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Everything posted by TheRapidsNerd

  1. Alright friends and neighbors, it's update time once again. 3 additions this week. *Arrow Bend get's Zydco Scream, an Arrow (?) Boomerang from SFNO *Vekoma Alley replaces (yes, again) Generic Boomerang with Geauga Lake's Headspin. (They'll get it right eventually...) *Geauga Lake's old Shark Attack slides and 2 slides from SFKK's old Squid complex, are merged into...wait for it...........Squid Attack. (You knew that one was coming.) All have been refurbished and converted to body slides. Oops! Sorry mighty admins. I went over the 150k size on one pic. I will now hang my head in shame. It was pure dumb luck that all those slides from 2 separate projects all fit together almost PERFECTLY into one complex. Somebody likes me. The Squid + Shark Attack = Squid Attack. Got it? Good. Now go have a cheesy poof and a smile. A newly painted Headspin and station. What will it be called next week? Tune in and find out! Zydeco Scream in it's new home at Arrow bend. It's kinda like that one house on the block that's a smidge different from the rest of the neighborhood.
  2. scooterdoug, If I get spare time in the next few months, would you mind if I modeled this in RCT3 just for fun? Looks like it'd be a great ride.
  3. Or 3DS Max. It's good for Intamin Rapids Boats too. Like I said, one day I will get around to that, once I've learned much more about RCT3. There's still a big world of techno goodness to explore in that platinum box. Right now launching test dummies from water slides is way more entertaining than a bug zapper and a six pack. Gzot!
  4. Togo. Been a big KI King Cobra and KD Shockwave fan for years. Really like the shape of the trains and the layouts.
  5. Great shark pic and great quote! Definately gave me a laugh. Great TR! Always amazed at how much in inside that place. Awesome!
  6. I originally posted this in the RCT4 thread, but thought it bore repeating here. Things I'd like to see in RCT3: * More odd angles and to be able to do more than just forward and back to those odd angles. At present you can't climb or descend on on a gentle curve. Makes it' difficult to reproduce woodies. * As someone else stated before, would like to see 1st gen Intamin Drop Towers. Would've loved to have these for a couple models I built recently. * OD Hopkins style mini-rafts (Myrtle Beach Pavillion Hydro Surge/Holiday World) as option for rapids rides. * 8-Person rafts option for rapids (Grizzly River Run/Penguin Blizzard River) rides. * Classic fair/carnival version of the Spider/Octopus. * Different kinds of supports (A-frame steel poles, steel boxy lattice like on arrow coasters, etc.), not just the standard poles. Maybe some adjustment on them? * Not requiring riders to go through the lift hill part of the Dingy Slide. When you're reproducing the 80s/90s wet dry slides, you end up going to body slides, which better makes the point, but isn't quite as historically accurate. * A long, narrow break section option instead of a catch pool for the Dingy Slide. Again, historical accuracy. * Better way to grab and group coasters and scenery or multiple slides together. Seems hit and miss at times. * Better animal trainer AI. Have had several trainers who can't find the utility shed to get food or trade out tools, and they're standing right in front of it with no obstructions nearby. * Be able to turn off the park inspector so you aren't bombarded with messages, especially during rides. Graying out his options, helps some, but not enough. * Believe it or not, a bigger build area. If you go really indepth with detail, the space can fill up very quickly with only a hand full of rides and their scenery. * The ability in SandBox mode to highlite a structure (building, hotel, etc.) and save it there, instead of having to jump into the building editor and save it for import into a future scenario. * More options for holes than just the standard 6 for the mini-golf. * Support for JPG,GIF,TIF, etc in the billboard/signs. RCT3 only does BMP. Yes, some of the above can be done with csp's (custom scenery packs) but I'd rather see it from Infograms/Atari. Also, it is understood that licenses must be had to include models of particular rides, otherwise it's copyright infringement. Also understand said licenses can be difficult to get and can be very expensive. The above is just what I've experienced as a frequent user and modeler. These folks really do deserve a pat on the back for the sheer multitude of things you CAN do and the crazy programming it took to get there. And the animal PoV cameras are just brilliant! RCT3 really is a great product and creative tool already.
  7. Things I'd like to see in RCT3: * More odd angles and to be able to do more than just forward and back to those odd angles. At present you can't climb or descend on on a gentle curve. Makes it' difficult to reproduce woodies. * As someone else stated before, would like to see 1st gen Intamin Drop Towers. Would've loved to have these for a couple models I built recently. * OD Hopkins style mini-rafts (Myrtle Beach Pavillion Hydro Surge/Holiday World) as option for rapids rides. * 8-Person rafts option for rapids (Grizzly River Run/Penguin Blizzard River) rides. * Classic fair/carnival version of the Spider/Octopus. * Different kinds of supports (A-frame steel poles, steel boxy lattice like on arrow coasters, etc.), not just the standard poles. Maybe some adjustment on them? * Not requiring riders to go through the lift hill part of the Dingy Slide. When you're reproducing the 80s/90s wet dry slides, you end up going to body slides, which better makes the point, but isn't quite as historically accurate. * A long, narrow break section option instead of a catch pool for the Dingy Slide. Again, historical accuracy. * Better way to grab and group coasters and scenery or multiple slides together. Seems hit and miss at times. * Better animal trainer AI. Have had several trainers who can't find the utility shed to get food or trade out tools, and they're standing right in front of it with no obstructions nearby. * Be able to turn off the park inspector so you aren't bombarded with messages, especially during rides. Graying out his options, helps some, but not enough. * Believe it or not, a bigger build area. If you go really indepth with detail, the space can fill up very quickly with only a hand full of rides and their scenery. * The ability in SandBox mode to highlite a structure (building, hotel, etc.) and save it there, instead of having to jump into the building editor and save it for import into a future scenario. * More options for holes than just the standard 6 for the mini-golf. * Support for JPG,GIF,TIF, etc in the billboard/signs. RCT3 only does BMP. Yes, some of the above can be done with csp's (custom scenery packs) but I'd rather see it from Infograms/Atari. Also, it is understood that licenses must be had to include models of particular rides, otherwise it's copyright infringement. Also understand said licenses can be difficult to get and can be very expensive. The above is just what I've experienced as a frequent user and modeler. These folks really do deserve a pat on the back for the sheer multitude of things you CAN do and the crazy programming it took to get there. And the animal PoV cameras are just brilliant! RCT3 really is a great product and creative tool already.
  8. While it wasn't the best park and management/owners were awful, If it could've saved Opryland, I gladly would've donated.
  9. I work for a military contractor and build 3D models, film, and take pictures. I get to travel for shoots a decent amount too. Got a great group of folks to work with. How they put up with me, I don't know... To keep the skills sharp and have some fun, I reproduce rides in RCT3 and render videos. Same techniques, just different subjects. Very happy and VERY thankful for this work. Would love to eventually live and work in Orlando and be more involved with the themepark industry. Whether it's designing kiddie play areas, or theming water slides, it's cool. Just really enjoy the creativity and energy around theme parks and rides. Uh oh. It finally happened. I said something with some substance. Ack!
  10. Getting together with family, but also catching up on stuff around the apartment during the break. Hoping to get some more time and ideas for TPR Land. Also working on other projects. Gonna try to take it easy too. Mmmmm....mashed potatos.....
  11. Oh man that was funny! Thanks Joe for a great laugh! Will, this is a hoot. Well done.
  12. I smoked briefly in middle school, but quit, so non-smoker. Cool with anybody else who wants to smoke, just not for me.
  13. I was in 5th grade in Ohio and this girl named Stephanie Morgan got my best friend Roger to pin me to the side of a swingset. Since girls were all icky, I didn't want anything to do with it. She kissed me, and I went "Hey, girls not so bad...." No chance with Stephanie. Eh, it was comical.
  14. Age: 32 Middle Name: Roger Pet Peeve: People with no common sense Color of your bathroom: Tan walls, green tile (so stylish!) Best Movie of ALL time: Cannonball Run, Gung Ho Best Song of ALL time: Confusion (Blade Soundtrack) Best TV Shows: Currently: I don't watch TV. EVER: Battle Bots, Robot Wars Favorite Band/Artist: Firehouse Favorite Ride at Disney Parks: Haunted Mansion Yummiest Ice Cream: Rainbow Sherbet If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be: Bettie Page or Dolly Parton. Fun and lotsa good stories Morning Person or Night Person: Both Pets: None right now. Favorite Color: Green Where you would go for fun (not an amusement park): Dinner out with friends Coke or Pepsi: Frozen either! Opinion about Peanut Butter and Jelly: Goober Grape. Mmmm... Best Vacation Spot: Tough one. Been to several. Cook or Go Out: Cooking is fun. Beach, Desert, or Mountains: Beach
  15. So Santa can't so Ho Ho Ho now because it MIGHT offend "ladies of the evening"? I'm surprised. You'd think, being all politically correct, that they wouldn't portray he exists in the first place, for fear of offending somebody. In fact, even celebrating the holiday is just sheer rebel madness! How can these champions of good sense and clear thinking LIVE with themselves?(can you smell the sarcasm?) Do they blow up! A 1! They implode!! Hahahahahaha!
  16. Wow! Wow! Wow! It's like Indiana Jones with water slides! This truly will look fantastic when it's done. Thanks for sharing this.
  17. If you can swing it, KD and BGE are an hour apart in Virginia and Griffon would be a great #500. There might also be an FEC or somthing in Williamsburg or Newport Beach. Cfc would definately know more on this. Hope the suggestions help.
  18. ^ What's so funny about it? Kidding aside, it's been a hairball of a week and I'm working on another project for the 'Tube channel, so this one went on back burner. Hopefully, I can do more during the holidays. Kinda tapped out on creative ideas right now, but I did learn a couple tricks in RCT3 this week. Here's one: * When you build a pool complex (change room, slides, pool, random pirates, etc...) if you extend the flat pool deck out to the slide stairs, instead of using the stairs/pathway to go connect to the deck around the pool, it saves the slides too. Very cool! To briefly illustrate my point, here's a pic. See how the deck extends back behind the slides, acting like a path? Oh, and those missing slide parts really aren't there. It's not a view-distance thing.
  19. Same here. Good times, good times...yeah.... You know, it's hard not to go somewhere day to day, and not be reminded of a joke or somebody's like/interest/whatever on TPR. Stuffed hippos, penguins, they seem to follow me now. It brings a smile and I think of folks here whom I've never met in person. Curious.
  20. Yep. It fills you up and cleans you out. Water with lemon is supposed to be very good for the kidneys.
  21. Robb, how are you feeling? Do you have a bit more energy than before? I noticed a bit more ooomph when I started drinking more water and shed a few pounds. Congrats man.
  22. ^ You do have a good point and some of the creative work out there is great. In a way, custom scenery is almost a standard. Yeah, my stuff pales compared to what's out there, but then, I'm not really competing with anyone. Just having fun. Besides, there are those better and those worse, so why worry? I'm still green to RCT3 in several ways and want to fully explore what can be done with the included before adding the custom stuff. Have hit very few short-comings that hindered creativity. Besides, it's also a bit of a challenge, like building an older coaster from a couple pics and a park map. Regardless, kind words, compliments, etc are always appreciated. And now on to more shameless promoting... A friend and I dressed as KISS in DC. Just seeing if you were paying attention. Intamin Gap. Still working on it Arrow Bend. Still working on it Vekoma Alley. It's for Boomerang lovers. Kinda like Virginia. Ok, still working on it Kidtums is gonna love her new sandbox. Overview of the park, with happy little trees...
  23. I'm headed up to Gatlinburg for spring break in 2008 and, of course, Dollywood. Would be great to meet up with you, Guy, or anybody else over the season or at Christmas time (Cfc). Please keep me in mind if you want an excuse to meet or talk shop, since I'm in northern Alabama and not terribly far away. Guy, great tr thus far.
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