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Universal Orlando Resort (USO, IOA) Discussion Thread

P. 624: DreamWorks Land passholder preview report!

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^Yeah, I'm actually pretty interested in hearing some reviews. Of all the major projects opening this summer this seems to have slid under the radar the most probably due to the fact that a lot of the technology is very similar to what is used in Hollywood. But from some early twitter reviews I read last night it sounds like the size and immersion of this version make it pretty unique. I love that they are incorporating live actors in to the que line, with all of their years putting on haunt events it makes sense to incorporate a similar level of detail and experience into a park attraction. This thing might actually turn out to be a lot of fun.

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According to my top-secret inside sources (an anonymous post I saw somewhere) the actors in the queue interact with guests but don't jump out and startle them a'la the HHN 'scareactors'.


We'll see; looking forward to seeing what the attraction is like.

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This ride area looks outstanding.


I have a question though... is Kong really a strong IP? It looks incredible but what kind of gate do you expect this to draw? Sorry if I'm a bit out of the loop on the Kong ride. I've been mostly avoiding this thread to prevent spoilers but curiosity got the best of me.

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This ride area looks outstanding.


I have a question though... is Kong really a strong IP? It looks incredible but what kind of gate do you expect this to draw? Sorry if I'm a bit out of the loop on the Kong ride. I've been mostly avoiding this thread to prevent spoilers but curiosity got the best of me.


It's been a relevant IP since the original film over 80 years ago and a new movie coming out next year. Considering that the park already has Potter and Marvel in it (among others) yeah, it isn't as strong as those, but it's probably a stronger long term IP than, say, Avatar.

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Obviously it's not going to be 'Potter-like' busy, but I'd guess it'll be pretty swamped the first few months at least. (Unless the reviews/word-of-mouth is really negative.)


Not only will it be the newest attraction at USF, there's a nostalgia factor with Kong from the iconic first film and awareness of the IP from the sequels, plus the original ride that was at the Studios.


I don't see people flying in from around the world to ride it, but I think it will do as well or better than the Jurassic Park ride next door.

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So, I found this:

I was not expecting so many animatronics/physical sets. I think it is looking amazing!



You weren't supposed to post that here. . . that Elissa chick set you up!! Run!!




Just kidding; that really looks great- thanks for finding the video and posting it!

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I have a question though... is Kong really a strong IP? It looks incredible but what kind of gate do you expect this to draw?


I'm no park executive but I have a feeling that in the Orlando market they base the success of a new attraction and it's financial return on a lot more than a one time increase in attendance. I mean the Potter effect was somewhat unprecedented but it seems like when a new attraction opens the attendance increases that year usually doesn't exceed the average increase by a considerable amount, by some yes but a lot probably not.


Now when Star Wars opens, this theory will probably be ripped up and set on fire with the rest of the Death Star Killer base or whatever it's called.




Oh and Kong looks really cool, I don't even care if the ride is just a bunch of well disguised video screens I still wanna check it out to just see the environment. I went from really don't much care to really pretty interested in this project.

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This ride area looks outstanding.


I have a question though... is Kong really a strong IP? It looks incredible but what kind of gate do you expect this to draw? Sorry if I'm a bit out of the loop on the Kong ride. I've been mostly avoiding this thread to prevent spoilers but curiosity got the best of me.


While it doesn't have the box office success of other Universal franchises represented in the parks, King Kong is something that's ingrained in western culture. You'd be extremely hard pressed to meet someone who doesn't know who or what King Kong is. That's what they're banking on.

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If it's a quality attraction it'll do fine.



Now they just need to rebuild 'Jaws' as an indoor launched woodie with a 99 degree drop that's been plussed with elements from 'Sharknado'.



That would be cool!


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