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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Dark Universe revealed!

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^^^ I thought you had pretty much moved on from Dragons?


See, the problem with the rumor about a Forbidden Forest ride is it would be redundant--in addition to the name "Forbidden," FJ ALREADY GOES INTO the Forbidden Forest!


I do agree about the Dragons lockers though. I had a nightmare experience with those last year (couldn't remember which locker was mine, was insanely crowded). Hulk's lockers work very well IMO.

Edited by AUWent
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I thought you had pretty much moved on from Dragons?

I'm not sure what you mean by this. I haven't been on the ride in probably 2-3 years as a rule of thumb I have generally refused to ride any coaster that have the lockers/metal detectors and tonight I was reminded again why I don't like putting up with the annoyance. That being said, it still ran amazing. Maybe I had just forgotten how good the ride is.

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^Gotcha. Last time I was at Busch I remember the option of fluffy, fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo but I was wearing cargo shorts so my phone was fine.

You have to put everything in a locker at Universal for their coasters.

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You have to put everything in a fluffy, fluffy bunny filled with medicine and goo at Universal for their coasters.

Not all coasters. You do not have to use fluffy, fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo for Mummy.

Sorry...Correct forgot about Mummy, just the B&Ms and RRR.

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^Gotcha. Last time I was at Busch I remember the option of fluffy, fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo but I was wearing cargo shorts so my phone was fine.

You have to put everything in a fluffy, fluffy bunny filled with medicine and goo at Universal for their coasters.


Yeah I know that, that was why I brought up Busch making them optional.


BTW, what is the origin of calling l-----s "fluffy, fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo?" I feel like I'm missing out there...

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BTW, what is the origin of calling l-----s "fluffy, fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo?" I feel like I'm missing out there...

You are. But it's ok. We will forgive you!


Edited by robbalvey
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Universal just dropped the bomb on their official blog.


New Generation of Thrill Ride Coming to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Hogsmeade


I’m super excited to tell you that a new generation of thrill ride is coming to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Hogsmeade at Universal’s Islands of Adventure in 2019! I can’t tell you everything about the new ride just yet, but here’s what I can share:


This all-new thrill ride will take you deeper into J.K. Rowling’s Wizarding World, where you will encounter some of your favorite characters and creatures. It’ll be unlike anything we’ve ever done before and it will be fun for the entire family.


The new attraction will be one of the most highly-themed coaster experiences we’ve created. It will combine a new level of storytelling with an action-packed adventure…and a few surprises along the way.


Our award-winning Universal Creative team is once again collaborating with Warner Bros. and the production design team from the Harry Potter films to bring this new coaster experience to life.


This ride is going to redefine the category and transport you to thrilling places, drawing you into even more exciting adventures within the wizarding world. It’s going to be the perfect addition to Hogsmeade.


We’re permanently closing Dragon Challenge on September 5 to make way for this all-new ride. The last day of operation will be Monday, September 4.


Stay tuned to the blog or sign up for email updates – more details will be released in the future.


In the meantime, make sure you come out and take your last ride on Dragon Challenge before it closes.



Edited by coasterbill
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Worst longtime rumor to actually come through.


I agree, these are still great rides! I hope they get relocated but Im guessing they won't be. Talk about pandering to one group of patrons. I understand HP is their cash cow but now Universal is just selling their souls.

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Even as Harry Potter fan growing up and a coaster fan, this announcement kinda makes me hate the series. I'm hoping the coasters get relocated to a place where they can finally duel again. I have a bad feeling they will be scrapped though.

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I am glad that I was able to experience these phenomenal coasters in their former glory, while they were still dueling. Actually I got to ride these powerful machines 2 weeks ago during my last Florida Trip. As much as I love Harry Potter, I am not amused to receive a likely tamer family coaster as a replacement. I hope that Universal stops using screens for their forthcoming rides in general as I am bored by these kind of attractions. I did find Kong, Transformers, Minions and Fellon really annoying........I think Disney does a much better job balancing out their attraction types, they have a nice mix of screen based and real set rides. I used to love Universal 10 years ago, but lately my mind has shifted to Disney.......Orlando is loosing a highly rated coaster........Really bad move Universal!

Edited by appel
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Like, I'm not one to get all stupid and sentimental over a large block of steel with cars that whiz around it. But I really can't stand Harry Potter and Dragons wasn't just still a good ride, it's still a GREAT ride.


It's not like Texas Giant or Mean Streak where those rides NEEDED replacing, I just rode it two nights ago and even with it not dueling that ride is still one of the top inverted coasters in the world!


But I get it. They have proven lately that they really can only sell their park based on Harry Potter and they need a new ride and removing Dragons gives them a lot of room.


It's just a shame they can't figure out how to get people to ride their really kick-ass coaster that was one of the world's most unique attractions when it opened and it still impresses 18 years later.


When was the last time we saw a ride of that great caliber removed?

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Well this is some sad news, although I can't say I'm surprised. I'm almost certain that they will get relocated. Maybe they will go together and duel again, or maybe they'll separate and go to two different parks, but I just can't see two awesome Inverts like this get scrapped. If so, it would be the first B&M coaster to disappear off the face of the earth.

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Unfortunately for us as enthusiasts, Harry Potter is one of the biggest draws currently at Universal. It's no secret that J.K Rowling always wanted these rides gone, I suspect it has always been a "when" not an "if". Now that the HP universe is expanding with new books and movies, the theme park department need to keep her sweet to be able to get her approval on these new elements in the park. It's a sad day, but not exactly unexpected ...

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Such a shame and a waste. I highly doubt these are going to be relocated, they scrapped a brand new pro slide racer that could have easily been moved and the old hulk coaster. I doubt Universal is going to want to make another park better by giving them coasters.

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