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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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I'm pretty sure someone asked Dave Roemer about Excalibur, and he said it would be operating this year. Maybe it wasn't running opening weekend because of staff shortage.


What about the ad for the Chicago transit train doesn't fit the Chicago section of the park's theming? I like the Rush Street Flyer theming there. I'm wondering if there will be any Illinois or Chicago theme for Boomerang. Probably not.


The area where the empty theater, pad for the former slingshot ride, and hannibarrels ride is needs some love now for sure. If they aren't going to use that theater any longer it would be a good spot for a new flat.

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I think a nice kid's coaster could fit where the old Eagle queue entrance is. Tear down the queue bldg which is no longer used and run it up along the grass behind seating area of the Theater and down toward the restrooms - that general area. It would go along with the other Kid's rides in that area as well.

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The loop was actually put up a few days ago (I said it on the last page), the pictures just went up today. Anyway, the way that the back supports were shortened is interesting, there is a black band not very far up from where they are attached to the footers (you can sort of see it in the last photo taken from the Eagles' lift hill). It looks like that the supports were painted completely in Texas (full size) and then they were cut here in St. Louis and then welded back together (which is what the black band around the supports is), I find it a bit odd that that they cut the bottom of the supports out and not the top part of the supports. The whole way the ride was put into the park is a bit weird, from the two different levels that the ride was built on, to the massive cobra roll footers that make the ride look a lot taller than it really is, it still wasn't the greatest thing that the park could have got, but it is a unique Boomerang now.

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this coaster looks much better as Boomerang than Flashback. Yea, orange and green is kinda of a wacky color scheme but it really brings life to this coaster, it looks like they Six Flags did the best they could into making Boomerang appealing except for a new train.

Maybe they will do get new trains for it later on as New England did for Goliath.

Im probably gonna get slammed for saying this but they could get B&M to make a train for it since they did Steel Dragon 2000 I'm sure a lot of you guys think it would be absurd for a B&M train to be placed on a Boomerang. Just a thought

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^^Or who will count it as an additional credit when they turn the train around next year for Boomerang-Reverse Blast.

It's funny, because it's true!


Still don't know if it's better than nothing though.

+1. Raise your hand if you were more excited for Tony Hawk's Big Spin...

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+1. Raise your hand if you were more excited for Tony Hawk's Big Spin...

*raises hand*

Tony Hawk (or Pandemonium) was better themed (until they dropped Tony's name), it was more family-friend, was something totally original/new to our park(Boomerang is simply a mix of Mr. Freeze and Ninja), looks cooler visually, and is much more smooth. Really no question on this one.

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So, now the most important question for those that have ridden Flashback when it was at SFOT... Who is going to count this as a new credit?



I figure if I'm going to ride a Boomerang in two locations, I deserve an additional credit for having to ride it twice. (I developed this philosophy after riding Iron Wolf and then having to return to it as Apocalypse.)

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Six Flags St. Louis will not be running the Charter wrapped train that Flashback was running whenever the ride closed in Texas, but will be using the black/red stripped train that also came with the ride (which had the Flashback logo on the nose). I don't know if this is the original train that the ride had whenever it opened or not (the ride was originally painted red and black track when it opened in 1989), the trains colors would have matched the ride, what color is the train that has the wrap on it? I don't think that there is any difference between the two trains at all, so why would they go back to the original train (if that is what it is), instead of the one that SFOT was running (that might be newer), wouldn't it have just been easier to buy a new one.

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Went out to the park today and it was not busy until later in the afternoon. Went on most of the rides as some were closed and didn't open up at all( Superman, Xcalibur, which is not a surprise). I did notice for all who went through the Blind Fury maze at Fright Fest, they still have the painted ground in the arbor tunnel for the white-out room. Went on these major rides:


Mr. Freeze- closed until about 11-11:30 and only ran one side with waits out the building. The AC was working as we'll which is a good sign for summer.


The Boss- there was significant re-tracking on the first drop and return run past the station, but it seemed as rough as ever in other places.


Batman- No waits outside of the air gates, and crews were very fast.


Ninja- they were running both trains, and there was hardly anyone even around the ride. After today I prefer the back of the train, which seemed smoother and filled with more airtime/hangtime.


Screamin Eagle- I've noticed that the turns have stopped squealing as bad, was there any re-tracking done? Or was it just something like weather conditions?


Mine Train- It had a 10-15 minute wait, and it was stacking with only 2 trains running.


I did find the paintball ticket center next to the Axis Arcade, but no one was in sight near the counter. Apparently there are 2 fields out in the open grass area, and 2 more in the nearby woods. We ate at the new Macho Nacho's and it seems as if the park is taking a healthier approach by not offering beef, and only having steamed rice. That's definitely a good thing to find other choices than just the normal amusement park fried snacks. The Boomerang is really MASSIVE being placed on those large footers, and the station appears to be almost done. I though it was interesting that the park kept half of the bumper cars building, maybe for uses as a covered queue? Overall it was a great day to go with lighter than normal crowds and full sunshine.

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