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WDW Disney's Hollywood Studios Discussion Thread

p. 86: Monsters Inc door coaster preview!

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Just a question but, did they caption either of these art concepts to which park it would be in?



Bob Iger actually announced this during the Live Action Film panel. The Parks and Resorts Panel is coming up in a little bit and there will hopefully be a lot more details about both new lands there. He made no mention of anything closing in either park. So there's more to be shared.

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Oops - something I don't see there, on first look. The Mater-like attraction (DCA) they were going to re-theme with

Woody & Bullseye pulling a cart, etc. I don't see it there. Not complaining. Just wondering where it might be, if it is there?


Just a thought - ooooo maybe they've made it an indoor attraction?

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Wow, I guess nobody was expecting a coaster in the Toy Story Land. I thought it would be in a much smaller area, they sure exceeded expectations with this one. As for Star Wars Land, it looks amazing, even though I never watched the movies and have no idea what is all this. At last, I found it kinda odd they just announced one attraction for the Avatar Land, I remember seeing some type of boat ride in the concept art, or maybe they did and I'm not aware of it (?).

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The Toy Story area looks massive. Probably taking up a large space in the back of the park where Street of America is all the way back to the Motors show. The roller coaster probably taking up a majority of the space where the Stadium is now.


My guess is that Star Wars will go next to Star Tours with the removal of the Backlot Express eating area, and then some of the backstage stuff in that area moved into the back of the park, maybe where tram maintenance and the Canyon are/used to be. Star Tours is likely to be redressed to match whatever the new Star Wars area ends up being. Hard to know what these other attractions are with their basic descriptions but I hope they don't all end up being different types of simulator rides.


However it ends up going down, this is a really great and needed change for the Studios.

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^ Thanks.


The star wars stuff got my attention (never seen the movies but I don't think I have to to "get it"). However, the Toy story stuff reeled me in! That coaster looks like its gonna be great for a family attraction and something IMHO the studios needs! California screamin east???

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I'm assuming they didn't give details on the coaster manufacturer, but the track looks like it could be Intamin. That seems a little odd considering most of WDW's coasters are almost all Vekoma. Looks like Star Wars Land and Toy Story Land look to be exactly the kind of revamp HWS needs. Great-looking concept art!

Edited by Koasterking48
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WOW! So glad to see this coming to WDW! Not only that, but I am excited for Soarin' Around The World! Considering how amazing Disney makes... EVERYTHING and the amount of detail in everything they do, I really can not wait to make a trip back down to Florida to visit the new Star Wars area!

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Oh man, this is exactly what this park needed. I read about the Star Wars land earlier but missed the Toy land announcement. Did they mention anywhere about a new name for the park? I know it's rumored to change.

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The Slink Coaster reminds me a bit of DW's Fire Chaser Express! And upon looking at a higher res image, the coaster has a launch section! Mixed with some small hills this coaster could be a surprise hit!

You're RIGHT! it does have that vibe!

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I'm assuming they didn't give details on the coaster manufacturer, but the track looks like it could be Intamin.

I am 100% certain that the "coaster manufacturer's track" is not represented in the concept art in any way at all. Any resemblance to any company would be purely coincidental.

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Did they mention anywhere about a new name for the park? I know it's rumored to change.

No, nothing. The only information was what is in that press release I posted. I'm sure they are waiting to announce more details to give them more things to talk about later.

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