'm interested in!
  10. More stuff has been built here and there. The land clearing though has been blocked off because of a 'Special Project' as said by the man by the fence. I don't know whats going on. Shot0642.bmp Another cafe has been built which looks really nice! Shot0654.bmpAnd this is where it starts to get blocked off. Any ideas? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks you very much! Comments would be appreciated!
  11. I was working with Shyguys Alpine village sets today and I made a nice little courtyard feeling in Marine World. I think it turned out nicely for a first try. Shot0642.bmp
  12. how much will the trip cost as a whole? Edit: just saw. Sorry I might think about going to this.
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