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Casino Pier (Seaside Heights) Discussion Thread

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Yay, mini Rage! Loved Rage, with the pop of air on the drop, and great loop and stall turn, and hang time on the twist and nice final helix. At first I was confused about not having the final helix, but this seems to work well, and makes the layout even more compact. This is what Gerstlaurer should have done before lap bars came in; small compact coasters, making the most of compact lift hill and steep drop. Why Saw! Why!!!

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  B&MIntaminGCI said:
^Wrong video by chance?


Nope. That's some weird TPR filter w/ FB videos. You have to quote the post and the link is there. You're welcome.

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  Henry M said:
Yay, mini Rage! Loved Rage, with the pop of air on the drop, and great loop and stall turn, and hang time on the twist and nice final helix. At first I was confused about not having the final helix, but this seems to work well, and makes the layout even more compact. This is what Gerstlaurer should have done before lap bars came in; small compact coasters, making the most of compact lift hill and steep drop. Why Saw! Why!!!


Why Saw! Why!!! are you so much better than Rage

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  Lightnin Loops said:
cant believe they want 10 tix to ride this. its $1 a tix. Thats the same cost as the cyclone in NY. Crazy. it looks to be a 28 sec ride.


They spent a lot of money rebuilding the pier especially to include this ride. It is not out of line with Jersey Shore park prices. I think it's worth double the price of a Wild Mouse.


And that's why smart locals will take advantage of the Annual Easter Sale, 54 cents per ticket for tickets that never expire.


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  boldikus said:
  B&MIntaminGCI said:
^Wrong video by chance?


Nope. That's some weird TPR filter w/ FB videos. You have to quote the post and the link is there. You're welcome.

What's the actual video link? Never knew this was an issue as our FB videos we share work just fine. I'll check it out...

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Weird, I thought you guys did that intentionally. FB videos have been showing up like that for me on here (no matter who posts them) for a while like that. I figured it was a TPR thing. The video drummermatt posted a few posts above mine showed up that way for me too. A while back I figured out how to get around it by just quoting the post and finding the video link there.


Anyways, here is what I was trying to post.



If I try to link it using the [fbvideonew][/fbvideonew] tags it shows up as



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  larrygator said:
  Lightnin Loops said:
cant believe they want 10 tix to ride this. its $1 a tix. Thats the same cost as the cyclone in NY. Crazy. it looks to be a 28 sec ride.


They spent a lot of money rebuilding the pier especially to include this ride. It is not out of line with Jersey Shore park prices. I think it's worth double the price of a Wild Mouse.


And that's why smart locals will take advantage of the Annual Easter Sale, 54 cents per ticket for tickets that never expire.



You the man!! Nice find, I'll be getting this for sure!

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  Coastinmiller said:
  larrygator said:
  Lightnin Loops said:
cant believe they want 10 tix to ride this. its $1 a tix. Thats the same cost as the cyclone in NY. Crazy. it looks to be a 28 sec ride.


They spent a lot of money rebuilding the pier especially to include this ride. It is not out of line with Jersey Shore park prices. I think it's worth double the price of a Wild Mouse.


And that's why smart locals will take advantage of the Annual Easter Sale, 54 cents per ticket for tickets that never expire.



You the man!! Nice find, I'll be getting this for sure!


Mike - They have a similar Easter sale at Playland Castaway Cove, also.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

So apparently the ride opens tomorrow.




They also posted this POV/Reverse POV.





Kinda hilarious Gale Force still hasn't opened.

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So looks like Casino Pier got a lighting package on the coaster similar to Monster.


Looks great!


(I can't find video other than this Instagram post)


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Despite the horrible nature in which it happened the fact that this place was forced to start over and essentially rebuild from the ground up has made it a dramatically better park. Looking at that last video it's honestly hard to believe that this is Casino Pier.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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