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Fuji-Q Highlands Discussion Thread

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Hmm well I guess this would be as great a time as any to step in say hello and add my two cents.


Now I don't want to say that this is what happening but just kind of an afterthought from the 4 original teaser posters of the new 4D coaster, perhaps S&S are using a vertical left to conserve space and in a move similar to Abismo http://www.rcdb.com/ig3185.htm go straight into inversions (not barrel rolls or anything along those lines)but rather flip the riders seats upside down and have them ride it out until they are right side up at the bottom of the hill. Its not like vertical lifts are really anything brand spanking new to the coaster world, just look at Deja Vu and the aforementioned Abismo.


As for the weight problem/issue mentioned before, I doubt any of us are actual physicists here and we all have our theories about what a launched ride could do to a train with that wing span, but then again why not use a gradually launched lifthill, somewhat similar to Incredible Hulk (hah not really gradual but I think you folks get the drift). The immense strain of a 1-60 mph launch in a couple of seconds on a train that wide is a smaller risk when you increase the speed of a coaster from 1-60 over a longer span of time. But I must go with the nay-sayers, I highly doubt its a launched coaster, but wouldn't it be something if it was?

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X's issues weren't either or .. it was a problem with both Arrow and Six Flags Inc.


Six Flags rushed the coaster and Arrow agreed, hence the so-called failure. I don't blame either or more or less ... they should of developed this more over time to look at the kinks and what not. S&S has had enough time and experience with X to know where the problems lie for the new one.

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Ok i think that this will not be launched!It will have a lift hill but different from X.


When loading X the track is underneath the car but i think that the track will already be inverted in the station.I have edited a pic and reloaded it to help my theory.


The reason i think this is i believe the footers makered in yellow will be the lift hill with the pink being the station.there is very little space to climb so i'd say the station will be raised.


This will facilitated not having to flip the cars at the top of the hill so they can just drop straight off the hill!


Also if you look at the green circle at the top you can see where the track joins the support and there is no room to flip the car so this also supports (no pun intended) my theory.


CAn't wait to see what you guys think and you never know maybe loadind on an inverted station could be quicker than the track below the car.Could be a quirk S&S have worked out!


Oh and they could use the loading stations for Flying, Inverted or Floorless coasters for my inverted theory.


Enjoy, love to see what you think!


P.s. i blame Six flags for X not being as big as it could have been!


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^Sorry, I think you've circled the wrong lines of footers. The station should be the large bluish rectangle to the left of your pink circle. Those footers in the pink circle will be a major element, they are SUPERSIZED footers! The lift hill should be the line of footers connecting the bluish rectangle to the structure that has been erected.


Just my opinion, I could be wrong too!

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^ Have you noticed the HUGE concrete slab in the floor? That is the station.


Launching would be impossible on a 4D train. S&S may have stripped it down and made it slightly lighter but it would be such a power drain to launch a 20 tonne train up to the top of that raven turn.


An inverted lift might work.. But the footers leading into the station are directly into the path of the middle of it. That isn't what inverted footers look like. The ones around the station might be for stairs...


But the supersized footers at the beginning of the lift don't look like Inverted supports really.

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Indeed, perhaps the lift is angled and the tower that has been erected is not the top of the lift hill.


My guess is that the train makes 180 out of the station, track normal, then goes up a lift, predrops, makes a half roll with a 45* turn, and then makes the raven turn, the footers marked pink will probably be a zeroG or another raventurn/tower

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there are rumour that the train will have one seat on each side, but no one has seen the trains yet...


btw, i hope that the train will launch up the raven turn from the pink circle, would be awesome, or they perhaps have to install the chain on the raventurn, and it being the lift hill, right now, i'm open for everything

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One seat on each side would be terrible for capacity. 14 people per train if they keep the 7 car length... I very much doubt that. Fuji-Q already has huge queues for rides like Dodonpa. Imagine this at 800pph? (Half of X's)


As for closeness of supports:




Look how close some of the supports come on X. They can't really be made any larger. The supports would have to be huge seeing as they have to be a good... 7/8ft away from the ride atleast..? When it's inverted of course.


Having lift hill footers that big would be appauling. Plus to hold the huge stairs they would need supports going over on both sides.

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from this moment, we should just see what'll become of it, there are so many possibiliites, we'll just have to wait....to bad


Possibilities. There's loads. For example this ride could possibly have 20 people on either side and when the train gets near a support all the cars squash in close together to stop limbs flying everywhere.


There's also reality which is looking at things sensibly. Having a 27 tonne train suspended from a track being pulled up by a chain? That's alot more stress than if the track was not inverted.


There haven't been any mahor problems with X's lift (as far as I know) so why would they bother changing something which really doesn't need affecting.


Taking a rather lame example but the Vekoma "Flying Dutchman" ride's don't go up the lift hills inverted, they could I suspect but they don't.


(Some website said it was 27 tonnes so i'm takin that figure)

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Look how close some of the supports come on X. They can't really be made any larger. The supports would have to be huge seeing as they have to be a good... 7/8ft away from the ride atleast..? When it's inverted of course.


Thanks for pointing that out, I guess they could fit a standard 4d train in there. The perspective is very tricky on the eyes.

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I really suspect that so far we have it completely wrong with inverted lifts or launches. I do not think the structure that is in place is the first element or the top of the lift. I believe that this will have a vertical drop at the top of the lift. I can see two ways for it to go from there, and neither make sense from the footers as I follow them, as neither seems to proceed to the raven turn we can see very quickly unless this monster turns out to be a LOT bigger than it looks so far.


All I know for certain is that there IS a raven turn, and that I will be getting out there as often as I can afford to so that we can all follow the construction of this ride.


I also want the announcement that it exists to be made! Outside of the in park signs, it is still all a big secret, and those are all teasers! (New signs posted at RCDB shot by yours truly.)

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Look how close some of the supports come on X. They can't really be made any larger. The supports would have to be huge seeing as they have to be a good... 7/8ft away from the ride atleast..? When it's inverted of course.


Thanks for pointing that out, I guess they could fit a standard 4d train in there. The perspective is very tricky on the eyes.


Yeah perspective always throws me normally! I think it helps if you can find something that you know the size of. Take the Cranes at the bottom of the picture.



Looking at the footers:




At the bottom of the drop is 2 /\ shaped footers.


I think they're the same as the things highlighted in purple.



Also it looks to me that the rest of the lift footers have not been poured yet. You can see after the first 3 "mega footers" there are two empty circles. Looks a bit like wire mesh to me?


In this picture after looking at it:



I believe that at the top after the train exits the raven turn it will go through the big support, and then heads right using the new support ^^


I apologise if you want all photos uploaded Robb but it's so much easier for me to be able to put them where I want in my post

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There's also reality which is looking at things sensibly. Having a 27 tonne train suspended from a track being pulled up by a chain? That's alot more stress than if the track was not inverted.


I don't think this is true. The track experiences the same amount of force whether it is inverted or ontop of the track since gravity will always be pulling the train downwards. Also, due to the track configuration,the normal force will be the same in both scenarios.


So Force = Mass X Acceleration. In both scenarios, the force the track needs to exert to remain in its original position is the mass of the train X 9.8 (acceleration due to graavity). F = M(9.8 ) in both scenarios, meaning there is no difference.


Mark "I could be wrong since I'm still learning free body diagrams" Luskus

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Keep in mind the station would be at least 20 feet high so the lift would start around that height. I think there is a right hand 180 degree turn out of the station to the lift, then the almost vertical drop into that first raven turn that is already up.



Also keep in mind that S&S/Arrow markets this ride as being able to be all on one plane (like a frequent faller). They can easily cram a WHOLE LOT of track into a small area.

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Those smaller supports look like they might hold the cars in an up-right position rather then the inverted position that the trains are in at the top of raven turn. Is it possible it could do a half-half on an incline before entering(or after exiting depending on which way the train travels) the top of the raven turn, similar to an Immelmann as seen on Manhattan Express? If so, how disorienting (and fun) would that be?

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There's also reality which is looking at things sensibly. Having a 27 tonne train suspended from a track being pulled up by a chain? That's alot more stress than if the track was not inverted.


I don't think this is true. The track experiences the same amount of force whether it is inverted or ontop of the track since gravity will always be pulling the train downwards. Also, due to the track configuration,the normal force will be the same in both scenarios.


So Force = Mass X Acceleration. In both scenarios, the force the track needs to exert to remain in its original position is the mass of the train X 9.8 (acceleration due to graavity). F = M(9.8 ) in both scenarios, meaning there is no difference.


Mark "I could be wrong since I'm still learning free body diagrams" Luskus


Yeah.. Your right, I do mechanics and doing a free-body for this proved me wrong... Dunno why I thought that..


After discussing this with someone else, the two supports underneath the circle in the first picture I posted might hook up onto to the new A-Frame supports in the second picture.


Another photo edit, in the red box you can see the top of the A-Frame support,



And at the bottom i've marked the line between the two bottom footers. It's not angled the same as the box structure and I don't think lift supports would go across at an angle.


I reckon Fuji-Q have gone for a more relaxed exit out of the raven turn and that it will swoop right.

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Howdy...new here...I am totally looking forward to this ride and thought I would post a few thoughts.


I'm just going to attach a sketch that i did with the pics posted and let that sort of explain my idea about what is going to happen. I dont think that any of the lift-hill has been constructed yet, and what has been constructed is a modified raven with a new trick at the top and exit. I'm guessing it will exit this element much like an immelman, in that the track will flip over and join with the two A-supports on the way down...


As far as the lift hill...I'm guessing a vertical drop pulling out at the bottom of the raven turn element...


Its a little dark, but hopefully gets the point across.

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