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Universal Orlando Resort (USO, IOA) Discussion Thread

P. 624: Super Nintendo World unveiled!

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I can't see this happening in the same parks that are already being taken over by HP. Just to much much wizardry and magic. This would need a pretty sizable footprint if brought to fruition. Now if they wanted to do Battlestar Galactica, I would be totally down. That is one franchise that needs some love from the US parks.

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That's what I'm scared of! Although, a lot of those American Idol rejects would be perfect for the part.


One of the numbers would be "Gollum Goes Gangnam Style" when he bites off Frodo's finger in the big climatic scene.

Edited by cfc
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^ Good point


Though if they can set up an effect in which when it goes dark, Sauron's "eye" appears at the top of the tower and moves. That would look visually impressive from a distance and the tower itself (day or night) would lure people to that area of the park. In theory.

I agree with the eye effect if it would work out it would be a great thing. But with the shape of the tower it's not a perfect drop tower, building it in the inside also argues with a lot of fans as the towers was only seen from the outside. Isengard's tower is more likely then but is less known.

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Is there any chance that LOTR could possibly take over the Lost Continent? I was always huge fan of the Poseidon's Fury show at IOA and could see transforming that attraction into a LOTR themed show working fairly well. While I agree that Universal would have to get creative with installing any sort of ride themed to LOTR some of the environments in the movies and books would make great themed section in parks with opportunities for merchandising and dining (and after Potter we all know how valuable those merchandising locations are). Rivendell, Helms Deep, The Shire, Moria, Bara-Dur, Minas Tirith, and there are a ton of others (I haven't seen the Hobbit yet which I imagine has a ton others).


I could see The Lost Continent being transformed into Rivendell very easily, turn Mythos into an upscale Elven restaurant of some type, make Poseidon's Fury into a Mines of Moria passage attraction. We'll see, there are a lot of possibilities.


(I geeked out a little research names of places for this post, it's been a while since I've watched the movies)

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Is there any chance that LOTR could possibly take over the Lost Continent? I was always huge fan of the Poseidon's Fury show at IOA and could see transforming that attraction into a LOTR themed show working fairly well. While I agree that Universal would have to get creative with installing any sort of ride themed to LOTR some of the environments in the movies and books would make great themed section in parks with opportunities for merchandising and dining (and after Potter we all know how valuable those merchandising locations are). Rivendell, Helms Deep, The Shire, Moria, Bara-Dur, Minas Tirith, and there are a ton of others (I haven't seen the Hobbit yet which I imagine has a ton others).


I could see The Lost Continent being transformed into Rivendell very easily, turn Mythos into an upscale Elven restaurant of some type, make Poseidon's Fury into a Mines of Moria passage attraction. We'll see, there are a lot of possibilities.


(I geeked out a little research names of places for this post, it's been a while since I've watched the movies)


I honestly think we have a better chance of Toon Lagoon going for this than the Lost Continent. There's already Harry Potter next to the Lost Continent, and if you put Middle Earth and Harry Potter next to each other, the amount of congestion in that area will increase greatly.


The Lost Continent will one day go, but not for this.

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During the Halloween Haunt, a Gollum themed maze would fit right in.


They could call it "Riddles in the Park."



Anyway it just occurred to me, wasn't there a concept map of a Lord of the Rings theme Park floating around a few years ago? I want to say that it was created by an Imagineer in their spare time. My google skills are weak today and I can't find it.

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I like the whole idea of a Toon Lagoon makeover to another theme. Many of the characters do not resonate with a younger audience. Again, I'm not a reader/viewer of the Tolkien franchise but a few people have mentioned travel by water in the Tolkien series and Toon Lagoon has two existing water rides.

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Toon Lagoon isn't an area that guests go to the park with the intention to visit. I mean, IOA has Jurassic Park, Marvel Island, Seuss and Potter - interesting areas that catch the attention of the public. Most of people remember of Jurassic Park with awesome gates and research centers, loves superheroes, liked Dr. Seuss stories when was a child or it's a big fan of Harry Potter. Popeye and his "friends" are weak characters. People goes to Ripsaw and Bluto's because they are fun (and awesome!) attractions besides they want to cool themselves in a warm day.


I feel kind of sad if Middle-Earth take the place of Toon Lagoon, not because the characters but because the rides. I don't want them to be demolished, but I don't think that Universal will only re-themed them. Possibly, they want to give something new for guests.

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I don't see this happening, especially in Florida, as there would be too much guest confusion between a LOTR land and Pottertown. Yes, I know, they're two different IPs, but to the average guest that's not a huge fan of either one, they are far too similar.


A new park somewhere? I suppose it's possible, but I don't see it happening any time soon.



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There are so many realms and possibilities that I don't see it working too well as anything but it's own ACTUAL park, rather than one land in an existing park like Potter in IOA.


At least that way the guests themselves could be walking between the various realms such as the Shire, Rohan, Gondor, Mordor, Moria, Lonely Mountain, etc and the rides/attractions/shows/restaurants/gift shops could all be easily familiar places in those realms.


Could it work? Sure, at an estimated initial cost of about $26 Trillion...

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I would enjoy this, they could build saurons eye using todays technology for the eye to glow and move like it does in the movie, it could even shine on guests and say "i see you" in saurons voice, the entrance could be a model of whats shown hereand they could build minas tirath or helms deep, and so many different things, they can make a shire play ground and walk through like the mickey mouse neighborhood at the magic kingdom.

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