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Dollywood Discussion Thread

P. 796 - Ride closing 10/30 to remove launch and install chain lift!

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I would think that the new resort hotel Dolly has said is coming soon will be over in the area where DreamMore is and not anywhere near the main Dollywood area right? Just curious what you guys thought. I would think the immediate Dollywood land area would have to be for more parking and future expansions. I am not sure how much land they own just can't wait to see actual theme park attraction expansions over the next decade like this last one. I know Opryland ran out of expansion room and was hoping that would never be an issue for Dollywood.

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I've never been to Dollywood and I 100% plan on fixing that this year. Anyone think lightning rod will be part of thrills in the hills ert this year (I think has never been so far)? I want to get night rides, so its either go to the event if its on the ERT schedule or plan my trip for october/november when its darker earlier.

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  octoroach said:
I've never been to Dollywood and I 100% plan on fixing that this year. Anyone think lightning rod will be part of thrills in the hills ert this year (I think has never been so far)? I want to get night rides, so its either go to the event if its on the ERT schedule or plan my trip for october/november when its darker earlier.


Whoa there's an event? I had no idea.

Hmmm yes if anyone can provide any info on this (not seeing concrete on the site) I would be greatly interested. I too was planning on going later (prob Oct) or perhaps this summer and use fast pass, but if there's an ERT event...

Cause yeah hell or high water I wanna finally do Lightning Rod and I hear nothing but great things about this park.

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  Nrthwnd said:


Indeed, but per the earlier comment there doesn't seem to be mention of what rides will be on ERT.

Regardless, going this year. Deff gunna check out Knoxville, Gatlingburg etc while there! Maybe the Great Smoky Mountains, as a big fan of hiking I reckon that's gotta be top tier.


  tndank said:


Blazing Fury...hate that you missed that gem. Great old indoor ride. And the last drop is actually RMC track.



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  octoroach said:
Anyone think lightning rod will be part of thrills in the hills ert this year (I think has never been so far)?


Past seasons LR has been having problems. If it continues running well I expect it will have ERT. Will it be after dark is anyone's guess.


Summer nights (til 9:30) starts this weekend and run through Aug 4.

Edited by TEDodd
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Thrills in the HIlls schedule was posted.


Friday, July 12

8 p.m. | Check-in begins

9 p.m. | Snack (cinnamon bread!)

9:30 - 10:30 p.m. | Exclusive Ride Time after the park closes (Lightning Rod)


Saturday, July 13

8 - 9 a.m. | Check-in and breakfast

9 - 10 a.m. | Exlusive Tour of the Thunderhead lift hill (appropriate footwear required)

10 - Noon | Free time in Dollywood

Noon - 1 p.m. | Lunch

1 - 3 p.m. | Free time in Dollywood

3 p.m. | Reserved show seating for Summer Feels...

4:30 - 9:30 p.m. | Free time in Dollywood

9:30 - 10:30 p.m. | Exclusive Ride Time after the park closes (all of Wildwood Grove)

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While lightning rod is on the schedule this year, isn’t wildwood grove all family rides for the Saturday ERT? I think I’m gonna pass on the event and just make a weekend trip in October or November for more night rides on all the coasters.

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Yeah I'm surprised Lightning Rod isn't on ERT both nights, but then again this is the first time the coaster isn't closed for the event so they probably didn't want to mess with fire.


While Wildwood Grove is mostly a family area, I've heard it looks nice at night and Dragonflier is fun for everyone.

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Unfortunately they discontinued that a couple of years ago. Not sure why as it was so nice. Especially at the water park where you could go in, do a few things but not “bake” all through the hottest part of the day. Seemed to get more bodies in the parks later in the evening eating and spending as well. Costs about the same to run an empty park as a full one, and a park full of people feeling like they got a good deal and “more than they paid for” are more apt to spend money in the real profit centers of food and Merch.

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We are in Pigeon Forge for the week. Does anyone know if Dollywood puts on a special fireworks show for the 4th? I know they do a so-so fireworks show every evening in the summer but wondered if they amped it up for the 4th.


Has anyone been to the new Dolly Parton Pirates Voyage (I think it’s called?) dinner show? It opened last month. Wondering how it is. There are evidently other locations around the US that have the show too.

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The Pirate show in Myrtle Beach is enjoyable, it does feature some mildly loud cannon effects that may upset the very young. (We haven't seen the version there) The meal is good but not great here, and the vegan option was disappointing. Some of the diving stunts are really cool, and the sword fights are fun. Its worth getting to the venue early to see the preshow. We enjoyed the Hatfield and McCoy show a bit more.

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  TBpony414 said:
We are in Pigeon Forge for the week. Does anyone know if Dollywood puts on a special fireworks show for the 4th? I know they do a so-so fireworks show every evening in the summer but wondered if they amped it up for the 4th.


Has anyone been to the new Dolly Parton Pirates Voyage (I think it’s called?) dinner show? It opened last month. Wondering how it is. There are evidently other locations around the US that have the show too.


Gatlinburg does the first fourth of july parade in the country at midnight. Its really cool and fun. Id recommend sitting by the Gatlinburg brewing company.

20190630_141738.thumb.jpg.2285394924c21a7fc387a00bb7788d73.jpg anywhere within the blue circle is a good place to watch it. The parade starts just up the road and usually isnt that crowded. The red circle is public parking. Easy in and out. Id park there a few hours before and then to walk around Gatlinburg and do some of the shops on the main road.


You can check out more into here, parade link


We didnt do the fireworks because we went to dollywood on the fourth, which wasnt that busy, sobwe did the parks fireworks. Check out more info here.fireworks link


Dollywood has an amazing fireworks show on the fourth. GVEB2175.thumb.jpg.ad5177c640826b17f9aaf9ead7d48e90.jpg id watch them near the front entrance. Get a really nice view of them and great photo opts, plus the exit is right there. Gatlinburg, pigeon forge and dollywood are the best place to be on fourth of july.

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  TBpony414 said:


Has anyone been to the new Dolly Parton Pirates Voyage (I think it’s called?) dinner show? It opened last month. Wondering how it is. There are evidently other locations around the US that have the show too.


We went to the Pirate show last week and enjoyed it. Food was nothing spectacular, but decent. I would compare it more to a circus; lots of acrobats, diving, and juggling.

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  mikeykaise said:
but no actual wait times shown, am I looking in the wrong place? I'm going in under rides.


Moat wait time apps are location sensitive.

So you only see the times when in (or near) the respective park.


Also requires location services be enabled.

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  mikeykaise said:
I downloaded the Dollywood app and I've been playing with it and I see where it has wait times as a header but no actual wait times shown, am I looking in the wrong place? I'm going in under rides.


Below is a site that pulls the park's wait times every 15 minutes and keeps a record from past days.



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Park seemed very quiet yesterday for a holiday. Really short lines later in the evening around 4 or so. Longest we waited was for food at till and harvest. Good food, disorganized operations.

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Just got home from the mountains yesterday and we were at Dwood on Wednesday and Thursday. It was a good week overall but it sucked that the 4th of July parade got cancelled because of storms, the news said it was the first time ever to be cancelled. I hadn't been to Dwood since 16 and I really enjoyed it, the only thing I think the park could improve on is maybe some kind of transportation that goes from one side of the park to the other so you didn't have to walk all the way around. I rode most of the coasters but not all as the park seemed busy in the morning and by late afternoon the ques seemed to be empty. I did get to ride LR and it was the first chance I got to ride an RMC... what a ride! I got to the brake run and I was like what just happened, it was awesome but everything was a blur. I'd say my most favorite and probably in my top 5 now is Thunderhead. I was really disappointed to see such a great awesome coaster with an empty que all day long. It's really one of the great woodies I think and it should get more attention. Firechaser Express was awesome as well, backwards is much more fun then the frontwards. All in all I give Dollywood 2 thumbs up.

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