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Roller Coaster Queues

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I wish I had a better picture of Hurler's at Kd. I love how it goes under the track and through the structure.



Especially at night when the lights underneath light up. Grizzly's goes through the woods, I think that's pretty cool.


Another one I like is Anaconda. You get to see part of the layout up close.


Taken from the Queue

Taken from the Queue.

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Grizzly's goes through the woods

It used to go a lot more through the woods too, till XLC and that damn Go-Kart Track came in. Not only did they take trees out of Grizzly's queue, but the Karts now SHARE Grizzly's queue! And last time I was there, Grizzly didn't even have a sign!




favorites: Any Batman: The Ride, Volcano with the music and without the graffiti, Flight of Fear, DarKastle, Superman at New England, El Toro, Skull Mountain, Dark Knight, Predator, Lightning Racer, Canada's Scooby Doo, Dragon Mountain, Ninja at SFOG


least favorites: Goliath SFOG, anything at Lakemonth because queues don't exist there, Laser, Behemoth, Goliath, Batwing

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My favorite que is probably Talon's. The que is right in the infield of the ride. You have a great view of almost the entire coaster and it really builds up the anticipation. A couple others that I like are Hydra and Medusa because you also get a great view of the ride.

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Hey, I'm excited about queue lines as well. At Kings Dominion, they have a few coasters' queue line that are just straights (no switchbacks). Coasters such as the Rebel Yell, the Grizzly, the Ananconda, the Shockwave, and the Hurler all have staight lines that you must walk all the way the station regardless of how little or how many riders are present. Their two biggest coasters (Volcano and Dominator) have switchbacks (and they really do need them!!!).


My biggest gripe is the situation of a ride that has many riders lining up before the entrance, and seeing tons of queueing lines not being used. Oh come on now: if you got queue lines, USE THEM!!! Don't force the riders to line up and cause a traffic jam on the midway. Another gripe I have is that some rides have straight lines that are way too long. I love riding the Dueling Dragon at Island of Adventures, but do they really need all that queueing? I counted the paces I had to travel from start until I reached the station and I counted 450 paces! Did the planners believe that ride to be so popular they felt they needed a line that would contain over 2000 waiting riders?


Okay, my favorite queueing has to be the Led Zepplin. After passing through classic album covers and learning bits of trivia about the band, you see a show before getting on the ride.

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Since I haven't really been to that many parks, my queue knowledge is pretty limited, but oh well...


Some of my favorite queues have to be Space Mountain at DLR, Batman: The Ride, Riddler's Revenge, and X2 just because of the videos they show, all at SFMM.


The worst queues I've been in are Kong at SFDK, simply because it's boring and has a sign that says "Definitely Worth the Wait". Yeah, NO. Another is Tatsu at SFMM, it's just boring, and doesn't give you that great of a view of the ride. The last one is Scream! at SFMM, again because it's boring with no theming whatsoever besides the banners.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was going through some pics and found some interesting ones:


Le Monstre at LaRonde



Steel Hawgs line. Imagine waiting in this moving 4 people like every 3 minutes or so minutes standing next to a bunch of Indiana hicks when its 90 degrees. Awesome.



Steamin Demon at the Great Escape



GASMs station and exit path, lots of careful planning and landscaping effort here.



The Dark Knight at GADV



The Dark Knight at GADV



El Toro



Batman at GADV



Batman at GADV



Batman at GADV


Batman at GADV


Dark Knight at SFGAm



Dark Knight at SFGAm



Dark Knight at SFGAm





Decided one day to have a photo spree of Batman at SFGAm












This isnt there anymore, they replaced the city-scape in 2008 with 3-D type buildings and replaced this display with a bare wall













Compare this to Great Adventures



I dont know why SFGAms Batman monitors show renderings of SFNE's Batman







More details, I absolutely LOVE SFGAms BTR in comparison to all the other BTRs. The others are just cheap imitations.





Okay moving on



Powder Kegs station, complete with SDC employee christmas costumes



Maverick at CP



Italian Job at KI, complete with no chickens sign



Renegade vandalism at VF



Corkscrew at VF exit path

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  • 1 year later...
  kk said:
Thanks COOOOLkid, wow so Scream! is just a straight line up stairs into the station. Does anyone know about X's queue?


X's queue was alot of switch backs, and pink walls with lots of yellow slogans. At least before they changed the themeing. The line was painfully long (3 hours) and seemed to be such a short ride. The whole time I was waiting, I kept seeing Viper's trains cycling wishing i was on that instead.


I was a big fan of Mind Bender's queue at SFOG before they changed it to Riddler theming. There was an awesome sign of this man comming out of an iron lung type device with multiple holes. The man was like all elastic, and his head was coming out where is legs should be, etc. The line itself was ALL underneath huge trees and shaded. You couldn't see the ride from any point in the line, making it seem a lot more exciting once you got on. Also, There were big wooden posts that made up the barriers that were useful as stools.


Now the queue is all wobbly metal railing that snakes through a somewhat shaded area which reveals the first drop and the first loop. LAME.

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  BJS1981 said:
I don't think anyone has mentioned the "Warehouse" portion of B:TR's queue @ SFOG. On a busy day when that queue is filled up..... good lord! ..... That's a hell of a line AND wait time!


If that thing is full and spilling into the park part of the queue, you should just leave! There is no way that is only 120 mins if the warehouse and city park is full like the sign says. Probably no less than 3 hrs.

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  Alpenguy said:
  apolloman said:
im curious to what a dive machine's station looks like.

Oblivion actually has a really unusual queue setup. The ride tandem loads (2 trains at once) and splits the queue very early on, and it's just two wide paths with a chain between going up a big spiralish ramp setup. Then each one splits and goes through a little cage jetway sort of elevated tunnel to the station, where things get even more unusual.


Here's a pic if you were still interested Apolloman:


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six flags in my opinion has queues that are unecessiarly long. The biggest offender of the four parks i've visited [ SFOG, SFKK, SFMM & SFSTL] is The Boss at SFSTL. I saw 2 trains fully cycle while walking up to the station. Another bad one is Mr. Freeze

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^I didn't think Mr. Freeze was that bad because of the use of switchbacks so you don't have to walk through it all. While Boss's queue was really long, I thought it was cool walking so close alongside the finale of the ride with trains shooting by.


I think Poltergeist at SFFT, Roadrunner Express's at SFFT's old queue, Revenge of the Mummy at USF (even though it probably fills up pretty frequently), Dueling Dragons' queue (the queue is enough, but they added switchbacks too?), and Chang at SFKK.


I would mention several of the queues at SFOG, but I have seen all of their queues full and spilling onto the midway (yes, even Batman, through all the switchbacks).

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  • 3 weeks later...

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