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Where in the world ARE Robb & Elissa? Part II!

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Update - 1/26 - Laughlin Photos


Hey everyone,


So once again we're off on a road trip....but to where to this time?


I'll post the photos below....just a few at a time to keep you all guessing.


BTW, we have only told a couple of people where we were going this weekend, and if you're one of those few, please don't answer!


Today's Clue: We've got a GREAT "Vue"




Oh, now this is almost TOO easy!


More Photos and clues coming soon! :D


Well, this is a change from our usual road trips, isn't it? Hmm....


This might be a dead giveaway...I'm pretty sure this McDonalds has been in a previous update! ;)


Where could we be going? Doesn't look like much ahead!


Heading out of our apartment, we see....Tatsu!

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Today's Clue: We've got a GREAT "Vue"



Only thing I can think that means is you got a Saturn... Didn't they make the Vue? (looks a lot like where Elissa is sitting... Check it out for yourself http://www.saturn.com/saturn/vehicles/vue/overviewInterior.jsp )


I don't recognize any of the pics... Kinda looks like Nevada... Highway... Hey I said I don't recognize anything...

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You guys are going to Castles & Coasters, or that new Xmas park in Phoenix at the fairgrounds.


That bridge is where the I10 East crosses over the Colorado River. Way below Lake Havasu. It's between Blyth & Quartzite. The first picture is the I10 way out past 29 palms.


Am I right? What do I win?



Guy "I have family in Tucson, so I go by there at least once a year." Koepp

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Didn't R&E just come back from a trip and they are travelling again? Man, you ought to be glad you don't have my mom. She complains about my trips to Orlando, and I take one every 3-4 months!


I will make a guess on where they are...


They are in the U.S., somewhere between Washington state and the Florida keys.


So what do I win?

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Oh good lord! Did Robb drop peyote again and get lost in tha desert. Elissa is probably just following the GPS chip she had imbeded into Robbs craneum just for these occasions.


I realy shouldn't be talking about this, as it's kinda sensitive. Not too many people know this, but Robb suffers from night terrors. He sometimes has them for days on end. You think he's awake but he's realy fast asleep in a fully functional state. He'll be all non-chalant about things while secretly plotting a way to escape and get back to the mothership. This is exasorbated when he drops peyote. (We all already know about his drug problems, so I won't go into that.)


The one who suffers most realy is poor Elissa. She's resorted to having to make up these wild TRs to the far reaches of BFE just to hide Robbs affliction. Nancy Reagan once said of Ronalds Alzheimers, "It is the cruelest of deseases." What that has to do with Robbs problems, I don't know. I do know that Elissa is no Nancy Reagan though, and she doesn't have a team of secret service men to find Robb when he loses it.


Now I do know that Robb was partyin' pretty hard being that Monday was his birthday and all. I also recollect that he mentioned something about wanting a chocolate shake from the Bun Boy at the worlds tallest thermometer in Baker. I know what your thinking, and no he didn't mention anything about heading to Red Rocks for a spa treatment. But, as we all know, the thermometer is realy just a landing becon for UFO's. So. If my theory is correct, Robb is somewhere in Dry Lake Bed, out beyond Zzyxx Rd. Probably wandering around aimlessly trying to flag down every aircraft that passes over head. Poor bastard!


Anyhoo... Elissa, I hope this information helps. I'm working through Wednesday. So If you havn't found him by then. Give me a call and I'll get the bloodhounds. Don't you fret your pretty little head over this. We found him before and we'll find him again. I just hope this time he dosn't try to warm himself up during the night by setting his clothes on fire.


That's kinda a funny story in itself. Yeah, he burned his clothes trying to get warm and ended up running around naked for 3 days. Oh those poor campers. They thought they were being stalked by Big Foot. That was a lark. He he.


TPR members, Let's keep this on the DL. Robb is kinda sensitive about it. He realy dosn't want people to know he has a "problem." If you run into Robb and he mentions the TR with a "VUE" and an "Engine." Just smile and nod and look real interested. We don't want him to have a flashback. Oh God! do we not want him to have a flashback.


Worry not E. We'll get him.


Guy "Keep the GPS batteries charged, we don't want an incident like in Europe." Koepp

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Well if it is I-40 then the first park on it I can see is Cliffs...


After that on I-40 I see a place in Amarillo called Wonderland Amusement Park...


Cliff's is a seasonal park, so that couldn't be it. They could be taking I-40 to 17 to 10 to get to Phoenix where Castles n' Coasters is...but I can't imagine a scenario where they'd want to drive to a place where they already have credits and is ghetto...


-Bryan "one more week in Phoenix then I move" Wood

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