My wife!!!!
On June 17 at 5:15am my wife had a massive seizure, MRI and Catscans revealed a 60-65mm growth in her frontal lobe. Upon closer inspections of the MRI, 2 additional growths were found; a 6mm on her parietal lobe and a 4mm on the boundary of her parietal and frontal lobes but on different planes. She had endured an 11.5 hour surgery on Friday June 22 and has recovered from that with NO cognitive deficiencies. Pathology has been received back and we are happy to hear it was a benign meningioma more than likely due to her past childhood history of leukemia. Now it's a waiting game to see if the other 2 growths grow or not, but treatment is yet to be determine due to the childhood leukemia's treatment of radiation. She may be passed her threshold of cranial radiation, so it may not be an option.
Even though a lot of things went wrong, things lined up just right for everthing to come out with her having no complitcations. Heck, i wasn't even going t be home since I was out with my 6 year old coastering in CT and was about to head to MA, but decided against it last minute and got home that night around 10:30. truly blessed to still have her here with us. Surgeon said he walked a fine line with a major artery above the tumor and a vein below it.