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Everything posted by TheRapidsNerd

  1. ^Yes there are greater things in the world, but until you experience what I'm talking about, you won't understand. When I visited what was left of Opryland USA earlier this year, I cried some. The one time I visited the park in 1994, I had a great and comical time there. The place and it's rides had a special vibe that you don't get at just any park. Knowing that it was suddenly gone and seeing what was leftover was and still is very sad. Many others feel similarly about Opryland and various other parks and coasters. You're not just losing some random piece of steel or wood here, but a reminder of some of the happy or silly memories that go along with it. Think what you will. Call me weak or pathetic to be passionate about coasters and parks, but deep down, you too share this same passion or you wouldn't be a member of this board. Coasters may not be as important in the grand scheme as other things, but they do hold a special place in all our hearts. When that place is empty, we weep. BTW for those interested, there is a video called "The Coasters of Six Flags Great Adventure" (or something similar) that R&E shot few years ago. It has Nitro, Medusa, BOTH SIDES OF CHILLER, and Viper PoVs. Dunno where it is here, but it's worth a download. Edit: Here--> http://www.themeparkreview.com/videos/video.htm
  2. There are those of us here how hold parks and rides very dear, and yes, some do cry when you've had great times with either and then they're gone. One day friend, you'll understand.
  3. If you go by RCT3 lingo, thrill rides are a separate class from coasters, hence a topspin/splashover/sniglet would be a thrill ride. Ditto on what others have said about Texas Twister from GL. I'd say it was something else that starts with an A, but I'd be shot over that old joke.
  4. In the poll, I got the biggest inspiration from the Mammoth themeing, just as long as the park doesn't pull the wooly over our eyes.
  5. Woa! KI had one of those? KD had Sky Pilot around 86-89. In the small pic you can see a yellow and black Foreign Legion type hat with some of the logo. It's on the left under the Loch Ness Monster (white and green) hat. Wow! This is like show and tell day at TPR.
  6. I have several odds and ends ticket stubs, momentos, etc.. so here are a few notables: DL 50th anniversary ticket stub. WDW 20th anniversary photo album that came with a fruit and candy basket when we stayed at the Contemporary Resort in the wing that was demolished this January. 1 of 3 Dolly Parton autographs from a college friend who worked at Dollywood in the 90's. Also pictured, a yellow photo keychain from Kings Island in 1985, a purple photo keychain from Six Flags over Georgia in '91 or '92, and a WDW 15th anniversary coin/
  7. If the off time happens, Six Flags over Georgia. If not, Dollywood for Spring Break (march or april).
  8. HAHAHAHA! I'm lovin' it! (doh! Team Thriller beat me to it) "Yes, I'd like a McMantis with cheese and a large shake..." "Sir, would you like some Alieve with that?"
  9. Home Park = Wild World (now SFA) in Maryland Avalanche Bobsled_KD Roman Rapids_BGE Pirates of the Caribbean revamp (2006)_DL Adventure Island Slides_Water Country USA
  10. I'm really looking forward to this park in the next couple years. It's a bit different from the others in an IOA way (yes, I do know the some of the IOA designers/whatever had a hand in this). HRP does get docked points right out of the chute, however...no rapids ride... yet From the size of the loop and cobra roll, does anybody else get a Hulk feel to Zep? Maybe it's the pic angles, but that's impression I get.
  11. Aw thanks! I'm over a month late on reading the TR but I appreciate it.
  12. Hey Man, I enjoyed it and thought you got some great action shots. Unfortunately, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose on the popularity. What makes it worth while is that somebody does appreciate the hard work and artistry (and humor) you put in, even if they don't leave a comments or you don't get many hits. Keep posting. You're pics are worth seeing.
  13. Opryland USA (I know, not any more, but I can still dream.) Busch Gardens Europe Alabama Adventure Southern Adventures
  14. If anybody else follow the A Walk In The Park podcast, the episodes show how often Chiller was working and how noisy it was, both before and after the retracking. The host even menitoned that with Freefall gone, Chiller gone, and the idle Batman stunt show stadium gone, there's a lot of room on that side of the park for growth. He also expressed it was just and observation at the time the video was shot and that he wasn't attempting to spread rumors. Admin note: No advertising attempts here, but mentioning a relevant source to the topic. Besides, I know which side my bread's buttered on.
  15. A most excellent TR! (insert air guitar/Steve Vai lick here). May just give you a shout if I can get to SC next year or in 2009. Would be great to hang out with someone from the area.
  16. Man, that brings back good memories of my trip in July 2006. One of the best parts was the Dole Pinapple Whip thing. Never got to see DCA so thanks for those pics and Grizzly River Run.
  17. Was there a link on the BGE site or did you call the number mentioned earlier in the thread? Somebody mentioned Dorney Park, and the Statix models are posted on their site in the merchandise area. Haven't seen them at SFoG yet, nor had a chance to check the other SF parks.
  18. Give me liberty or give me...pizza pie. (Ritza Rie!) Hey, I liked your joke. What about the band Boston? Maybe there's a hint in one of their song titles or albums. You know, rock n roll and coasters? Another possibility is Boston a fave band of somebody who's orchestrating this, and a detour from the real info. Could be a revolutionary or patriot themed coaster. Granted, both those names and varients have been used a lot, but maybe it's a new angle on the era?
  19. I cracked up so many times at the captions. That's one really funny TR! If you folks are headed to Georgia next year and would like to meet up at SFoG or similar, give me a shout. It'd be worth the drive and time in my book. The Shiffon water spray is impressive to see and will drench you. 1 Griffon hosing > 5 trips on Roman Rapids. No kidding...and I got it on film (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QH8Ht4lZQgE) Again, GREAT TR!
  20. Woa! Was this thing around in the early 90's? I think I saw this place on a hotel brochure and/or drove by it during a family trip in 92. Crud! That's another place that would've been fun to check out.
  21. Bummer. I hate to see parks go under. Would've been fun to go to, as I'd never heard of it or been there. Somebody bought the kiddie coaster for $3500. That'd be fun to have.
  22. Not that I wish this to happen, but if there was a DD retheme... *Quiddich (no, not my first choice, but possible) *Other Dueling creatures from the HP universe *The flying car (though that could be a separate coaster/theme/whatever) *Valdemort something er ruther *Hello Kitty and Batz Maru Ice Cream Race! Pure conjecture here, but HP does appeal to many people. Though they may be shooting for a family atmosphere, DD or whatever it ends up being, would be well suited to the teen/older fans. The trick is how well DD is blended in with the new area, if at all.
  23. Goin to Kansas City....Kansas City here I come... Love the TreeHaus village/cabins. Yep, that one's going on the calendar
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