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Everything posted by tiger01

  1. The park is full of Gypsies today but I managed to get 10 consecutive rides on Nemesis before 10.
  2. Maybe if parks add rides like Dinosaur at Disney which is something like 30 mintues of air conditioning, that might work!
  3. I downloaded it. It wasn't amazing but it was fun to ride. I thought the prelift shows were a bit pointless. And I counted numerous times of myself being burnt . It's okay though. The station fly by was a nice touch.
  4. Not really, it just needs to be fast paced because there will be a lot of action. And I haven't built the ride yet since Marine World is in it's early years. But an overview would be that 1. Theres a launch 2. Twistyness 3. Fast paced And it dosn't really stop until the end. It's all just one big experience.
  5. Since I've only ridden 2 Intamins and 3 B&Ms (Guess what park that is!) I voted for bolliger & Mabillard but If I traveled more I'm sure that would have changed.
  6. This looks great! You should have a China area with a floorless B&M.
  7. That's great! But maybe add some low vocals in there to make it a bit more dark. And it will be played through the ride.
  8. I think we all would like to see a picture of you in the log flume station holding a bar of Imperial Leather and a sign that says "I showered today." ...
  9. NE is a rct2 community like Shyguys but for rct2. Parks get awards like bronze, silvers and golds. Although I have never been on the site. I just hear about it on TPR.
  10. Yes, but it will be themed to Journey to Atlantis. Thank you for doing this!
  11. That's a great video! Like this shot!aaaTexas.bmp Grrr..Give me Candy!
  12. Thank you Andy! What I really believe Thorpe Park needs is one of these Babies!
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