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Dollywood Discussion Thread

P. 796 - Ride closing 10/30 to remove launch and install chain lift!

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  KingRCT3 said:
Do you know what are those black things around the track ?




Anyways the ride looks really amazing. So much efforts into a family ride, that definitely worth it.

Pretty sure those are there to whack a Rider's Arms, Legs, Hands, or Feet if they have them outside of the train, so they will pull them in before they get smashed. Lagoon has used these types of things for years on Fire Dragon, Puff, Wild Mouse, Spider, Jet Star 2, and Wicked in areas where a rider could be seriously injured and maimed if they had an appendage outside of the train. They are very effective.
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I wish I'd taken some pictures, but Blazing Fury got a little rehab too. Some new animatronics and lighting. An example, some of the fire in the windows has been replaced with fire lighting effects. I'm going again this week, so I'll try and get some pics.

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  linearinduction said:
Pretty sure those are there to whack a Rider's Arms, Legs, Hands, or Feet if they have them outside of the train, so they will pull them in before they get smashed. Lagoon has used these types of things for years on Fire Dragon, Puff, Wild Mouse, Spider, Jet Star 2, and Wicked in areas where a rider could be seriously injured and maimed if they had an appendage outside of the train. They are very effective.

I'd say that those would make sense on a ride built during a time when standards were different. But today in a world of roller coasting that uses reach envelope-equipped pull-throughs before testing, I really think they shouldn't even need to be there.


But in reality, it's a very small pet peeve. The ride looks great from queue line to exit!

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  B&MBoy1982 said:
Oh! Sorry. It was late last night when we got home.


The park donated 6 of the seats to the auction, and we paid $50 each for them.

Wow that seems pretty low. I have no experience in buying coaster parts but I imagined they would be more expensive.

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  Pyrozooka0 said:
I might be going to Dollywood this summer. Considering that I have 49 credits, which coaster there should I plan on making my 50th? (currently leaning towards Thunderhead getting the honor)


  ernierocker said:



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  A.J. said:
  linearinduction said:
Pretty sure those are there to whack a Rider's Arms, Legs, Hands, or Feet if they have them outside of the train, so they will pull them in before they get smashed. Lagoon has used these types of things for years on Fire Dragon, Puff, Wild Mouse, Spider, Jet Star 2, and Wicked in areas where a rider could be seriously injured and maimed if they had an appendage outside of the train. They are very effective.

I'd say that those would make sense on a ride built during a time when standards were different. But today in a world of roller coasting that uses reach envelope-equipped pull-throughs before testing, I really think they shouldn't even need to be there.


But in reality, it's a very small pet peeve. The ride looks great from queue line to exit!

If people weren't so Stupid they wouldn't be Necessary. Perhaps it also may have to do with traveling through the Existing Adventure Mountain Structure.
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  ernierocker said:
Question for those that were at the park this weekend...Did you witness FireChaser Express running three trains at all?


Yes. FIreChaser ran all 3 trains Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.


They did have issues as is common with a new ride. On Friday it went down to 2 train op, but Thursday it ran fine all day.


The switches slow operation down, because they can not switch until the train has launched, and cleared a certain spot.


There were several times when trains were stacking. I do believe once they get the kinks ironed out, it will be more sufficient.


Keep in mind if you go to ride, it is NOT a high thrill coaster. It is a Family Coaster, and is billed as such. I on the other hand enjoyed it very much, and ended up riding it 14 times over the weekend.

Edited by B&MBoy1982
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  ernierocker said:
Question for those that were at the park this weekend...Did you witness FireChaser Express running three trains at all?


It had 3 running on Friday, but did notice towards the end of the day when we rode ops went down to 2 trains. And Sunday they ran 3 all day.

Edited by SuperShawn
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^^ and ^^^


Thanks. I'm curious how often they will run it with three trains as the newness wears off. I guess I underestimated the load/unload times, as I didn't think they would be able to consistently run three trains without stacking most of the time.

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  iCubby1980 said:
I wish I'd taken some pictures, but Blazing Fury got a little rehab too. Some new animatronics and lighting. An example, some of the fire in the windows has been replaced with fire lighting effects. I'm going again this week, so I'll try and get some pics.


That sounds great! I've been wishing it would get some upgrades for a while. I'm going tomorrow and am gonna check it out. Wish they would bring the splashdown back though.

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I can't wait for my first visit this year. I would have been heading out Friday. But alas, life has again intervened in my unending quest for fun. Looks like I might be riding Banshee before this one. That is, unless life has other plans for me. Ahhh life, your neverending quest for suckage has my fun quotient dangling by strings most recently.

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  Rollercoaster Rider said:
Has the water splash returned to Blazing Fury?


The splashdown was replaced with magnetic brakes, and iirc Dollywood said they couldn't use the new brakes and have a splashdown too. I don't think the splashdown will return, but they have said they would tweek it, so its a work in progress.


I had heard somewhere that the drive-train and axel that pulled the train out of the water was breaking down a lot and so that's why they started looking at solutions to fix that issue...and from that came the magnetic brakes and the loss of the splashdown. Not sure if that's 100% accurate or not.

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