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Fuji-Q Highlands Discussion Thread

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Not a mirrored clone.

If you look at the footer layout the ride is obviously not a mirrored clone.


Check this forum where someone has drawn a possible layout sketch.


Its very simular but baby steps

We also know that the ride will feature the Full-Full Element. which X does not.

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MF's trains are closer to 29 tons each which is over 3 tons per car, BUT Dragster's trains are MUCH MUCH MUCH lighter, on the order of about 10 tons for the entire train.

you guys are stupid. 29 tons per car? Thats heavier than the freaking thing that halls it! 29 x 8 = 232 tons per train. That's 232,000 pounds per train!!!!! MF would crall! And if you ment 29 tons for the train, that's sounds a little far fetched as well. Moral of the story, get your facts strait!

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A "ton" is metric. It is 1000kg or about 2204lbs.


The US has "long" and "short" tons.

A "long ton" = 1.12 short tons = 2240lbs = 1.016 (metric) tons.

A "short ton" = 2000lbs = 0.907 (metric) tons.


The short ton is the more used one of the two, but of course the metric ton is the most common.


Go with the times and get rid of that ridiculos english system! It's really annoying!

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MF's trains are closer to 29 tons each which is over 3 tons per car, BUT Dragster's trains are MUCH MUCH MUCH lighter, on the order of about 10 tons for the entire train.

you guys are stupid. 29 tons per car? Thats heavier than the freaking thing that halls it! 29 x 8 = 232 tons per train. That's 232,000 pounds per train!!!!! MF would crall! And if you ment 29 tons for the train, that's sounds a little far fetched as well. Moral of the story, get your facts strait!



Read what he wrote again...



And if he had made the mistake of saying cars, it doesn't give you the right to call him stupid...

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I went into this long speach of how 29 tons is farfetched as well, even if I did say a ton is 1000 pounds, when in facts its over 2000 pounds which makes it even a more farfetched number. Even if it also is 9 trains. My point is still the same. Saying how most cars way several tons, I can't imagine a train that is built to be lighter weight waying 29 tons~

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Ok, I didn't mean to start a flame war.


One ton=2000LBS


Is everyone clear on that?



Now that you guys mention all that, I don't think they overdid the supports. With the heavier trains and the chance of earthquakes, I'm sure that they would want more supports.

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^exactly. SFMM has the same problems (earthquake safety), and look at how many supports X has. I think that they are using the right amount of supports. I wonder if they will have the weird supports that they have on X before the turn, where they are horizontal, and elongated.



Look at the supports right after the turn, to see what I mean:


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I talked about this to Alan Schilke a few years back at IAAPA. I believe my comment was "shouldn't you make the regular one work first".


Anyways, we know the park has relationship with S&S Arrow, I wouldn't call it impossible...we know that S&S wants to do it!

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I'm going to say NOT A CLONE.


Check out the new cage of supports that has sprung up this week.

Also, the station foundation is done, and the construction has started up there. (No track over there yet, but it definitely looks big enough for a dual loading station!)

More track is on site, with six unconnected segments around the work site and many sections of supports laying around as well.


Sorry I didn't get around to the back of the site this time, but Fujiyama didn't open until late, so Don and Monica 'needed' to get the credit and it was very shortly after that the sun went down.


Here's the pics...


Dirt, track sections unlifted supports and the shoot the chute supports...


Monica wanted to ensure that people know that she and Don are OK.


From the ferris wheel, the new support structure looks fully erect. A steel crossbar was lifted while we waited for Dodonpa. These guys even work on Saturday!


From a distance, the new support and another track attached...


Footer layout, station foundation and a sideboob of the new support structure...


And Don was OK until Monica shoved him into the shoot the chutes pond and he hit his head on the icebergs floating there. OK, so he only hit his head, but he MIGHT have caught hypothermia from riding Fujiyama while drenched, though! Don: let me know if yo

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I don't remember if I mentioned this here, but I think that this one could have a launch. Discuss your opinions on this.


Isnt there already alot of stress on the trains as it is? If so, a launch would probably cause tons of money in upkeep on the trains, not to mention potentially tear them apart.


My opinion is they are probably more concerned with getting it to work correctly than they are adding a completely new feature. Plus, going up backwards on the lift into a near-vertical drop seems like it would be more thrilling and suprising than a launch for this type of ride anyways.


Like elissa said, make sure it works first !

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Maybe those are the supports for the lift's top which will be inverted going down a half-loop from the top


am thinking the same...



btw, rollermonkey, you said that the site of the guessed station is big enough for a dual load, that gotta be huge, two trains and the station ramps...phew

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^ There doesn't HAVE to be station ramps, but in the pics (taken from a @40 meter ferris wheel 500+ yards from the new station, it LOOKS extremely wide. I wouldn't bet you either single or double loading, but I am guessing from the proportions. I hope to get back in about another month or so and update the construction. Maybe it will be obvious one way or another by then?

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