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Everything posted by pianojohn

  1. Saw it last night and loved it. That band...WOW!
  2. Knotts Scary Farm questions! Heading to my 1st KSF on Sat Sept 23rd. Since this is my first Haunt, I have some questions for the experts out there 1) Already got our tickets and dinner buffet which gets us in an hour early. How many houses do you think we can do with this extra time? I know when we did the same thing at Busch Tampa, we were able to hit every house in an hour and spent the rest of the time seeing shows and riding coasters. 2) There are 4 of us, and we want to see a few houses but we don't need to hit every one. Any MUST SEEs among the line up? 3) The main reason we are going is to see the Elvira show. How early do we need to get in line for that? Do they do tickets or just first come first served? 4) How are the lines like for the rides? 2 of our group has never been to Knotts, so we definitely wanna do Ghostrider, Xcelerator, and any other ones. Thanks for any and all advice!
  3. As I was cleaning out my office today, I found some black and white 8X10s I had taken for a photography class in college. These were taken in Sept/Oct of 1986. Enjoy! My attempt at an artsy shot of Corkscrew. Notice the last row with the OTSR in the up position. They were notorious for only checking the bars of people in those rows and leaving the rest in the up position. I remember one ride where they forgot to lock the bars. Eventually our screams as we left the station woke them up, and they locked them. Gotta love the 80s! Corkscrew from the Sky Tower. I think this is where X Flight or Superman were eventually placed. Corkscrew with Big Dipper in the background The Big Dipper on ride One of the Double Loop's loops
  4. Actually, that show was the Diamond Horseshoe. The theater is still there but sadly the show is not. Hoop Dee Doo is still performed but that is at Pioneer Hall in the Fort Wilderness Campground area.
  5. I took one last trip to ride the great movie ride before it closes in a few weeks. Here are the pictures. And here is a video I shot of the entire ride: Enjoy!
  6. My friend and I did Kings Island the day after Coastermania. It was a Saturday so we knew it would be busy. It was PACKED. We both bought the FastLane Plus (I think around $83) and would do so again in a heartbeat. We rode everything we NO wait in line, and we even got 2 rides on Mystic Timbers while everyone else was waiting in a 120+ minute wait. SInce I am only at the park once every few years, it was totally worth the $$. The time you save is value enough.
  7. Totally agree. We waited about 10 minutes and realized even when the shuttle arrived that there wouldn't be enough space for all those waiting. Either have buses in the morning or open the WindSeeker gate for entrance. We ended up driving around to the main parking lot, doing ERT, and then driving back to the Breakers.
  8. Just got back from my annual Ohio trip to Coastermania. Some thoughts: The weather could not have been more perfect. Mid 70's, sunny. And the lines were very manageable. Early morning ERT: Did Millenium Force 2X with no wait. Left the park and had breakfast at Perkins. I highly recommend saving your money and staying at the Breakers. Convenient, beautiful, and just a short walk to the park. When the new wing opens next year, I wouldn't be surprised if they tear down Breakers East and do a mirror construction on the other side with a 10 story tower and 6 story wing. Longest line of the day: the French Fry stand on the main midway. They had kiosks where you order. Then you stand in another line and pay. Then stand in a 3rd line to get your food which is NOT ready. Why even have kiosks? Also, the cashier had no idea what the Platinum Pass deal was. the past, you buy one order of fries and get a 2nd order and 2 drinks free. This year? Who knows! They THOUGHT it was chili cheese fries but someone else said it was mini corn dogs. How about posting WHAT it is so employees don't have to guess? Brew and BBQ: worth the $$. Good food, great beer (if you're into that), and decent desserts this year. Evening ERT. Headed to Dragster in time to see a rollback and have it shut down. Maverick also was having issues. So rode Magnum while disgruntled and entitled "enthusiasts" complained to the Magnum staff about how they should get a refund. Hey jackasses: you just had 17+ hours in the park with 4 hours of ERT, awesome weather, good lunch and a cruise, a tshirt and pin, and you wanna complain? I'm with Robb on this one. People suck. Saturday drove down to Kings Island and some Mystic Timbers. And apparently, so did half of Cincinnati. Park was VERY crowded, so coughed up the $83 for FastLane Plus. WELL worth it! Did Beast, Racer, Diamondback, Flight of Fear, Mine Ride (forget the name), and Mystic Timbers twice and waited maybe 30 minutes total. Mystic Timbers is fun BUT I hope they maintain it. If it gets rough, that last 1/2 will be unbearable. It was closed most of the day, but when it reopened, the line was 2 hours long. The Beast needs some TLC. I would LOVE for RMC to take it over, but the fanboys would probably freak if they changed anything. Back in Orlando now and ready for my 1st ride on Flights of Passage tomorrow!
  9. Speaking of musicals.... My show PSYCHO MODE opens one week from today at the Orlando Fringe. What is the Fringe? A 14-day arts festival that is founded on the concept of being: 100% unjuried, 100% uncensored 100% accessible 100% inclusive And 100% of sales are returned back to the artists! The Orlando Fringe is the longest running Fringe Festival in the United States, celebrating 26 years as “Orlando’s most unique cultural experience”. Orlando Fringe is a proud member of the United States Association of Fringe Festivals (USAFF) http://www.fringefestivals.us, the Canadian Association of Fringe Festivals (CAFF) http://www.fringefestivals.com and The World Fringe Congress http://www.worldfringe.com/congress. What is Psycho Mode? The cinematic artistry of Alfred Hitchcock. The music of Depeche Mode. A psychological horror thriller set to the music of one of the most prolific bands of the 80's. A live retelling of one of the world's greatest motion pictures. Live music. Live singing. A unique twist on a classic story. From Fringe award winner John B. deHaas, creator of Theme Park Diva, Tappin' and Yappin', Just This Once, and half of Toiley T. Paper: Roll Model. 13 & Up - Violence, Adult Themes 60 minutes There is also a Kids Fringe every weekend and visual Fringe which has art for sale. Food trucks, a beer tent, and much more! If you are anywhere near Orlando, this is THE art event of the year! And I wouldn't mind if you came to see my show as well! Tickets are $12 PLUS everyone MUST have Fringe button which costs $10. The button helps to pay for the festival, and once you buy it, you can wear it all festival long. There is an awesome Orlando Fringe app that you can download and purchase tickets directly from it as well as access the whole schedule. To get tickets to MY show, just click here: https://orlandofringe.showare.com/?search=psycho%20mode
  10. Alfred Hitchcock's PSYCHO Set to the music of Depeche Mode PSYCHO MODE! This will be my 17th or 18th show I have produced or been a part of at the Orlando Fringe since 2003. If you wanna help me out with production costs, feel free to check out my GoFundMe page. https://www.gofundme.com/psychomode2017 But more importantly, if you're in Orlando May 18-28th, I hope to see you at the show! Thanks!
  11. Yeah. Leave the park and head to Cameo's Pizza in downtown Sandusky. Then a quick trip to Tofts for their great ice cream and ridiculous portions! Both are about a 10-15 minute drive from the park. Other than Knoebels, does ANY park have good pizza?
  12. Insane. That is Easter week, and the crowds will be massive 2nd only to the week between Christmas and New Year.
  13. I like how Larry Giles conveniently forgets to mention King Arthur's Challenge, that HORRIBLE simulator film that followed Questor. It truly sucked, and I am sure they would just hope people would forget about it.
  14. Hmmm.....luckily I live and work in Orlando so I am gonna say Fun Spot America!
  15. YES! So glad I renewed my season pass for 2017 (not to mention the $64.50 price cannot be beat!) Huge congrats to the FUN SPOT gang! I predict this will open BEFORE Avatar land! (Or at least Rivers of Light!)
  16. Come on, there are two more coasters in that park. Then again, I can guess how those two would be ranked. True! I forgot about the hanging one. But the kiddie one has since been removed. Still my favorite coaster in probably all of Central Florida. Off to ride it today!
  17. I love how these delusional haters post stupid stuff and then get shocked when they're banned. You can say whatever you want. Freedom of speech. That does not mean freedom from consequence. Thanks for posting screenshots so we can see their names and what idiots they are. I say make a nice list of all the idiots, and then we can see how many still have Facebook and Twitter accounts after being reported for harassment. Dumbasses!
  18. You need to see more theme park shows! May I suggest the Hoop-Dee-Doo Revue at Fort Wilderness on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays!
  19. Have a great time! I went last year for the 1st time and had a blast. Highlights: Multiple rides on Twisted Colossus Getting the credit for X2 which means I NEVER have to ride it again! Knotts. Pretty much everything about this park Knotts Chicken Dinner. There are no words Staying in the Knotts Hotel which I booked on Groupon. Very close and a total deal! Taking my husband to Disneyland for his 1st time in 30+ years! Had a great time even with temps in the upper 90's Thanks Robb and Elissa! Hope you can also have fun!
  20. Idora Wildcat Fun House and Earthquake at Cedar Point Big Dipper at Geauga Lake Horizons and ORIGINAL Journey Into Imagination at Epcot Big Bad Wolf at BGW
  21. And tore down the Canadian Palladium to install the Scrambler. Cannot ever forgive them for that since the Palladium is where I wrote and directed many country shows from 1994-1997.
  22. Are you going during the week? If so then they offer all day wristbands. Yes I am going on a Friday. Just seeing if there were any other discounts besides the $5 off ones. I didn't see anything on club TPR. Thanks again!
  23. Heading to Knoebels in a few weeks. Other than the $5 discount with Pepsi cans or Wegmans, are there any other ones out there? Thanks~!
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