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Everything posted by tiger01

  1. ^ Thank you! I'll take a look at yours! EDIT: Loved the preshow! Although the rides needs inmprovments. Aka the break run. The breaks need to be spread out over the brake run and can't just appear at the end. But it was a nice ride however!
  2. Who knows. You can see a couple of guys standing on the roof with cameras in the picture. it could be a different one of them.
  3. ^ I think they're just adding fun to the general public because what do they know?
  4. You've never met me in person so I don't think you have the right to sum me up for one thing I posted on TPR.
  5. ^ I'm jelouse! At my home park I just have a Gerstlauer Eurofighter and some crappy kiddy coasters. I'm going to Alton Towers in two days time!
  6. My favourite car my family has owned has to be the Volvo XC90. But when i'm older I'll buy an Aston Martin Db9 and I'll be extremely happy!
  7. I second that! That ride stratamaster120 was amazing! I only rode it once because it was quite long but it was outstanding! Although I didn't like the lift hills at the start. There were to many!
  8. Well, I've had a shower now. Just a few questions to ask before I go. 1. Is there anything you want to see around the park. (I'll take photos!) 2. Can someone give me directions to that oak outside the park in chains. I know you go down that path by the B&B but is it on that path as you walk down it? 3. Mornig ERT. Is this a good Idea? Oblivionx2 to Rita x(How many rides until 10am) to Th13rteen. Thanks alot! And about that shower thing. sorry if it caused anyone to freak out. I havn't had a shower in about a week. So if I do it again after Alton Towers maybe they'll take me somewhere else!
  9. My parents just said that I can go to Alton Towers in two days time as long as I have a shower. DEAL!!!!
  10. Hey, this is really cool what you are doing for us here! Well, I have a park called Marine world in these forums and in about 3 park years times there will be an Atlantis themes Aquatrax. I'm not sure what sort of style it would be in but one that fits. I won't really need it for a while but I'll try to get to that period of time in my park asap (But not rushing it at the same time). There's a link here. Thank you so much for this oppertunity. It can be a real hasstle to find suitable music on the web. Also, welcome to TPR! Hope you enjoy it here!
  11. ^ That's an Imagineer John ctr isn't it? Looks nice.
  12. My advice with the stations would be to Make them 3x How ever long the station is. Then it will look more profesional. And sorry I don't play rct2 so I don't have any links.
  13. I was watching Bizarro POV on youtube and I lookedd at the comments to see this...
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