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Everything posted by pianojohn

  1. Thanks for all the great advice! Since I have a Cedar Point Platinum and Six Flags Gold Pass, I will probably stick to those two parks unless I can squeeze an extra day in there somewhere to hit SDC. I will let you know!
  2. Advice needed for a novice to Missouri parks. I am thinking of taking a quick trip up there this summer to hit Six Flags St. Louis and Worlds of Fun. What do you recommend to hit both parks? I know it's about a 5 hour drive from one to the other. I was thinking of flying into Kansas City, hitting Worlds of Fun, and then driving to St. Louis for SFStL. Is this doable over about 4 days? I will be coming up from Orlando. And as much as I would like to hit Silver Dollar City, that's just too much driving and not enough riding. Thanks!
  3. Here's my idea: build a clone of Star Tours in the new area then retheme the original Star Tours to the Iron Man Experience or something else. It just would make sense to have all the Star Wars attractions in one area like DHS will have.
  4. This is awesome news! I love stopping by this park after visiting Universal to get a few spins on White Lightning. And for us locals, the season pass cannot be beat! Keep up the GREAT work at the park!
  5. I renew mine every year, and I opt for the Premier Pass with free valet parking. It's worth the extra $100 or so to skip the mobs of people now doing the security checkpoint. Plus it includes a free HHN ticket. Totally worth it!
  6. They just announced the acts for Mardi Gras 2016. I think it's a pretty good assortment of different styles and should appeal to a broad audience.
  7. Just watched Tomorrowland and Vacation. Didn't really care for either one. Tomorrowland was just boring, although the retro 1964 World's Fair footage was cool. Vacation pissed me off since they did stupid logistical stuff. If a family is driving from Chicago to Wally World (which I assume is in LA), why would they take route B instead of route A (See pictures below). Also, he said at the top of the film that it would take 2 days to get there. Yet they spent more than a few nights along the way. And finally, the BIG coaster they all want to ride is called Velociraptor. He even says it's over 400 feet tall and 100+ mph. Yet, the coaster turns out to be Ninja at SFOG, far from the tallest and fastest. I assume the average film goer will not care, but this pissed me off! They could have at least filmed TTD or Kingda Ka! The most direct route from Chicago to Wally World The route they actually took. Idiots!
  8. Ah..the shame Carowinds 2014 Six Flags Great America Six Flags Great Adventure
  9. Quick update: They changed the showtimes for Comedy Warehouse Holiday Special Shows times are 1130am, 1230, 130, 330, 430, and 530pm from Dec 20th through Jan 3rd with added shows on New Year's Eve. All shows are at the Premier Theater (right next to the Phineas and Pherb meet and greet and where the Frozen singalong first was presented last year) And if you wanna see ME in person, I will be playing the following days and shows: Saturday Dec 26th All 6 shows Sunday Dec 27th last 3 shows only (330, 430, and 530) Sunday Jan 3rd All 6 shows See you there!
  10. Speaking of bad shows, how could I forget Stitch's Supersonic Celebration! They spent millions...literally MILLIONS of dollars to build a new stage in Tomorrowland with NO seating, NO shade, and a small stage, and then put the worst possible show on it. According to Wikipedia "Opening on May 6, 2009, the show received poor critical reception and closed the following month." I saw it and have a video of it. Just horrible from start to finish. It closed, the theater sat empty, and now they use it for DJs and special event shows. There are videos online of it as well as photos. The real tragedy is that they destroyed some prime real estate in Tomorrowland to build a very ugly theater. AND those who were responsible for this show still work for the company. You'd think they would have been terminated after wasting so much money on such a bad product.
  11. White Lightning at Fun Spot! Just a blast from start to finish!
  12. If you're coming to DHS during the INSANE holiday weeks, come see ME play piano for the Comedy Warehouse Holiday Special! Shows times are 1130am, 1230, 130, 330, 430, and 530pm from Dec 20th through Jan 3rd with added shows on New Year's Eve. And if you wanna see ME in person, I will be playing the following days and shows: Saturday Dec 26th All 6 shows Sunday Dec 27th last 3 shows only (330, 430, and 530) Sunday Jan 3rd All 6 shows See you there!
  13. This year's tree with some of my fav ornaments. Last year we realized our tree can have both white... ..and color lights! Cool! One of my WDW cast member ornaments My newest one This year's ornament
  14. The control panel and room are about 1000% cooler than the actual ride.
  15. Just got back from 5 days in California, 4 of them at DL/DCA. The new Star Wars stuff is pretty cool, and I would say 1 out of every 5 people in the park was wearing a Star Wars tshirt. Crowds were insane on Sunday. However, I still managed to see and do everything I wanted thanks to FastPass, the Disneyland app, and timing things out just right. Luckily I arrived about 7:45am and was able to do a lot of stuff in the 1st 2 hours with no wait (Big Thunder, Haunted Mansion 2X, Autopia, Monorail.) Sunday was also the 1st day they did 2 Christmas parades, 2 Paint the Night parades, 2 fireworks shows, and 2 Fantasmics. Whew! enjoy the pics! Sad to see this closing in January Left side: Spiderman at Disneyland. Right side: Spiderman at Islands of Adventure See ya Aladdin. Never got to ride in the front of Disneyland's monorail til today! My Fantasmic viewing spot was VERY close!
  16. Had to renew my USO/IOA season pass yesterday, so took some pics of Hulk, Kong, and holiday decor. Note: I was able to charge my 2014 Prius Plug In for FREE at Valet parking! Unlike WDW which charges minimum $1.50 plus any additional charge. To fill up my car, it only take $.40 worth of electricity. So thanks Universal and boo Disney! Launch! Not much left here They finally put the characters back on these columns Kong. I had a whole car to myself! See? Even the Gringotts line was short! Fast and Furious construction walls Bye bye Beetlejuice See ya Twister No more signage And some fall concerts before the ramp up to Christmas!
  17. White Lightning at Fun Spot America in Orlando. Fun, fast, NEVER a line, and just an awesome coaster all around!
  18. I will ALSO be at DL/DCA next Wed/Thurs before heading up to Burbank to be a part of a panel discussion at CTN Expo! See you at the park! http://www.ctnanimationexpo.com/
  19. I live and work in Orlando, so there is no off season for me! I do like seeing photos of snow covered tracks up north. Then I put on my shorts and head out to ride White Lightning at Fun Spot!
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