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Casino Pier (Seaside Heights) Discussion Thread

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  larrygator said:
  alwaysairtime14 said:
Reporting 80% of the boardwalk is destroyed.


Untrue! The fire departments just cut a 20 foot section of the boardwalk out at the midway point of the boardwalk (just south of the Midway Steak Stand) The NJ governor is saying that anything south of that cut will be destroyed and the fire department is confident they can prevent the fire from jumping to the northern part of the boardwalk (where Casino Pier is)

This is what's being report by crews who are currently on the scene. I'm not sure where you're getting your information from, but this is the current report: http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/Fire-Along-Boardwalk-in-Seaside-Park--223511611.html


Fire Destroys 80% of Boardwalk in Jersey Shore Town


Flames are spreading rapidly along the boardwalk in Seaside Park at the Jersey Shore and smoke can be seen for at least 7 miles in the area.


“I see thick, billowing, black smoke with ruby red flames. It’s still raging out of control," says Justin Auciello, of Jersey Shore Hurricane News.


The fire, which started around 2:30 p.m. at Kohr Brothers Frozen Custard shop, 1800 Boardwalk, has now destroyed at least 80% of the boardwalk in Seaside Park. That's according to Seaside Park’s Police Chief, Francis Larken, who also says possibly three dozen businesses have also been destroyed.


“It’s just devastating to the area. It’s just heartbreaking to see. After what we just went to almost a year ago, and now this. I’m just in disbelief and shock over this. I can’t believe it, " said Larkin.


NJ Governor Chris Christie has just arrived in the area.


“Pictures and video of the fire are startling and sad given what Seaside Park and neighboring Seaside Heights have endured with Superstorm Sandy," said Michael Drewniak, Christie's press secretary. "Governor Christie is deeply concerned and will get a first-hand look shortly at the scene, where he will be speaking further with Mayor Matthies and Mayor Akers and offering the state’s full resources and assistance. Our concerns and prayers are also with firefighters and first responders at the scene battling the blaze."


Strong winds, whipping at speeds of 20 to 30 miles per hour, are presenting the biggest challenge for firefighters who have been called in from neighboring communities in Ocean, Monmouth and Atlantic County, NJ.


Embers have blown for at least 8 blocks, igniting a fire at a nearby condominium complex at Sumner Avenue and Ocean Terrace. Those embers have also landed on area homes and businesses.


Nancy O’Brien runs EJ’s Dance Club at 919 Boardwalk, which is about a mile and a half from the fire. Even at that distance the smoke is a real nuisance.


“It’s pretty acidy. Our eyes are burning. It’s very, very windy,” O’Brien said.


The area of the boardwalk between Stockton and Farragut Avenues, in front of Funtown Pier, was not destroyed during Superstorm Sandy. But the pier itself was, becoming a symbolic image of the storm's destruction.


An estimated 90% of the 33 rides on Funtown Pier were lost in the storm. The pier, which was not open this Summer, is now fully engulfed in flames, destroying the small portion that was left standing after the storm.


NBC10 cameras captured part of a structure on that pier falling down. Here's a before and after look at this landmark attraction.


“I can’t believe this! How much more can this town take?” O’Brien said.


The fire has also spread to at least four blocks of the boardwalk in neighboring Seaside Heights, which was destroyed by Sandy and then rebuilt.


Firefighters are now ripping up a section of that newly rebuilt Seaside Heights boardwalk near Lincoln Avenue to create a "fire break," which they hope will prevent the fire from spreading any further north.


Fire officials tell NBC10 Jersey Shore Bureau reporter Ted Greenberg that no injuries have been reported.


The Mathis Bridge, which connects Toms River to the Seaside area is closed to non-emergency vehicles, as of 5:30 p.m.


All roads leading into the area of Seaside Heights and Seaside Park are closed except to residents. “We are asking people to stay away from the area so that firefighters can fight this fire," said Donna Flynn, Public Information Officer for Ocean County Emergency Management.


The Borough of Seaside Park is located on the Barnegat Barrier Island in Ocean County, N.J.

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Governor Christie just said on NBC that they're cutting the boardwalk near Lincoln St. As larrygator said the governor stated that everything south of that may be destroyed but they're "confident" that they can make a stand there.


There are a lot of mixed reports but since that came directly from Chris Christie I guess it gives it some credibility. if that's true then the "80%" that was being reported is way off.

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  djboss302 said:
  robbalvey said:
  djboss302 said:
Man that's horrible. Who in their right mind would do something like that?

What are you even talking about????

I read that someone suspected arson.

Then maybe you should quote or say that so you don't look like a complete f**king idiot. Thanks.

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