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WDW Disney's Hollywood Studios Discussion Thread

p. 86: Monsters Inc door coaster preview!

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Rock N' Rollercoaster.

Eh, I'll take crashing through fake Hollywood signs over a seizure-inducing light show any day of the week.


I've never been on the Paris version but the seizure-inducing light show looks way better than over sized glow in the dark doughnut cutouts.

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The pre-show in Paris is even more irritating than the one in Orlando (it makes no sense at all), but the ""light show" during the ride is fun.


That was one of the biggest improvements, I found. It lasts maybe 15 seconds! In, out, on the ride. Orlando has you stand there for 5 minutes watching the band act poorly.

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I thought the pre-show in Paris was much easier to understand.

Aerosmith was writing a soundtrack for a coaster. That's it.


No "getting to a big music event" thing, the way Orlando does it.

And the train is riding "through music", not on some roadway

past iconic signs, etc. And smoke. (o:


And the coaster train was made to look like massive speakers

all strung together, etc. Very cool.

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But disappointed with the timing of it closing as I think my four year old would have loved it but we're not going until May

To be honest there is so much else to do in the parks that even with the absence of the stunt show it's still going to be overwhelming for a four year old as it is.


Did I say my 4 year old Robb? I really meant myself!

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The pre-show in Paris is even more irritating than the one in Orlando (it makes no sense at all), but the ""light show" during the ride is fun.


That was one of the biggest improvements, I found. It lasts maybe 15 seconds! In, out, on the ride. Orlando has you stand there for 5 minutes watching the band act poorly.


That is a good point. But at least Florida has Illeana Douglas.


Who can actually act.

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"We can't just leave these people here."

"We can't?"



I actually like the WDW version's pre-show. I think it grew on me after all these years. I just don't like being crammed in a room with a bunch of people trying to get out the exit doors before me when it's over.

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Yeah, not a huge fan of it either. I've always wondered why they have never attempted to update it over the years. Seems like it would be simple enough to record like 4 or 5 different "interactions" with the band so at least you get a random pre-show video every time instead of the same thing especially considering the pre-show really doesn't add that much to story for the attraction. They could show the band eating take out, arguing with the producer over mixing, Steven Tyler doing blow, anything really then 30 seconds before it ends oh hey looks there's a limo lets head to the show.

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I think the Rock n Roller Coaster pre show is the worst pre show in the history of pre shows. I think I would ride that coaster more if I didn't have to stand through the pre show!!!


Thats a bold statement but I am actually struggling to think of a worse pre show so I will have to agree.

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I think the Rock n Roller Coaster pre show is the worst pre show in the history of pre shows. I think I would ride that coaster more if I didn't have to stand through the pre show!!!


Thats a bold statement but I am actually struggling to think of a worse pre show so I will have to agree.




I win.

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I think the Rock n Roller Coaster pre show is the worst pre show in the history of pre shows. I think I would ride that coaster more if I didn't have to stand through the pre show!!!


Thats a bold statement but I am actually struggling to think of a worse pre show so I will have to agree.


Apocalypse's old pre-show at SF Magic Mountain was probably the worst one I'd ever experienced (I don't think they use it anymore).

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I think the Rock n Roller Coaster pre show is the worst pre show in the history of pre shows. I think I would ride that coaster more if I didn't have to stand through the pre show!!!


This pre-show is indeed death, but I think the one you used to have to sit through before you FINALLY got to the movie at Terminator 3D was worse.



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I think the Rock n Roller Coaster pre show is the worst pre show in the history of pre shows. I think I would ride that coaster more if I didn't have to stand through the pre show!!!


This pre-show is indeed death, but I think the one you used to have to sit through before you FINALLY got to the movie at Terminator 3D was worse.





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I think the Rock n Roller Coaster pre show is the worst pre show in the history of pre shows. I think I would ride that coaster more if I didn't have to stand through the pre show!!!


This pre-show is indeed death, but I think the one you used to have to sit through before you FINALLY got to the movie at Terminator 3D was worse.






Oh lord, yes!

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  • 4 weeks later...

^ I don't remember who put what's below together (thank you whoever!), but I think this is the better

positioning of where Toy Story Land will/might go. And no, this Toy Story Land will probably

be much bigger than the other TSLs, when you take into account how much property the Slinky Dog

Coaster will take up. If this coaster was removed from the layout, then yes, probable same size as the others.


I am in agreement with you that a fair amount of that other space where the tour, stunt show and such

used to be, will be Star Wars Land. But I am still wondering how they are going to 'connect' the

Star Tours attraction to the new Land? If they do, at all?


Actually, they might do what Tokyo Disneyland is "planning" (not official yet) to do, which is moving Small

World to an entirely new location in Fantasyland! (Enlarging the Land, I read) Same could happen to Star Tours,

although it's very unlikely this will happen. If they do, possibly put it on the other side of the Muppets area?

Then it will be definitely part of the new "Star Wars Experience" as said by Harrison Ford on TV last night.


And if they did move Star Tours, that would open up an already standing show building, for maybe something..... Muppety*?



(*Ideas: A new simulator ride with the Muppets' iconic BUS as the vehicles. And a 3/4 circular screen for the visual,

with side windows and the windshield "open". OR gut the building, do trackless vehicles as their bus, thru Muppet Hollywood!

With Beeker as the Traffic Director in the middle of the Traffic Jam Room. Think Dream Room in Pooh's Hunny Hunt in TDL.

OR turn the whole building into an indoor Aquatopia, like at TDS, with trackless cars and gags and stuff from the Muppets.)


Too much Armchair Imagineering I know. But hey - it's an amazing chance to finally re-organize the Lands in the Studios!


Bottom left of the photo, shows where the Great Movie Ride sits.

Edited by Nrthwnd
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I think the Rock n Roller Coaster pre show is the worst pre show in the history of pre shows. I think I would ride that coaster more if I didn't have to stand through the pre show!!!


Maybe they could substitute the Paris' version and see if anybody notices....

(They could do it in WDW as well. Might as well see how both parks' gp react.)


And I "read somewhere" that the Paris version was shorter time-wise, than the WD Studios was.


Is it? No idea here.

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^ I was hoping they'd move it entirely, to the other side of The Muppets attraction.

At least putting it within the Star Wars Land itself, should be considered, and they

probably have thought about it, a lot.


Till then, we wait and see.

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For those that missed this in the Disneyland thread....


Tony Dyson, the British special effects artist and robotics professor responsible for bringing R2-D2 to life in ‘Star Wars’, has died aged 68.



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