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News: Say goodbye to Mr. Six!

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^ A lady I work with found that commercial's soundtrack on the Internet somewhere. I just heard it for the first time in over 30 years a couple of weeks ago. I'd forgotten that Mel Blanc did the voices.


So, no more Mr. Six, huh? Well, it's time for a new campaign. It's better they dump him now before he gets, well, old...



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They might not change the name of the ride quite yet. I mean think about all of the looney toons stuff at the parks, but when was the last time you saw the Looney Toons in a Six Flags Commercial?

But they won't have Mr. Six jumping around the park, but you see looney toons jumping around the park. They jump at you, from you, in you, out of you. I mean its just crazy the ammount of jumping they do, and how they do it.


haha.... the only sf park i've ever been to is sfdl and i have NEVER seen a loony toons character ANYWHERE in the park... maybe thats cause sfdl sux lol

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I'm sad to see Mr. six go he was a catchy add that worked. People may not of gone to the parks due to the bad crowds but at least Mr. six and the Venga Boys music stood out in peoples minds. That's a great marketing strategy. Snyder's clean safe fun motto is what every park should be like. I just hope he is able to clean up the bad crowds that go to some of these parks America and GADV and I guess SFMM. I have never seen it bad but only been there in the winter months when the crowds are not at their peak. If he is able to help eliminate the ghetto trash people then his motto will be great. These guests ruin it and make the parks not clean safe and fun. I have seen so many fights and foul language even the kids with some of these families are following in their foot steps. I have even seen a girl get beat up by her boyfriend in the middle of the park no lie. I really think that's why people don't go to the parks as much. You don't see that happening at Disney or Cedar Point. It's scary their are people like this I would not bring my little cousin to the park in the summer only spring when the crowds are at there lowest and calm. These are places for us to forget all the bad in the world and just relax and have fun. I wish the new CEO and team the best of luck with the crowds that come to some of these parks its definitely a different ball game.

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^He's got a good point.


It is sort of sad to see him go so fast though. I mean, even if it got annoying at times, it worked and it worked well. Like Mind Eraser said though, it's probably better that he goes now before people get sick of it. It just seems like it was a good idea and it could have lasted a little bit longer.

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Keep in mind that Mr. Six ads would usually just be one national ad (shot at SFMM every single time) with a voiceover and B-roll footage of the local park thrown in towards the end. That might sell the Six Flags brand, but in markets where there is even the slightest bit of competition...just being Six Flags doesn't cut it! You have to actually tell the consumers what you have that your competition doesn't!


"Take this bus to Six flags...to go...uhm....*insert B-roll footage and voice over for last 5-10 seconds of spot*"

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So wait, now that Mr. Six is leaving does that mean that they will finally release Mr. Six's true identity? It will finally put the,"Is he really an old man or a young guy in an old man suit" debate to rest.


He's Irving "Swifty" Lazar come back to life!


Here's late Superagent Swifty Lazar with Dianna Ross. Photo from


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I think I found the real Mr. Six!!! According to this blog entry I had found. I do believe he is found!!!!!!!!!!




This is another blog with his pic at top right



Here is a pic of him!! He is on the left!! I have looked at some Mr. Six pictures and then looked at this guy! There facial features look alot alike, specially the eyes!! You decide!!!!


Photo from


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I'm Glad That Six Flags Will Be Moving Onto a New Advertisings Theme.


Mr. Six Has Served His Time, But It's Time For Something New.


Adios Creepy Old Guy! Bring On Something New and Original!


This New Management will Change Six Flags For the Better!

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Good,Clean,Fun is better then Gang infested,Dirty,Park.



I liked Mr. Six also but, he had to go sometime. It's advertising boys and girls, you stay the course to long and people loose interest.


Besides just like all the other stories coming out about what's going to happen next, there all just maybes.


Nothing has happened yet. I know it sounds like I'm cheering for Snyder and in a way I am (Redskins Fan). I just think IMHO that is, that there are to many people bashing a man they no NOTHING about and that's just kind of short sighted and again IMHO Stupid.


On a lighter note, I thought of some new ride names for a few parks.

SFOT-Curse of the Cowboys or Cowboys Suck

SFGA-Revenge of the Giants or Giants Suck

SFA-Hail to the Redskins, of course.

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Well, I'm indifferent to this news myself, but all you Six fans take heart. Remember when Jack-in-the-Box blew up the Clown? He came back with a vengeance. Nobody screws with the Clown now! Heck, even the Burger King is back (as one freaky-looking rubberhead).


Now, if they would only bring back the Frito Bandito . . .


"I want Fritos Corn Chips,

"I love them, I do!

"I want Fritos Corn Chips,

"I'll get them from you!"


Chuck "Warped by 1960s TV" Campbell


I believe the commercial went like this...


Eye Yi Yi Yi.

I am the frito bandito.

I love frito corn chips. You know that I do.

So I run around and I steal them from you

Eye Yi Yi Yi

I am the frito bandito.


Guy "or something like that." Koepp

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It is sad since Mr Six will be gone, and he seemed popular. Sure he was scary for little kids, but what crazy old guy isn't. I don't know when he will be gone, byt I would guess 2007. All they have to do is play a song that gets stuck in your head, and the GP won't notice.

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