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Which 2006 Coaster Are You Most Excited For?  

  1. 1. Which 2006 Coaster Are You Most Excited For?

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Overall, I gotta "The Voyage" just looks so absolutely unbelievably incredible - if I had the choice, I'd pick to ride that one based solely on looks and description.


After that, "El Toro", since everybody comments how godly Intamin's plug-n-plays are, as well as the fact that it's at my home-park (and likely the only one I'll get to ride), and the two "Goliaths" in Georgia and Canada, since B&M hypers are my favorite steelies. I also think "Tatsu" looks awesome; THAT is what B&M's flyers should have been like all along, namely HIGH off the ground with lots of actual "flying" segments (long straight-aways high off the ground).


"Speed Monster" looks great (I really think Intamin needs to stick with inversion-heavy layouts for their rocket-coasters), and I'm dying to try an X-Car coaster. Damn, 2006 just seems like it's gonna be an incredible year for the industry.

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  GAcoaster said:
Including a Vekoma built coaster. EE would be my choice if I knew the ride itself would be good (I know the themeing is excellent), but since so much of it will depend on a Vekoma produced design, and an unproven one at that, I'd have to actually ride it to know it's not just a crappy Vekoma in a pretty mountain.


Well, maybe....

But I think there's enough evidence to suggest that the ride will be good.


-The trains don't have OTSR, so there wont be headbanging.

-The whole track and wheel system has been refined for this installation, with Vekoma promising a more precise and comfortable ride than their previous rides.

-Disney surely wouldn't let this go wrong. There's no easy track replacement option on this attraction!


So, I'm going to assume it'll be good.

Of course, I could be proved very, very wrong. We'll have to wait and see



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Patriot looks great IMO, just not as great as many of the others (I'm not the one who voted Patriot)

I would put them like this:


1. SpeedMonster/Tatsu

2. El Toro/Voyage

3. Black Mamba

4. La Ronde's Goliath

5. Project Stealth

6. SFOGs Goliath

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  Hercules said:
  robbalvey said:
LMAO No one cares about Patriot!!!


--Robb "Who needs a Talon clone anyway?" Alvey


Well, it's not really a clone, but it's close enough

Yeah, it's really close. When I got the press kit in was the first time I saw the layout and I compared it to Talon. There are few slight differences, but wow! It's really close!



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I voted for Voyage. Mostly because Hades was by far the most amazing wooden coaster I have ever been on, and it looks like the Voyage might be better! Gravity group really did a good job of taking wooden coasters and putting in some awsome elements like the outside turns and 90* banked turn.


Second in line would have to be Tatsu, because after riding two SUF's (SFOG, SFGAm) I really like how a flying coaster feels, and it'll be nice to have a little more time on your back then just at the bottom of a pretzel loop.


My 3rd would have to be El Toro. Having only been on two (I count it as two) Intamin woodies, AER and AEB, I'm not sure what the new age Intamin wooden coasters are like. I know from what I've seen and heard that they are AMAZING, but I have yet to see for myself, although the layout looks airtime packed and fast paced.


What's really nice, is I'm pretty sure I'm going to be at all of those parks over the summer, and even SFMM this December (it is open, right?). So I've got a good season ahead of me.


Colin C

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  colincoon said:
I voted for Voyage. Mostly because Hades was by far the most amazing wooden coaster I have ever been on, and it looks like the Voyage might be better! Gravity group really did a good job of taking wooden coasters and putting in some awsome elements like the outside turns and 90* banked turn. Colin C


I will be tickled pink if the Voyage has some crazy element that they haven't told us about, similar to the outside banked turn on Hades. I absolutely loved the outside banked turn. Definately the "WTF" moment of the year.

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  • 5 weeks later...

The 3 new rides that i'm pretty sure i'll be riding next year are the 3 i'm getting most excited about.


Firstly Speed Monster. A special trip to Norway just has to be made now. If it rides as good as it looks, it'll be bloody awesome! Secondly Black Mamba, might as well go back to Germany for a ride. Its looking worth it, and knowing how much effort Phantasialand put into their rides, this'll be awesome. Then, of course, Stealth. Its in my home country, and its new for us, so how could I not be excited?

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For me it's definetely Black Mamba. It just looks like the best themed thrill ride for the next year and of course because it is only 50minutes away from me. An other reason is that I never rode any B&M's and it just looks amazing. All those tight curves, tunnels, canyons and feet choppers


Really easy choice for me...^^

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