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Ocean Park Vietnam

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icon_STOPPark News - (6/26/14) So what’s going on at Freestyle Music Park? After hearing back from several of our sources, and putting the individual puzzle pieces back together, it seems that all of the remaining park rides may have been sold recently as part of a huge bundle. The common rumor from everyone is that they have all been sold to a foreign company who will remove them from the country, with two sources saying that they are hearing toward Asia and one who narrows it down to an unknown park in Vietnam. Add in to the mix was a rumor from earlier this month sent in claiming that a deal for just the park’s property was in negotiations with a local unnamed big development company. But when you are dealing with the Myrtle Beach area, most people have a pretty good hunch about who it just might be...

If all this is true, then unfortunately the encore performance many were waiting to see from Hard Rock Park will never come to be. As they say in show biz, “Elvis has left the building…”

Edited by larrygator
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icon_STOPPark News - (6/26/14) So what’s going on at Freestyle Music Park? After hearing back from several of our sources, and putting the individual puzzle pieces back together, it seems that all of the remaining park rides may have been sold recently as part of a huge bundle. The common rumor from everyone is that they have all been sold to a foreign company who will remove them from the country, with two sources saying that they are hearing toward Asia and one who narrows it down to an unknown park in Vietnam. Add in to the mix was a rumor from earlier this month sent in claiming that a deal for just the park’s property was in negotiations with a local unnamed big development company. But when you are dealing with the Myrtle Beach area, most people have a pretty good hunch about who it just might be...

If all this is true, then unfortunately the encore performance many were waiting to see from Hard Rock Park will never come to be. As they say in show biz, “Elvis has left the building…”


My guess about Cedar Fair buying Led Zeeplin was wrong. Oh Asians.

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icon_STOPPark News - (6/26/14) So what’s going on at Freestyle Music Park? After hearing back from several of our sources, and putting the individual puzzle pieces back together, it seems that all of the remaining park rides may have been sold recently as part of a huge bundle. The common rumor from everyone is that they have all been sold to a foreign company who will remove them from the country, with two sources saying that they are hearing toward Asia and one who narrows it down to an unknown park in Vietnam. Add in to the mix was a rumor from earlier this month sent in claiming that a deal for just the park’s property was in negotiations with a local unnamed big development company. But when you are dealing with the Myrtle Beach area, most people have a pretty good hunch about who it just might be...

If all this is true, then unfortunately the encore performance many were waiting to see from Hard Rock Park will never come to be. As they say in show biz, “Elvis has left the building…”


My guess about Cedar Fair buying Led Zeeplin was wrong. Oh Asians.


Maybe the Asians are going to turn the Led Zepplin coaster into knock off B&M coasters for American and European parks!

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Freestyle rides headed from Myrtle Beach to Vietnam?

By Steve Jones

sjones@thesunnews.comAugust 11, 2014 Updated 11 hours ago


The rides at the former Freestyle Music Park are reportedly being shipped to an amusement park halfway around the world.


“All I’ve heard is they’ve been sold and are headed to Vietnam,” said Gina Guglielmi, owner of Intermark Ride Group in Nashville, Tenn.


The rides are being dismantled, with the most recent work dismantling the roller coaster known as The Eagles' Life In The Fast Lane, named after one of the band's hit singles from 1977.


Other rides at the park already had been sold.


Gina Guglielmi said she is the ex-wife of Carlo Guglielmi, owner of Ital International, which is also headquartered in Nashville, Tenn.


Ital International had listed a number of the Freestyle rides for sale on its website as recently as last week. On Monday, they were no longer there, and the website said the listings had been removed or the rides had been sold.


The 140-acre property hasn’t seen much action since the theme park shut down after summer 2009. The park failed twice in two years, first as Hard Rock Park during the summer of 2008 then as Freestyle Music Park, which operated for summer 2009.


Late last year, Freestyle started selling off its rides, listing them for sale by Ital International, which brokers the sale of new and used theme park and amusement rides.


Family Kingdom Amusement Park in Myrtle Beach bought several of Freestyle’s rides for its park on Ocean Boulevard.


Neither Carlo Guglielmi nor Freestyle owners could be reached for comment by early Monday afternoon.

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I thought that although used some of the coasters could make a big impact on a small park especially at a reduced price.

That will probably be the case. And I doubt that anyone there will know they are not new.

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According to CoasterFusion, The Time Machine is being taken down. It's about time. Even if it is going all the way to Vietnam, that's good because letting a coaster like this sit dormant is simply sinful.


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May Time Machine is going to Six Flags Fiesta Texas or Darien Lake!

I'm pretty sure it's not going to either.


You never know where the other Hard Rock/Freestyle park rides besides are going to end up at, but the Eagles mine coaster is going to Vietnam!

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  • 5 months later...

Found Time Machine.

It's currently sat in Halong Bay in Vietnam waiting to be set up at a new park called Ocean Park.

The park is owned by the same people opening Asian Park in Da Nang which has the other coasters from Hard Rock/Freestyle


Track for Time Machine is sat waiting.


An amazing location though. The park does look small.


Can also confirm that all 4 of the other coasters are going to the Da Nang Park thanks to the plans posted outside the park. So even the Premier ferris wheel coaster is heading there.


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Every single flat ride on that map looks like it came from Hard Rock / Freestyle as well...


I spot the following names:


Fly Like An Eagle

Faerie Glen

Big Ol' Trucks

Carnaby Merry Go Round

Life Is A Highway

Kids' Tree House



And that darkride on the left is likely the Sally ride.

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Sally Corp have confirmed on twitter that the dark ride in the plans above is the one from HRP too.


They said -


Yes, the 20, 6-passenger ETF ride vehicles from NIWS are now at the Vietnam park.


Freestyle abandoned the licenses once owned by Hard Rock Park. None of the original theming of NIWS remains.

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