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About CoasterKid

  • Birthday 12/24/1981

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  1. I believe this is similar to the kind of system Intamin proposed for Kongfrontation.
  2. I leave for Vienna on Friday to get my Prater credits, and then it's off to Munich on the 28th.
  3. The new train is there. I saw it cycling about 2 weeks ago with water dummies. It's a little better themed; hood is more extended and defined, and there are fake tires on the front and back cars. Good news, the bogies are different.
  4. Backdraft and the old Miami Vice show; USH
  5. Well, they're on I-40 headed East (The bridge is the old route 66 bridge across the Colorado). However, if they were going to Phoenix why didn't they take I-10? My guess is they're going to the Grand Canyon (watch out for the creepy Flintstones park).
  6. James Newton Howard King Kong (2004) Soundtrack "Central Park"
  7. Some South Bay favs: Lomita - Alfredo's (best salsa) Palos Verdes - The Red Onion CoasterKid
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