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Elitch Gardens Discussion Thread

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Yes we were bought by a couple of investment groups jointly. I believe Kroenke Sports has a 55% stake. They announced today that they will be investing millions into the park. As employees we are super excited even though it will mean more work for us. Kroenke owns the Pepsi center that is across the train tracks. One exciting thought I had is that we could somehow use he Pepsi center parking lot instead of the elitches and develop the current Elitch parking lot. I think I will bring that up to them. We will see. Exciting times for us.


As an update to slidezilla I was there helping with the build on Saturday and it still had a ways to go. There is a possibility of ride testing this week though. We are working as fast as possible. I will probably participate in the testing and let you all know how it goes. I don't have a gopro so probably no video. Lol

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Yes we were bought by a couple of investment groups jointly. I believe Kroenke Sports has a 55% stake. They announced today that they will be investing millions into the park. As employees we are super excited even though it will mean more work for us. Kroenke owns the Pepsi center that is across the train tracks. One exciting thought I had is that we could somehow use he Pepsi center parking lot instead of the elitches and develop the current Elitch parking lot. I think I will bring that up to them. We will see. Exciting times for us.


As an update to slidezilla I was there helping with the build on Saturday and it still had a ways to go. There is a possibility of ride testing this week though. We are working as fast as possible. I will probably participate in the testing and let you all know how it goes. I don't have a gopro so probably no video. Lol

While I am excited about your future investments at Elitch Gardens, I cannot get over the fact that the man I hate most is running that theme park. (Stan Kroenke, the guy who's trying to take football away from STL.

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Yes we were bought by a couple of investment groups jointly. I believe Kroenke Sports has a 55% stake. They announced today that they will be investing millions into the park. As employees we are super excited even though it will mean more work for us. Kroenke owns the Pepsi center that is across the train tracks. One exciting thought I had is that we could somehow use he Pepsi center parking lot instead of the elitches and develop the current Elitch parking lot. I think I will bring that up to them. We will see. Exciting times for us.


As an update to slidezilla I was there helping with the build on Saturday and it still had a ways to go. There is a possibility of ride testing this week though. We are working as fast as possible. I will probably participate in the testing and let you all know how it goes. I don't have a gopro so probably no video. Lol

While I am excited about your future investments at Elitch Gardens, I cannot get over the fact that the man I hate most is running that theme park. (Stan Kroenke, the guy who's trying to take football away from STL.


Sorry bud I understand. I'm an avalanche fan and wish he invested more into the team the last few years. With elitches though he isn't the only owner so hopefully they keep on him to keep this park in top shape.

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Hopefully the park will see some real investment going forward. Closing the parking lot and moving the parking to the Pepsi center lots would really free up space. This park has the potential to become the American version of an urban Tivoli. Not sure it will happen, but one can hope.

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  • 1 year later...

Elitch Gardens has announced a brand new ride debuting later this year!


Elitch Gardens Theme and Water Park will open a gravity-defying new swing ride next year as part of $4 million in capital improvements, park officials said Friday.


The 17-story Star Flyer will debut in spring 2017, making it the park’s first major addition since 2015’s SlideZilla — a six-story slide that cost $2.5 million — and the largest in size since its Tower of Doom ride, said marketing manager Jolie DuBois.


The “extreme swing” seats 48 people in pairs across open-air seats, their legs dangling high above the ground as they ascend to the top of the tower. It will reach speeds of up to 50 miles per hour as it spins riders in circles.


Star Flyer will be the seventh new ride in the last six years at Elitch Gardens, which in 2015 was sold to Denver’s Revesco Properties, a partner of Kroenke Sports Entertainment. KSE owns the Pepsi Center, which is adjacent to Elitch’s just northwest of downtown Denver, as well as Dick’s Sporting Goods Park, the Colorado Avalanche, Denver Nuggets, Colorado Mammoth, and Colorado Rapids, and Second City Real Estate. Terms of the 2015 deal were not disclosed.


The new ownership group said it plans to invest $4 million in new capital for the 2017 season, although it’s not clear how much of that is devoted to the Star Flyer ride.


Season Pass holders can preview the new ride starting April 22, while the park opens to the general public next year on April 29. Elitch’s is set to close for the 2016 season on Oct. 30 following this weekend’s Fright Fest Halloween festivities.


Call 303-595-4386 or visit elitchgardens.com for ticket prices and park hours.




Elitch Gardens Link







[/youtu_be] Edited by jedimaster1227
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Surprised I haven't seen this post yet...


You haven't seen the post yet because:


1.) It's Elitch Gardens. . .




2.) It's a Star Flyer. . .


Neither of which any of us really care about.


(On a separate note, glad to see the park getting something new.)

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I never been to this park. Dont live anywhere near here even (obviously) However whats interesting to me about this park is how much "hate" it seems to get by the coaster community lol. Since I been on here the two most disliked "major" parks on here is this one and of course Michigan's Adventure. Which I never been to either. Since I been to neither I can't say if I'd dislike them or not. However they wouldn't be my first choices to go to either. Ok here is a fun little question if you "had" to go to one of these two parks for a day which one would you pick? From the looks of it I'd probably pick MA. Its closer to where I live,it has Shivering Timbers which looks like a really awesome wooden coaster,and I heard it has a really fun waterpark. So I'd go with MA myself.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What a wonderful addition! Although I'm curious. They have a Chance Aviator already that is just 70 feet shorter. Are they still going to keep it? I hope someday they get a Zamperla Giant Discovery. I love those things so much and I think it could go where Shake, Rattle, and Roll was.

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  • 2 months later...

Star Flyer opened today for the season pass holder preview, and is a huge hit. It is very fast and has a nice long cycle. The ride is covered with LEDs, including on the seats, so this is sure to look incredible at night. I'm excited the park finally has a thrilling swing ride.



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